maint: remove Travis stuff which has been replaced with Github actions (#325)
[bioperl-live.git] / lib / Bio / Matrix /
1 # BioPerl module for Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # Cared for by Shawn Hoon <>
8 # Copyright Shawn Hoon
10 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
12 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
14 =head1 NAME
16 Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist - A Phylip Distance Matrix object
18 =head1 SYNOPSIS
20 use Bio::Tools::Phylo::Phylip::ProtDist;
21 my $dist = Bio::Tools::Phylo::Phylip::ProtDist->new(
22 -file=>"protdist.out",
23 -program=>"ProtDist");
24 #or
25 my $dist = Bio::Tools::Phylo::Phylip::ProtDist->new(
26 -fh=>"protdist.out",
27 -program=>"ProtDist");
30 #get specific entries
31 my $distance_value = $dist->get_entry('ALPHA','BETA');
32 my @columns = $dist->get_column('ALPHA');
33 my @rows = $dist->get_row('BETA');
34 my @diagonal = $dist->get_diagonal();
36 #print the matrix in phylip numerical format
37 print $dist->print_matrix;
41 Simple object for holding Distance Matrices generated by the following Phylip programs:
43 1) dnadist
44 2) protdist
45 3) restdist
47 It currently handles parsing of the matrix without the data output option.
50 Alpha 0.00000 4.23419 3.63330 6.20865 3.45431
51 Beta 4.23419 0.00000 3.49289 3.36540 4.29179
52 Gamma 3.63330 3.49289 0.00000 3.68733 5.84929
53 Delta 6.20865 3.36540 3.68733 0.00000 4.43345
54 Epsilon 3.45431 4.29179 5.84929 4.43345 0.00000
56 =head1 FEEDBACK
59 =head2 Mailing Lists
61 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
62 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
63 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
65 - General discussion
66 - About the mailing lists
68 =head2 Support
70 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
72 I<>
74 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
75 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
76 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
77 with code and data examples if at all possible.
79 =head2 Reporting Bugs
81 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
82 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
83 web:
87 =head1 AUTHOR - Shawn Hoon
89 Email
93 Jason Stajich, jason-at-bioperl-dot-org
95 =head1 APPENDIX
98 The rest of the documentation details each of the object
99 methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a "_".
101 =cut
103 # Let the code begin...
105 package Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist;
107 use strict;
110 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Matrix::MatrixI);
112 =head2 new
114 Title : new
115 Usage : my $family = Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist->new(-file=>"protdist.out",
116 -program=>"protdist");
117 Function: Constructor for PhylipDist Object
118 Returns : L<Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist>
120 =cut
122 sub new {
123 my ($class,@args) = @_;
124 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
125 my ($matrix,$values, $names,
126 $program,$matname,
127 $matid) = $self->_rearrange([qw(MATRIX
133 )],@args);
135 ($matrix && $values && $names) ||
136 $self->throw("Need matrix, values, and names fields all provided!");
138 $program && $self->matrix_name($program) if defined $program;
140 $self->_matrix($matrix) if ref($matrix) =~ /HASH/i;
141 $self->_values($values) if ref($values) =~ /ARRAY/i;
142 $self->names($names) if ref($names) =~ /ARRAY/i;
144 $self->matrix_name($matname) if defined $matname;
145 $self->matrix_id ($matid) if defined $matid;
147 return $self;
150 =head2 get_entry
152 Title : get_entry
153 Usage : $matrix->get_entry();
154 Function: returns a particular entry
155 Returns : a float
156 Arguments: string id1, string id2
158 =cut
160 sub get_entry {
161 my ($self,$row,$column) = @_;
162 $row && $column || $self->throw("Need at least 2 ids");
163 my %matrix = %{$self->_matrix};
164 my @values = @{$self->_values};
165 if(ref $matrix{$row}{$column}){
166 my ($i,$j) = @{$matrix{$row}{$column}};
167 return $values[$i][$j];
169 return;
173 =head2 get_row
175 Title : get_row
176 Usage : $matrix->get_row('ALPHA');
177 Function: returns a particular row
178 Returns : an array of float
179 Arguments: string id1
181 =cut
183 sub get_row {
184 my ($self,$row) = @_;
185 $row || $self->throw("Need at least a row id");
187 my %matrix = %{$self->_matrix};
188 my @values = @{$self->_values};
189 my @names = @{$self->names};
190 $matrix{$row} || return;
191 my ($val) = values %{$matrix{$row}};
192 my $row_pointer = $val->[0];
193 my $index = scalar(@names)-1;
194 return @{$values[$row_pointer]}[0..$index];
197 =head2 get_column
199 Title : get_column
200 Usage : $matrix->get_column('ALPHA');
201 Function: returns a particular column
202 Returns : an array of floats
203 Arguments: string id1
205 =cut
207 sub get_column {
208 my ($self,$column) = @_;
209 $column || $self->throw("Need at least a column id");
211 my %matrix = %{$self->_matrix};
212 my @values = @{$self->_values};
213 my @names = @{$self->names};
214 $matrix{$column} || return ();
215 my ($val) = values %{$matrix{$column}};
216 my $row_pointer = $val->[0];
217 my @ret;
218 for(my $i=0; $i < scalar(@names); $i++) {
219 push @ret, $values[$i][$row_pointer];
221 return @ret;
224 =head2 get_diagonal
226 Title : get_diagonal
227 Usage : $matrix->get_diagonal();
228 Function: returns the diagonal of the matrix
229 Returns : an array of float
230 Arguments: string id1
232 =cut
234 sub get_diagonal {
235 my ($self) = @_;
236 my %matrix = %{$self->_matrix};
237 my @values = @{$self->_values};
238 my @return;
239 foreach my $name (@{$self->names}){
240 my ($i,$j) = @{$matrix{$name}{$name}};
241 push @return,$values[$i][$j];
243 return @return;
246 =head2 print_matrix
248 Title : print_matrix
249 Usage : $matrix->print_matrix();
250 Function: returns a string of the matrix in phylip format
251 Returns : a string
252 Arguments:
254 =cut
256 sub print_matrix {
257 my ($self) = @_;
258 my @names = @{$self->names};
259 my @values = @{$self->_values};
260 my %matrix = %{$self->_matrix};
261 my $str;
262 $str.= (" "x 4). scalar(@names)."\n";
263 foreach my $name (@names){
264 my $newname = $name. (" " x (15-length($name)));
265 if( length($name) >= 15 ) { $newname .= " " }
266 $str.=$newname;
267 my $count = 0;
268 foreach my $n (@names) {
269 my ($i,$j) = @{$matrix{$name}{$n}};
270 if($count < $#names){
271 $str .= $values[$i][$j]. " ";
273 else {
274 if( ! defined $values[$i][$j] ) {
275 $self->debug("no value for $i,$j cell\n");
276 } else {
277 $str .= $values[$i][$j];
280 $count++;
282 $str.="\n";
284 return $str;
287 =head2 _matrix
289 Title : _matrix
290 Usage : $matrix->_matrix();
291 Function: get/set for hash reference of the pointers
292 to the value matrix
293 Returns : hash reference
294 Arguments: hash reference
296 =cut
298 sub _matrix {
299 my ($self,$val) = @_;
300 if($val){
301 $self->{'_matrix'} = $val;
303 return $self->{'_matrix'};
307 =head2 names
309 Title : names
310 Usage : $matrix->names();
311 Function: get/set for array ref of names of sequences
312 Returns : an array reference
313 Arguments: an array reference
315 =cut
317 sub names {
318 my ($self,$val) = @_;
319 if($val){
320 $self->{'_names'} = $val;
322 return $self->{'_names'};
325 =head2 program
327 Title : program
328 Usage : $matrix->program();
329 Function: get/set for the program name generating this
330 matrix
331 Returns : string
332 Arguments: string
334 =cut
336 sub program {
337 my ($self) = shift;
338 return $self->matrix_name(@_);
341 =head2 _values
343 Title : _values
344 Usage : $matrix->_values();
345 Function: get/set for array ref of the matrix containing
346 distance values
347 Returns : an array reference
348 Arguments: an array reference
350 =cut
352 sub _values {
353 my ($self,$val) = @_;
354 if($val){
355 $self->{'_values'} = $val;
357 return $self->{'_values'};
361 =head1 L<Bio::Matrix::MatrixI> implementation
364 =head2 matrix_id
366 Title : matrix_id
367 Usage : my $id = $matrix->matrix_id
368 Function: Get/Set the matrix ID
369 Returns : scalar value
370 Args : [optional] new id value to store
373 =cut
375 sub matrix_id{
376 my $self = shift;
377 return $self->{'_matid'} = shift if @_;
378 return $self->{'_matid'};
383 =head2 matrix_name
385 Title : matrix_name
386 Usage : my $name = $matrix->matrix_name();
387 Function: Get/Set the matrix name
388 Returns : scalar value
389 Args : [optional] new matrix name value
392 =cut
394 sub matrix_name{
395 my $self = shift;
396 return $self->{'_matname'} = shift if @_;
397 return $self->{'_matname'};
400 =head2 column_header
402 Title : column_header
403 Usage : my $name = $matrix->column_header(0)
404 Function: Gets the column header for a particular column number
405 Returns : string
406 Args : integer
409 =cut
411 sub column_header{
412 my ($self,$num) = @_;
413 my @coln = $self->column_names;
414 return $coln[$num];
418 =head2 row_header
420 Title : row_header
421 Usage : my $name = $matrix->row_header(0)
422 Function: Gets the row header for a particular row number
423 Returns : string
424 Args : integer
427 =cut
429 sub row_header{
430 my ($self,$num) = @_;
431 my @rown = $self->row_names;
432 return $rown[$num];
434 =head2 column_num_for_name
436 Title : column_num_for_name
437 Usage : my $num = $matrix->column_num_for_name($name)
438 Function: Gets the column number for a particular column name
439 Returns : integer
440 Args : string
443 =cut
445 sub column_num_for_name{
446 my ($self,$name) = @_;
447 my $ct = 0;
448 foreach my $n ( $self->column_names ) {
449 return $ct if $n eq $name;
450 $ct++;
452 return;
455 =head2 row_num_for_name
457 Title : row_num_for_name
458 Usage : my $num = $matrix->row_num_for_name($name)
459 Function: Gets the row number for a particular row name
460 Returns : integer
461 Args : string
464 =cut
466 sub row_num_for_name{
467 my ($self,$name) = @_;
468 my $ct = 0;
469 foreach my $n ( $self->row_names ) {
470 return $ct if $n eq $name;
471 $ct++;
475 =head2 num_rows
477 Title : num_rows
478 Usage : my $rowcount = $matrix->num_rows;
479 Function: Get the number of rows
480 Returns : integer
481 Args : none
484 =cut
486 sub num_rows{ return scalar @{shift->names} }
488 =head2 num_columns
490 Title : num_columns
491 Usage : my $colcount = $matrix->num_columns
492 Function: Get the number of columns
493 Returns : integer
494 Args : none
497 =cut
499 sub num_columns{
500 return scalar @{shift->names};
503 =head2 row_names
505 Title : row_names
506 Usage : my @rows = $matrix->row_names
507 Function: The names of all the rows
508 Returns : array in array context, arrayref in scalar context
509 Args : none
512 =cut
514 sub row_names{ return @{shift->names} }
516 =head2 column_names
518 Title : column_names
519 Usage : my @columns = $matrix->column_names
520 Function: The names of all the columns
521 Returns : array in array context, arrayref in scalar context
522 Args : none
525 =cut
527 sub column_names{ return @{shift->names} }