1 # Copyright 2015-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
6 # (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 # Test vector register access for s390 platforms.
18 if { ![istarget s390-*-*] && ![istarget s390x-*-* ] } {
19 verbose "Skipping s390 vector register tests."
26 # Create a temporary directory, to take a core dump there later.
27 set coredir [standard_output_file ${testfile}.d]
28 remote_exec build "rm -rf $coredir"
29 remote_exec build "mkdir $coredir"
32 if { [prepare_for_testing "failed to prepare" $testfile $srcfile \
33 [list "additional_flags=-mzarch"]] } {
41 # Run to the first vector instruction and step it. If the inferior
42 # doesn't crash, we have vector support.
44 gdb_breakpoint "check_vx"
45 gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "first vector insn"
47 gdb_test_multiple "x/i \$pc" "get PC at vector insn" {
48 -re "(0x\\S+)\\s+\\S+\\s+vlr\\s+.*$gdb_prompt $" {
49 set before_pc $expect_out(1,string)
53 gdb_test_multiple "stepi" "check for vector support" {
54 -re "Program received signal SIGILL,.*\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
55 unsupported "no vector support."
58 -re "\[0-9\]+.*\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
59 pass "vector support available"
62 fail "no vector support (unknown error)"
67 # Has the PC advanced by the expected amount? The kernel may do
68 # something special for the first vector insn in the process.
71 gdb_test_multiple "x/i \$pc" "get PC after vector insn" {
72 -re "(0x\\S+)\\s+.*$gdb_prompt $" {
73 set after_pc $expect_out(1,string)
77 if [expr $before_pc + 6 != $after_pc] {
78 fail "stepping first vector insn"
81 # Lift the core file limit, if possible, and change into the temporary
84 if { $coredir != "" } {
85 gdb_test {print (int) setrlimit (4, &(unsigned long [2]){~0UL, ~0UL})} \
87 gdb_test "print (int) chdir (\"${coredir}\")" " = 0" "chdir"
90 # Initialize all vector registers with GDB "set" commands, using
91 # distinct values. Handle left and right halves separately, in
92 # pseudo-random order.
99 set a [expr ($a_high << 32) | $a_low]
100 set b [expr ($b_high << 32) | $b_low]
102 for {set j 0} {$j < 32} {incr j 1} {
103 set i [expr 17 * $j % 32]
105 "set \$v$i.v2_int64\[0\] = [expr $a * ($i + 1)]" \
107 set i [expr 19 * (31 - $j) % 32]
109 "set \$v$i.v2_int64\[1\] = [expr $b * (32 - $i)]" \
113 # Verify a vector register's union members.
115 gdb_test "info register v0 v31" \
116 "v4_float .* v2_double .* v16_int8 .* v8_int16 .* v4_int32 .* v2_int64 .* uint128\
117 .*v4_float .* v2_double .* v16_int8 .* v8_int16 .* v4_int32 .* v2_int64 .* uint128 .*"
119 # Let the inferior store all vector registers in a buffer, then dump
120 # the buffer and check it.
122 gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "store vrs"
123 set vregs [capture_command_output "x/64xg &save_area" ""]
126 foreach {- left right} [regexp -all -inline -line {^.*:\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)} $vregs] {
127 if [expr $left != $a * ($i + 1) || $right != $b * (32 - $i)] {
128 fail "verify \$v$i after set"
131 # Check that the FP register was updated accordingly.
132 gdb_test "info register f$i" "raw ${left}.*"
138 fail "dump save area (bad output)"
141 # Let the inferior change all VRs according to a simple algorithm,
142 # then print all VRs and compare their values with our result of the
145 gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "change vrs"
146 set vregs [capture_command_output "info registers vector" ""]
148 # Format a 128-bit value, given individual 4-byte values, as hex.
149 # Suppress leading zeros.
150 proc hex128 {a_high a_low b_high b_low} {
151 set result [format "%x%08x%08x%08x" $a_high $a_low $b_high $b_low]
152 regsub -- "^0*" $result "" result
153 if { $result eq "" } { set result 0 }
158 foreach {- r i val} [regexp -all -inline -line \
159 {^(\D*)(\d+)\s+.*?uint128 = 0x([0-9a-f]+?)} $vregs] {
161 fail "info registers vector: bad line $j"
162 } elseif { $val ne [hex128 \
163 [expr $a_high * ($i + 1) * $a_high ] \
164 [expr $a_low * ($i + 1) * $a_low ] \
165 [expr $b_high * (32 - $i) * $b_high * 32] \
166 [expr $b_low * (32 - $i) * $b_low * 32] ] } {
173 fail "info registers vector"
176 if { $coredir == "" } {
182 gdb_test "signal SIGABRT" "Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, .*"
185 # Find the core file and rename it (avoid accumulating core files).
187 set cores [glob -nocomplain -directory $coredir *core*]
188 if {[llength $cores] != 1} {
189 untested "core file not found"
190 remote_exec build "rm -rf $coredir"
193 set destcore [standard_output_file ${testfile}.core]
194 remote_exec build "mv [file join $coredir [lindex $cores 0]] $destcore"
195 remote_exec build "rm -rf $coredir"
197 # Restart gdb and load the core file. Compare the VRs.
199 clean_restart ${testfile}
201 with_test_prefix "core" {
202 set core_loaded [gdb_core_cmd $destcore "load"]
203 if { $core_loaded != -1 } {
204 set vregs_from_core [capture_command_output "info registers vector" ""]
205 if { $vregs_from_core eq $vregs } {
206 pass "compare vector registers"
208 fail "vector registers mismatch"