1 [Jon Rafman](http://jonrafman.com/) is a true artist. Whose artwork consists of snapshots of virtual worlds. He is a man of masterpieces... who uses his art to mock *the absurdity of the modern condition.*
3 His art brings us the true horror of a digital cyberpunk hell that many fellow people experience, but one which hardly anyone understands it's true nightmarish scale. You will feel abject terror in the shocking images of how technology can cause the the mind to go haywire, to gaze transfixed into eternity... The very same way Dante's Inferno and Bosch's Triptych terrorized the medieval man.
5 And that... is what art is all about.
7 >fear the hikkomori, the hoarder, the unkempt and the despairing
8 >for you are only a few steps away from stepping into their position
12 * [Jon Rafman](http://jonrafman.com/)