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[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Search / Result / ResultI.pm
1 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
3 # BioPerl module Bio::Search::Result::ResultI
5 # Please direct questions and support issues to <bioperl-l@bioperl.org>
7 # Cared for by Steve Chervitz <sac@bioperl.org>
9 # Originally created by Aaron Mackey <amackey@virginia.edu>
11 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
12 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
14 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
16 =head1 NAME
18 Bio::Search::Result::ResultI - Abstract interface to Search Result objects
20 =head1 SYNOPSIS
22 # Bio::Search::Result::ResultI objects cannot be instantiated since this
23 # module defines a pure interface.
25 # Given an object that implements the Bio::Search::Result::ResultI interface,
26 # you can do the following things with it:
28 use Bio::SearchIO;
29 my $io = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast',
30 -file => 't/data/HUMBETGLOA.tblastx');
31 my $result = $io->next_result;
32 while( $hit = $result->next_hit()) { # enter code here for hit processing
35 my $id = $result->query_name();
37 my $desc = $result->query_description();
39 my $dbname = $result->database_name();
41 my $size = $result->database_letters();
43 my $num_entries = $result->database_entries();
45 my $gap_ext = $result->get_parameter('gapext');
47 my @params = $result->available_parameters;
49 my $kappa = $result->get_statistic('kappa');
51 my @statnames = $result->available_statistics;
56 Bio::Search::Result::ResultI objects are data structures containing
57 the results from the execution of a search algorithm. As such, it may
58 contain various algorithm specific information as well as details of
59 the execution, but will contain a few fundamental elements, including
60 the ability to return Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects.
62 =head1 FEEDBACK
64 =head2 Mailing Lists
66 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this
67 and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably
68 to one of the Bioperl mailing lists.
69 Your participation is much appreciated.
71 bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion
72 http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
74 =head2 Support
76 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
78 I<bioperl-l@bioperl.org>
80 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
81 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
82 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
83 with code and data examples if at all possible.
85 =head2 Reporting Bugs
87 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
88 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
89 web:
91 https://github.com/bioperl/bioperl-live/issues
93 =head1 AUTHOR
95 Aaron Mackey E<lt>amackey@virginia.eduE<gt> (original author)
97 Steve Chervitz E<lt>sac@bioperl.orgE<gt>
99 See L<the FEEDBACK section | FEEDBACK> for where to send bug reports and comments.
101 =head1 COPYRIGHT
103 Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Aaron Mackey, Steve Chervitz. All Rights Reserved.
105 =head1 DISCLAIMER
107 This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
109 =head1 APPENDIX
111 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
113 =cut
116 # Let the code begin...
119 package Bio::Search::Result::ResultI;
121 use strict;
124 use base qw(Bio::AnalysisResultI);
127 =head2 next_hit
129 Title : next_hit
130 Usage : while( $hit = $result->next_hit()) { ... }
131 Function: Returns the next available Hit object, representing potential
132 matches between the query and various entities from the database.
133 Returns : a Bio::Search::Hit::HitI object or undef if there are no more.
134 Args : none
137 =cut
139 sub next_hit {
140 my ($self,@args) = @_;
141 $self->throw_not_implemented;
144 =head2 sort_hits
146 Title : sort_hits
147 Usage : $result->sort_hits(\&sort_function)
148 Function : Sorts the available hit objects by a user-supplied function. Defaults to sort
149 by descending score.
150 Returns : n/a
151 Args : A coderef for the sort function. See the documentation on the Perl sort()
152 function for guidelines on writing sort functions.
153 Note : To access the special variables $a and $b used by the Perl sort() function
154 the user function must access Bio::Search::Result::ResultI namespace.
155 For example, use :
156 $result->sort_hits( sub{$Bio::Search::Result::ResultI::a->length <=>
157 $Bio::Search::Result::ResultI::b->length});
158 NOT $result->sort_hits($a->length <=>$b->length);
160 =cut
162 sub sort_hits {
163 my ($self, $coderef) = @_;
164 my @sorted_hits;
166 if ($coderef) {
167 $self->throw('sort_hits requires a sort function passed as a subroutine reference')
168 unless (ref($coderef) eq 'CODE');
170 else {
171 $coderef = \&_default_sort_hits;
172 # throw a warning?
175 my @hits = $self->hits();
177 eval {@sorted_hits = sort $coderef @hits };
179 if ($@) {
180 $self->throw("Unable to sort hits: $@");
182 else {
183 $self->{'_hits'} = \@sorted_hits;
184 $self->{'_no_iterations'} = 1; # to bypass iteration checking in hits() method
189 =head2 _default sort_hits
191 Title : _default_sort_hits
192 Usage : Do not call directly.
193 Function: Sort hits in descending order by score
194 Args : None
195 Returns: 1 on success
196 Note : Used by $result->sort_hits()
198 =cut
200 sub _default_sort_hits {
201 $Bio::Search::Result::ResultI::b->score <=>
202 $Bio::Search::Result::ResultI::a->score;
206 =head2 query_name
208 Title : query_name
209 Usage : $id = $result->query_name();
210 Function: Get the string identifier of the query used by the
211 algorithm that performed the search.
212 Returns : a string.
213 Args : none
215 =cut
217 sub query_name {
218 my ($self,@args) = @_;
219 $self->throw_not_implemented;
222 =head2 query_accession
224 Title : query_accession
225 Usage : $id = $result->query_accession();
226 Function: Get the accession (if available) for the query sequence
227 Returns : a string
228 Args : none
230 =cut
232 sub query_accession {
233 my ($self,@args) = @_;
234 $self->throw_not_implemented;
238 =head2 query_length
240 Title : query_length
241 Usage : $id = $result->query_length();
242 Function: Get the length of the query sequence
243 used in the search.
244 Returns : a number
245 Args : none
247 =cut
249 sub query_length {
250 my ($self,@args) = @_;
251 $self->throw_not_implemented;
254 =head2 query_description
256 Title : query_description
257 Usage : $id = $result->query_description();
258 Function: Get the description of the query sequence
259 used in the search.
260 Returns : a string
261 Args : none
263 =cut
265 sub query_description {
266 my ($self,@args) = @_;
267 $self->throw_not_implemented;
271 =head2 database_name
273 Title : database_name
274 Usage : $name = $result->database_name()
275 Function: Used to obtain the name of the database that the query was searched
276 against by the algorithm.
277 Returns : a scalar string
278 Args : none
280 =cut
282 sub database_name {
283 my ($self,@args) = @_;
285 $self->throw_not_implemented;
288 =head2 database_letters
290 Title : database_letters
291 Usage : $size = $result->database_letters()
292 Function: Used to obtain the size of database that was searched against.
293 Returns : a scalar integer (units specific to algorithm, but probably the
294 total number of residues in the database, if available) or undef if
295 the information was not available to the Processor object.
296 Args : none
299 =cut
301 sub database_letters {
302 my ($self,@args) = @_;
303 $self->throw_not_implemented();
306 =head2 database_entries
308 Title : database_entries
309 Usage : $num_entries = $result->database_entries()
310 Function: Used to obtain the number of entries contained in the database.
311 Returns : a scalar integer representing the number of entities in the database
312 or undef if the information was not available.
313 Args : none
316 =cut
318 sub database_entries {
319 my ($self,@args) = @_;
321 $self->throw_not_implemented();
324 =head2 get_parameter
326 Title : get_parameter
327 Usage : my $gap_ext = $result->get_parameter('gapext')
328 Function: Returns the value for a specific parameter used
329 when running this result
330 Returns : string
331 Args : name of parameter (string)
333 =cut
335 sub get_parameter{
336 my ($self,@args) = @_;
337 $self->throw_not_implemented();
340 =head2 available_parameters
342 Title : available_parameters
343 Usage : my @params = $result->available_parameters
344 Function: Returns the names of the available parameters
345 Returns : Return list of available parameters used for this result
346 Args : none
348 =cut
350 sub available_parameters{
351 my ($self) = @_;
352 $self->throw_not_implemented();
355 =head2 get_statistic
357 Title : get_statistic
358 Usage : my $gap_ext = $result->get_statistic('kappa')
359 Function: Returns the value for a specific statistic available
360 from this result
361 Returns : string
362 Args : name of statistic (string)
364 =cut
366 sub get_statistic{
367 my ($self,@args) = @_;
368 $self->throw_not_implemented();
371 =head2 available_statistics
373 Title : available_statistics
374 Usage : my @statnames = $result->available_statistics
375 Function: Returns the names of the available statistics
376 Returns : Return list of available statistics used for this result
377 Args : none
379 =cut
381 sub available_statistics{
382 my ($self) = @_;
383 $self->throw_not_implemented();
386 =head2 algorithm
388 Title : algorithm
389 Usage : my $r_type = $result->algorithm
390 Function: Obtain the name of the algorithm used to obtain the Result
391 Returns : string (e.g., BLASTP)
392 Args : [optional] scalar string to set value
394 =cut
396 sub algorithm{
397 my ($self) = @_;
398 $self->throw_not_implemented();
401 =head2 algorithm_version
403 Title : algorithm_version
404 Usage : my $r_version = $result->algorithm_version
405 Function: Obtain the version of the algorithm used to obtain the Result
406 Returns : string (e.g., 2.1.2)
407 Args : [optional] scalar string to set algorithm version value
409 =cut
411 sub algorithm_version{
412 my ($self) = @_;
413 $self->throw_not_implemented();
417 =head2 algorithm_reference
419 Title : algorithm_reference
420 Usage : $obj->algorithm_reference($newval)
421 Function:
422 Returns : value of the literature reference for the algorithm
423 Args : newvalue (optional)
424 Comments: The default implementation in ResultI returns an empty string
425 rather than throwing a NotImplemented exception, since
426 the ref may not always be available and is not critical.
428 =cut
430 sub algorithm_reference{
431 my ($self) = @_;
432 return '';
435 =head2 rid
437 Title : rid
438 Usage : $obj->rid($newval)
439 Function:
440 Returns : value of the BLAST Request ID (eg. RID: ZABJ4EA7014)
441 Args : newvalue (optional)
442 Comments: The default implementation in ResultI returns an empty string
443 rather than throwing a NotImplemented exception, since
444 the RID may not always be available and is not critical.
445 See: (1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Class/MLACourse/Modules/BLAST/rid.html
446 (2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/staff/tao/URLAPI/new/node63.html
447 =cut
449 sub rid{
450 my ($self) = @_;
451 return '';
454 =head2 num_hits
456 Title : num_hits
457 Usage : my $hitcount= $result->num_hits
458 Function: returns the number of hits for this query result
459 Returns : integer
460 Args : none
463 =cut
465 sub num_hits{
466 my ($self,@args) = @_;
467 $self->throw_not_implemented();
470 =head2 hits
472 Title : hits
473 Usage : my @hits = $result->hits
474 Function: Returns the HitI objects contained within this Result
475 Returns : Array of Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects
476 Args : none
478 See Also: L<Bio::Search::Hit::HitI>
480 =cut
482 sub hits{
483 my ($self,@args) = @_;
484 $self->throw_not_implemented();
488 =head2 no_hits_found
490 Usage : $nohits = $blast->no_hits_found();
491 Purpose : Get boolean indicator indicating whether or not any hits
492 were present in the report.
494 This is NOT the same as determining the number of hits via
495 the hits() method, which will return zero hits if there were no
496 hits in the report or if all hits were filtered out during the parse.
498 Thus, this method can be used to distinguish these possibilities
499 for hitless reports generated when filtering.
501 Returns : Boolean
502 Argument : none
504 =cut
506 #-----------
507 sub no_hits_found { shift->throw_not_implemented }
511 =head2 set_no_hits_found
513 Usage : $blast->set_no_hits_found();
514 Purpose : Set boolean indicator indicating whether or not any hits
515 were present in the report.
516 Returns : n/a
517 Argument : none
519 =cut
521 sub set_no_hits_found { shift->throw_not_implemented }