1 # CLI parameter <gyro_offset_yaw>
4 This parameter allows to manually compensate YAW gyro drift over time.
7 This parameter is intended for LOS flyers who use the HEADFREE feature of betaflight.
8 It reduces the usage of on sight realignment HEADADJ
9 from 3-6 times to 0-1 during a flight.
12 Users with exotic board alignment configurations !!! this feature may not work as intended for your purpose !!!
13 The gyro drift depends on many factors, so the results of manual calibration have a big variance
16 * gyro (mpu6000 ICM260X ...)
25 The basic setup can be done on the bench without LiPo, USB powered
26 power on, do not move the quad for 10 minutes
27 on CW drift 70° --> gyro_offset_yaw = 70
28 on CCW drift 70° --> gyro_offset_yaw = -70
29 This is only a coarse adjustment.
31 Fine tuning requires real flights and some fingertip.
32 Basically you have to measure the drift at the end of the flight,
33 and modify the parameter accordingly.