create sql module.
[biolisp.git] / lambda-utils / paip.lisp
1 (in-package :lambda-utils)
3 (defun mappend (fn the-list)
4 "Append the results o (map fn the-list)"
5 (append (map fn the-list)))
8 (defun find-all (item sequence &rest keyword-args
9 &key (test #'eql) test-not &allow-other-keys)
10 "Find all those elements of sequence that match item,
11 according to the keywords. Dosen't alter sequence."
12 (if test-not
13 (apply #'remove item sequence
14 :test-not (complement test-not) keyword-args)
15 (apply #'remove item sequence
16 :test (complement test) keyword-args)))