create sql module.
[biolisp.git] / lambda-utils / shell.lisp
1 (in-package :lambda-utils)
3 (defun getenv (var)
4 "Return the value of this environment variable"
5 #+sbcl(sb-posix:getenv var)
6 #-sbcl(error "getenv: Not implemented for this Common Lisp"))
9 (defun find-in-path (prog)
10 "Find prog in system path"
11 (let ((paths (split-sequence #\: (getenv "PATH"))))
12 (dolist (dir paths)
13 (let ((path (make-pathname :directory dir :name prog)))
14 (when (probe-file path)
15 (return-from find-in-path path))))
16 (error "Program ~a not found in path ~a" prog paths))) ; TODO: Use cerror here
20 (defun exec-prog-l (prog args)
21 "Find prog in the path and execute it with args given by a list.
22 Version with args in a list.
23 Example: (exec-prog-l \"echo\" '(\"a\" \"b\")) ==> a b "
24 (run-prog (find-in-path prog) :args args))
26 (defun exec-prog (prog &rest args)
27 "Find prog in the path and execute it with args given by a list
28 Example: (exec-prog \"echo\" \"a\" \"b\") ==> a b "
29 (exec-prog-l prog args))
31 (defun run-prog (prog &key args (wait t) (opts nil))
32 "Common interface to shell. Does not return anything useful."
33 #+sbcl (apply #'sb-ext:run-program prog args :wait wait :output *standard-output* opts)
34 #-(or sbcl)
35 (error 'not-implemented :proc (list 'run-prog prog opts)))
37 (defun pipe-output (prog &rest args)
38 "Return an output stream which will go to the command."
39 #+allegro (excl:run-shell-command (format nil "~a~{ ~a~}" prog args)
40 :input :stream :wait nil)
41 #+clisp (#+lisp=cl ext:make-pipe-output-stream
42 #-lisp=cl lisp:make-pipe-output-stream
43 (format nil "~a~{ ~a~}" prog args))
44 #+cmu (ext:process-input (ext:run-program prog args :input :stream
45 :output t :wait nil))
46 #+gcl (si::fp-input-stream (apply #'si:run-process prog args))
47 #+lispworks (sys::open-pipe (format nil "~a~{ ~a~}" prog args)
48 :direction :output)
49 #+lucid (lcl:run-program prog :arguments args :wait nil :output :stream)
50 #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-input (sb-ext:run-program prog args :input :stream
51 :output t :wait nil))
52 #-(or allegro clisp cmu gcl lispworks lucid sbcl)
53 (error 'not-implemented :proc (list 'pipe-output prog args)))
55 (defun pipe-input (prog &rest args)
56 "Return an input stream from which the command output will be read."
57 #+allegro (excl:run-shell-command (format nil "~a~{ ~a~}" prog args)
58 :output :stream :wait nil)
59 #+clisp (#+lisp=cl ext:make-pipe-input-stream
60 #-lisp=cl lisp:make-pipe-input-stream
61 (format nil "~a~{ ~a~}" prog args))
62 #+cmu (ext:process-output (ext:run-program prog args :output :stream
63 :error t :input t :wait nil))
64 #+gcl (si::fp-output-stream (apply #'si:run-process prog args))
65 #+lispworks (sys::open-pipe (format nil "~a~{ ~a~}" prog args)
66 :direction :input)
67 #+lucid (lcl:run-program prog :arguments args :wait nil :input :stream)
68 #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-output (sb-ext:run-program prog args :output :stream
69 :error t :input t :wait nil))
70 #-(or allegro clisp cmu gcl lispworks lucid sbcl)
71 (error 'not-implemented :proc (list 'pipe-input prog args)))
73 ;;; Allegro CL: a simple `close' does NOT get rid of the process.
74 ;;; The right way, of course, is to define a Gray stream `pipe-stream',
75 ;;; define the `close' method and use `with-open-stream'.
76 ;;; Unfortunately, not every implementation supports Gray streams, so we
77 ;;; have to stick with this to further the portability.
79 (defun close-pipe (stream)
80 "Close the pipe stream."
81 (declare (stream stream))
82 (close stream)
83 #+allegro (sys:reap-os-subprocess))
85 (defmacro with-open-pipe ((pipe open) &body body)
86 "Open the pipe, do something, then close it."
87 `(let ((,pipe ,open))
88 (declare (stream ,pipe))
89 (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
90 (close-pipe ,pipe))))
93 ;; Shell reader macro
95 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
96 (set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\)))
97 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\[
98 (lambda (stream char1 char2)
99 (declare (ignore char1 char2))
100 (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
101 (unwind-protect
102 (let ((command-line (read-delimited-list #\] stream t)))
103 `(exec-prog-l ,(princ-to-string (car command-line))
104 ',(mapcar #'princ-to-string (rest command-line))))
105 (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :upcase))))
106 ) ; eval-when