maint: remove Travis stuff which has been replaced with Github actions (#325)
[bioperl-live.git] / lib / Bio / Location /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Location::Atomic
3 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
5 # Cared for by Jason Stajich <>
7 # Copyright Jason Stajich
9 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
10 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
12 =head1 NAME
14 Bio::Location::Atomic - Implementation of a Atomic Location on a Sequence
16 =head1 SYNOPSIS
18 use Bio::Location::Atomic;
20 my $location = Bio::Location::Atomic->new(-start => 1, -end => 100,
21 -strand => 1 );
23 if( $location->strand == -1 ) {
24 printf "complement(%d..%d)\n", $location->start, $location->end;
25 } else {
26 printf "%d..%d\n", $location->start, $location->end;
31 This is an implementation of Bio::LocationI to manage simple location
32 information on a Sequence.
34 =head1 FEEDBACK
36 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
37 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
38 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
40 - General discussion
41 - About the mailing lists
43 =head2 Support
45 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
47 I<>
49 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
50 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
51 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
52 with code and data examples if at all possible.
54 =head2 Reporting Bugs
56 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
57 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
58 web:
62 =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
64 Email jason-at-bioperl-dot-org
66 =head1 APPENDIX
68 The rest of the documentation details each of the object
69 methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
71 =cut
73 # Let the code begin...
76 package Bio::Location::Atomic;
78 use strict;
80 use Bio::Location::WidestCoordPolicy;
82 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::LocationI);
84 our $coord_policy = Bio::Location::WidestCoordPolicy->new();
86 sub new {
87 my ($class, @args) = @_;
88 $class = ref $class || $class;
89 my $self = {};
90 # This is for the case when we've done something like this
91 # get a 2 features from somewhere (like Bio::Tools::GFF)
92 # Do
93 # my $location = $f1->location->union($f2->location);
94 # We get an error without the following code which
95 # explicitly loads the Bio::Location::Simple class
96 unless( $class->can('start') ) {
97 eval { Bio::Root::Root->_load_module($class) };
98 if ( $@ ) {
99 Bio::Root::Root->throw("$class cannot be found\nException $@");
102 bless $self,$class;
104 my ($v,$start,$end,$strand,$seqid) = $self->_rearrange([qw(VERBOSE
108 SEQ_ID)],@args);
109 defined $v && $self->verbose($v);
110 defined $strand && $self->strand($strand);
112 defined $start && $self->start($start);
113 defined $end && $self->end($end);
114 if( defined $self->start && defined $self->end &&
115 $self->start > $self->end && $self->strand != -1 ) {
116 $self->warn("When building a location, start ($start) is expected to be less than end ($end), ".
117 "however it was not. Switching start and end and setting strand to -1");
119 $self->strand(-1);
120 my $e = $self->end;
121 my $s = $self->start;
122 $self->start($e);
123 $self->end($s);
125 $seqid && $self->seq_id($seqid);
127 return $self;
130 =head2 start
132 Title : start
133 Usage : $start = $loc->start();
134 Function: get/set the start of this range
135 Returns : the start of this range
136 Args : optionally allows the start to be set
137 : using $loc->start($start)
139 =cut
141 sub start {
142 my ($self, $value) = @_;
143 $self->min_start($value) if( defined $value );
144 return $self->SUPER::start();
147 =head2 end
149 Title : end
150 Usage : $end = $loc->end();
151 Function: get/set the end of this range
152 Returns : the end of this range
153 Args : optionally allows the end to be set
154 : using $loc->end($start)
156 =cut
158 sub end {
159 my ($self, $value) = @_;
161 $self->min_end($value) if( defined $value );
162 return $self->SUPER::end();
165 =head2 strand
167 Title : strand
168 Usage : $strand = $loc->strand();
169 Function: get/set the strand of this range
170 Returns : the strandidness (-1, 0, +1)
171 Args : optionally allows the strand to be set
172 : using $loc->strand($strand)
174 =cut
176 sub strand {
177 my $self = shift;
179 if ( @_ ) {
180 my $value = shift;
181 if ( defined($value) ) {
182 if ( $value eq '+' ) { $value = 1; }
183 elsif ( $value eq '-' ) { $value = -1; }
184 elsif ( $value eq '.' ) { $value = 0; }
185 elsif ( $value != -1 && $value != 1 && $value != 0 ) {
186 $self->throw("$value is not a valid strand info");
188 $self->{'_strand'} = $value;
191 # do not pretend the strand has been set if in fact it wasn't
192 return $self->{'_strand'};
193 #return $self->{'_strand'} || 0;
196 =head2 flip_strand
198 Title : flip_strand
199 Usage : $location->flip_strand();
200 Function: Flip-flop a strand to the opposite
201 Returns : None
202 Args : None
204 =cut
207 sub flip_strand {
208 my $self= shift;
209 # Initialize strand if necessary to flip it
210 if (not defined $self->strand) {
211 $self->strand(1)
213 $self->strand($self->strand * -1);
217 =head2 seq_id
219 Title : seq_id
220 Usage : my $seqid = $location->seq_id();
221 Function: Get/Set seq_id that location refers to
222 Returns : seq_id (a string)
223 Args : [optional] seq_id value to set
225 =cut
228 sub seq_id {
229 my ($self, $seqid) = @_;
230 if( defined $seqid ) {
231 $self->{'_seqid'} = $seqid;
233 return $self->{'_seqid'};
236 =head2 length
238 Title : length
239 Usage : $len = $loc->length();
240 Function: get the length in the coordinate space this location spans
241 Example :
242 Returns : an integer
243 Args : none
246 =cut
248 sub length {
249 my ($self) = @_;
250 return abs($self->end() - $self->start()) + 1;
253 =head2 min_start
255 Title : min_start
256 Usage : my $minstart = $location->min_start();
257 Function: Get minimum starting location of feature startpoint
258 Returns : integer or undef if no minimum starting point.
259 Args : none
261 =cut
263 sub min_start {
264 my ($self,$value) = @_;
266 if(defined($value)) {
267 $self->{'_start'} = $value;
269 return $self->{'_start'};
272 =head2 max_start
274 Title : max_start
275 Usage : my $maxstart = $location->max_start();
276 Function: Get maximum starting location of feature startpoint.
278 In this implementation this is exactly the same as min_start().
280 Returns : integer or undef if no maximum starting point.
281 Args : none
283 =cut
285 sub max_start {
286 my ($self,@args) = @_;
287 return $self->min_start(@args);
290 =head2 start_pos_type
292 Title : start_pos_type
293 Usage : my $start_pos_type = $location->start_pos_type();
294 Function: Get start position type (ie <,>, ^).
296 In this implementation this will always be 'EXACT'.
298 Returns : type of position coded as text
300 Args : none
302 =cut
304 sub start_pos_type {
305 my($self) = @_;
306 return 'EXACT';
309 =head2 min_end
311 Title : min_end
312 Usage : my $minend = $location->min_end();
313 Function: Get minimum ending location of feature endpoint
314 Returns : integer or undef if no minimum ending point.
315 Args : none
317 =cut
319 sub min_end {
320 my($self,$value) = @_;
322 if(defined($value)) {
323 $self->{'_end'} = $value;
325 return $self->{'_end'};
328 =head2 max_end
330 Title : max_end
331 Usage : my $maxend = $location->max_end();
332 Function: Get maximum ending location of feature endpoint
334 In this implementation this is exactly the same as min_end().
336 Returns : integer or undef if no maximum ending point.
337 Args : none
339 =cut
341 sub max_end {
342 my($self,@args) = @_;
343 return $self->min_end(@args);
346 =head2 end_pos_type
348 Title : end_pos_type
349 Usage : my $end_pos_type = $location->end_pos_type();
350 Function: Get end position type (ie <,>, ^)
352 In this implementation this will always be 'EXACT'.
354 Returns : type of position coded as text
356 Args : none
358 =cut
360 sub end_pos_type {
361 my($self) = @_;
362 return 'EXACT';
365 =head2 location_type
367 Title : location_type
368 Usage : my $location_type = $location->location_type();
369 Function: Get location type encoded as text
370 Returns : string ('EXACT', 'WITHIN', 'IN-BETWEEN')
371 Args : none
373 =cut
375 sub location_type {
376 my ($self) = @_;
377 return 'EXACT';
380 =head2 is_remote
382 Title : is_remote
383 Usage : $is_remote_loc = $loc->is_remote()
384 Function: Whether or not a location is a remote location.
386 A location is said to be remote if it is on a different
387 'object' than the object which 'has' this
388 location. Typically, features on a sequence will sometimes
389 have a remote location, which means that the location of
390 the feature is on a different sequence than the one that is
391 attached to the feature. In such a case, $loc->seq_id will
392 be different from $feat->seq_id (usually they will be the
393 same).
395 While this may sound weird, it reflects the location of the
396 kind of AL445212.9:83662..166657 which can be found in GenBank/EMBL
397 feature tables.
399 Example :
400 Returns : TRUE if the location is a remote location, and FALSE otherwise
401 Args : Value to set to
403 =cut
405 sub is_remote {
406 my $self = shift;
407 if( @_ ) {
408 my $value = shift;
409 $self->{'is_remote'} = $value;
411 return $self->{'is_remote'};
414 =head2 each_Location
416 Title : each_Location
417 Usage : @locations = $locObject->each_Location($order);
418 Function: Conserved function call across Location:: modules - will
419 return an array containing the component Location(s) in
420 that object, regardless if the calling object is itself a
421 single location or one containing sublocations.
422 Returns : an array of Bio::LocationI implementing objects - for
423 Simple locations, the return value is just itself.
424 Args :
426 =cut
428 sub each_Location {
429 my ($self) = @_;
430 return ($self);
433 =head2 to_FTstring
435 Title : to_FTstring
436 Usage : my $locstr = $location->to_FTstring()
437 Function: returns the FeatureTable string of this location
438 Returns : string
439 Args : none
441 =cut
443 sub to_FTstring {
444 my($self) = @_;
445 if( $self->start == $self->end ) {
446 return $self->start;
448 my $str = $self->start . ".." . $self->end;
449 if( $self->strand == -1 ) {
450 $str = sprintf("complement(%s)", $str);
452 return $str;
455 =head2 valid_Location
457 Title : valid_Location
458 Usage : if ($location->valid_location) {...};
459 Function: boolean method to determine whether location is considered valid
460 (has minimum requirements for Simple implementation)
461 Returns : Boolean value: true if location is valid, false otherwise
462 Args : none
464 =cut
466 sub valid_Location {
467 my ($self) = @_;
468 return 1 if $self->{'_start'} && $self->{'_end'};
469 return 0;
472 =head2 coordinate_policy
474 Title : coordinate_policy
475 Usage : $policy = $location->coordinate_policy();
476 $location->coordinate_policy($mypolicy); # set may not be possible
477 Function: Get the coordinate computing policy employed by this object.
479 See L<Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI> for documentation
480 about the policy object and its use.
482 The interface *does not* require implementing classes to
483 accept setting of a different policy. The implementation
484 provided here does, however, allow one to do so.
486 Implementors of this interface are expected to initialize
487 every new instance with a
488 L<Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI> object. The
489 implementation provided here will return a default policy
490 object if none has been set yet. To change this default
491 policy object call this method as a class method with an
492 appropriate argument. Note that in this case only
493 subsequently created Location objects will be affected.
495 Returns : A L<Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI> implementing object.
496 Args : On set, a L<Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI> implementing object.
498 See L<Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI> for more information
501 =cut
503 sub coordinate_policy {
504 my ($self, $policy) = @_;
506 if(defined($policy)) {
507 if(! $policy->isa('Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI')) {
508 $self->throw("Object of class ".ref($policy)." does not implement".
509 " Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI");
511 if(ref($self)) {
512 $self->{'_coordpolicy'} = $policy;
513 } else {
514 # called as class method
515 $coord_policy = $policy;
518 return (ref($self) && exists($self->{'_coordpolicy'}) ?
519 $self->{'_coordpolicy'} : $coord_policy);
522 =head2 trunc
524 Title : trunc
525 Usage : $trunc_location = $location->trunc($start, $end, $relative_ori);
526 Function: To truncate a location and keep annotations and features
527 within the truncated segment intact.
529 This might do things differently where the truncation
530 splits the location in half.
531 CAVEAT : As yet, this is an untested and unannounced method. Use
532 with caution!
533 Returns : A L<Bio::Location::Atomic> object.
534 Args : The start and end position for the trunction, and the relative
535 orientation.
537 =cut
539 sub trunc {
540 my ($self,$start,$end,$relative_ori) = @_;
542 my $newstart = $self->start - $start+1;
543 my $newend = $self->end - $start+1;
544 my $newstrand = $relative_ori * $self->strand;
546 my $out;
547 if( $newstart < 1 || $newend > ($end-$start+1) ) {
548 $out = Bio::Location::Atomic->new();
549 $out->start($self->start);
550 $out->end($self->end);
551 $out->strand($self->strand);
552 $out->seq_id($self->seqid);
553 $out->is_remote(1);
554 } else {
555 $out = Bio::Location::Atomic->new();
556 $out->start($newstart);
557 $out->end($newend);
558 $out->strand($newstrand);
559 $out->seq_id();
562 return $out;