1 ## TED talks, Conference Panels etc.
3 * [TED - Moot's Panel on Anonymity and 4chan]()
8 James Mickens, a Microsoft Research Engineer, is famous for his hilarious, biting satirical research paper presentations, that liven up every tech conference he's been to.
10 * [Microsoft Technet - James Mickens, the funniest man in Microsoft Research](http://news.microsoft.com/stories/people/james-mickens.html)
11 * [Monitorama 2014 - Hilarious satirical panel on the horrors of the cloud](http://vimeo.com/95066828)
12 * [James Mickens, a Microsoft researcher for distributed computing](http://research.microsoft.com/apps/mobile/showpage.aspx?page=/en-us/people/mickens/), is tired of the insanity of the "cloud computing" community, so should you. He will show you the crazy pseudoscience that the cloud community actually believes, and give you his two cents about it's absurdity; ridiculous idealism, NoSQL anarchists, the Mossad vs. not Mossad threat model (you won't fend off the government when it can turn all it's infrastructure against you), and the real threat to security posed by dumb guys who easily fall for scams if a photo of a hot chick is on it.