1 LOCUS BAB68554 141 aa linear VRT 11-APR-2002
2 DEFINITION alpha D-globin [Aldabrachelys elephantina].
5 VERSION BAB68554.1 GI:15824047
6 DBSOURCE accession AB072353.1
8 SOURCE Aldabra giant tortoise.
9 ORGANISM Aldabrachelys elephantina
10 Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
11 Testudines; Cryptodira; Testudinoidea; Testudinidae; Aldabrachelys.
14 TITLE The primary structure of hemoglobin D from the Aldabra giant
15 tortoise, Geochelone gigantea
16 JOURNAL Zoolog. Sci. 19, 197-206 (2002)
17 REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 141)
19 TITLE Direct Submission
20 JOURNAL Submitted (29-SEP-2001) Fumio Shishikura, Nihon University School
21 of Medicine, Biology; Oyaguchi-kamimachi, 30-1, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo
22 173-8610, Japan (E-mail:fshishi@med.nihon-u.ac.jp,
23 Tel:81-3-3972-8111(ex.2291), Fax:81-3-3972-0027)
24 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
26 /organism="Aldabrachelys elephantina"
27 /db_xref="taxon:167804"
28 /note="synonym:Dipsochelys dussumieri~synonym:Geochelone
31 /product="alpha D-globin"
33 /coded_by="join(AB072353.1:1..92,AB072353.1:307..511,
34 AB072353.1:739..>864)"
37 1 mlteddkqli qhvwekvleh qedfgaeale rmfivypstk tyfphfdlhh dseqirhhgk
38 61 kvvgalgdav khidnlsatl selsnlhayn lrvdpvnfkl lshcfqvvlg ahlgreytpq
39 121 vqvaydkfla avsavlaeky r