3 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 # PROGRAM : seq_pattern.pl
5 # PURPOSE : This is a simple driver used to test the Bio::Tools::SeqPattern.pm
6 # module for working with sequence patterns (regexps that recognize
7 # nucleotide or peptide sequences).
8 # AUTHOR : Steve Chervitz (sac@bioperl.org)
9 # CREATED : 28 Aug 1997
10 # USAGE : seq_pattern.pl -h
12 # This is a driver script for the Bio::Tools::SeqPattern.pm Bioperl module
13 # that can be used for working with both nucleotide and peptide sequence and
14 # offers features such as:
16 # -- generate reverse complement of sequence pattern
17 # -- ensuring pattern has no invalid characters
18 # -- untainting pattern
19 # -- expanding ambiguity codes.
21 # Functionality is not yet complete but it may be of use as-is.
24 # http://genome-www.stanford.edu/perlOOP/bioperl/lib/Bio/Tools/SeqPattern.pm.html
26 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 use Bio
37 $pat = $ARGV[0] || '';
39 $opt_h and die <<"QQ_USAGE_QQ";
41 Usage: seq_pattern.pl [-n|p|r|h] 'REGEXP'
43 regexp : full-regular expression for a nucleotide or peptide sequence.
44 Must be listed *after* one of the following options:
45 -n : interpret regexp as a nucleotide pattern.
46 -p : interpret regexp as a peptide pattern.
47 -r : output only the reverse complement of the nucleotide pattern.
53 ## Nucleotide test patterns (most are based on actual patterns submitted by users):
55 %nucpat = (1 =>'YR...CG(CCG){5,7}CG[^G]TN{10,}[SA]{4}NN(ACA){2,}GCGTTT.{20,40}GT>',
56 2 =>'cggnnn[ta][ta][ta]n{3,5}[ta][ta][ta]nnnccg',
57 3 =>'<ATGX{6,10}RTTRTT',
58 4 =>'cggnnnwwwn{3,5}wwwnnnccg',
59 5 =>'(CCCCT)N{1,200}(agggg)N{1,200}(agggg)',
63 9 =>'rgaatgx{2,}ygtttca(cag){5,}',
64 10 =>'yattgtt(n){20,80}yattgtt',
65 11 =>'yattgtt(aca){20,80}yattgtt',
66 12 =>'TATAAAN{30,100}[AT][CAT][AT]YCAAR[CAT][AT][CAT]',
67 13 =>'TGACTC[N]{1,300}TGACTC',
71 17 =>'[at][at]ttcacatgy',
74 %peppat = (1 =>'<X{10,}[WFY]XXXDN[BK][ST]Z{5,}>',
75 2 =>'<x{10,40}[gas]x[gasct]x*[gascdn]x[gas]x{0,10}[bst]{8,}x{0,8}>',
78 #----------------------
82 print Bio::Tools::SeqPattern->new(-SEQ =>$pat, -TYPE =>'Dna')->revcom->str,"\n";
85 test_nuc($pat) if ($opt_n and !$opt_p);
86 test_pep($pat) if ($opt_p and !$opt_n);
87 (test_nuc($pat), test_pep($pat)) if !($opt_p or $opt_n);
92 #----------------------
95 # Create nucleotide pattern object:
99 $npat = new Bio::Tools::SeqPattern(-seq =>$pat, -type =>'Dna');
101 print "\nNucleotide Pattern:\n";
102 print "-----------------------\n";
103 printf "%18s: %s\n", 'Type', $npat->type;
104 printf "%18s: %s\n", 'Original',$npat->str;
105 printf "%18s: %s\n", 'Expanded', $npat->expand;
106 printf "%18s: %s\n", 'Reverse-Comp', $npat->revcom->str;
107 printf "%18s: %s\n", 'Rev-Comp+Expanded', $npat->revcom(1)->str; # Hate this syntax. May change.
113 # Create peptide pattern object:
117 $ppat = new Bio::Tools::SeqPattern(-seq =>$pat, -type =>'Amino');
119 print "\nPeptide Pattern:\n";
120 print "-----------------------\n";
121 printf "%18s: %s\n", 'Type', $ppat->type;
122 printf "%18s: %s\n", 'Original',$ppat->str;
123 printf "%18s: %s\n", 'Expanded', $ppat->expand;