Bio::Align::Graphics: move into its own distribution and drop dependency on GD
[bioperl-live.git] / t / data /
1 LOCUS       YP_007988852             205 aa            linear   CON 22-MAY-2013
2 DEFINITION  recombinase [Staphylococcus aureus].
3 ACCESSION   YP_007988852
4 VERSION     YP_007988852.1  GI:502045014
5 DBLINK      Project: 178791
6             BioProject: PRJNA178791
7 DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NC_021230.1
8 KEYWORDS    RefSeq.
9 SOURCE      Staphylococcus aureus
10   ORGANISM  Staphylococcus aureus
11             Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Bacillales; Staphylococcus.
12 REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 205)
13   AUTHORS   Mendes,R.E., Deshpande,L.M., Bonilla,H.F., Huband,M.D., Jones,R.N.
14             and Quinn,J.P.
15   TITLE     Molecular analysis of cfr-carrying Staphylococcus aureus and
16             Staphylococcus epidermidis clinical isolates recovered from two
17             hospitals in Ohio
18   JOURNAL   Unpublished
19 REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 205)
20   CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
21   TITLE     Direct Submission
22   JOURNAL   Submitted (16-MAY-2013) National Center for Biotechnology
23             Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
24 REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 205)
25   AUTHORS   Mendes,R.E., Deshpande,L.M., Bonilla,H.F., Huband,M.D., Jones,R.N.
26             and Quinn,J.P.
27   TITLE     Direct Submission
28   JOURNAL   Submitted (31-JAN-2013) Molecular Studies, JMI Laboratories, 345
29             Beaver Kreek Centre, North Liberty, IA 52317, USA
30 COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
31             NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to AGL42326.
32             Method: conceptual translation.
33 FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
34      source          1..205
35                      /organism="Staphylococcus aureus"
36                      /strain="1"
37                      /isolation_source="blood culture"
38                      /host="Homo sapiens"
39                      /db_xref="taxon:1280"
40                      /plasmid="pSA8589"
41                      /country="USA"
42      Protein         1..205
43                      /product="recombinase"
44                      /calculated_mol_wt=23947
45      Region          4..>155
46                      /region_name="PinR"
47                      /note="Site-specific recombinases, DNA invertase Pin
48                      homologs [DNA replication, recombination, and repair];
49                      COG1961"
50                      /db_xref="CDD:224872"
51      Region          5..126
52                      /region_name="SR_ResInv"
53                      /note="Serine Recombinase (SR) family, Resolvase and
54                      Invertase subfamily, catalytic domain; members contain a
55                      C-terminal DNA binding domain. Serine recombinases
56                      catalyze site-specific recombination of DNA molecules by a
57                      concerted, four-strand cleavage and...; cd03768"
58                      /db_xref="CDD:239737"
59      Site            order(10,12,69..70,73)
60                      /site_type="active"
61                      /note="catalytic residues [active]"
62                      /db_xref="CDD:239737"
63      Site            12
64                      /site_type="active"
65                      /note="catalytic nucleophile [active]"
66                      /db_xref="CDD:239737"
67      Site            order(68,121..122,124..125)
68                      /site_type="other"
69                      /note="Presynaptic Site I dimer interface [polypeptide
70                      binding]"
71                      /db_xref="CDD:239737"
72      Site            order(74,79..80,117,120..121,124..125)
73                      /site_type="other"
74                      /note="Synaptic Antiparallel dimer interface [polypeptide
75                      binding]"
76                      /db_xref="CDD:239737"
77      Site            order(98..100,117..118,121..122,125)
78                      /site_type="other"
79                      /note="Synaptic Flat tetramer interface [polypeptide
80                      binding]"
81                      /db_xref="CDD:239737"
82      Site            order(98,122,125)
83                      /site_type="other"
84                      /note="Synaptic Site I dimer interface [polypeptide
85                      binding]"
86                      /db_xref="CDD:239737"
87      CDS             1..205
88                      /locus_tag="D646_p13002"
89                      /coded_by="NC_021230.1:1774..2391"
90                      /note="ORF1"
91                      /transl_table=11
92                      /db_xref="GeneID:15564138"
93 CONTIG      join(WP_015639704.1:1..205)
94 ORIGIN      
95         1 menrkfgyir vsskdqnegr qleamrkigi terdiyldkq sgknferany qllkriirkg
96        61 dilyihsldr fgrnkeeilq ewndltknie adivvldmpl ldttqykdsm gtfiadlvlq
97       121 ilswmaeeer erirkrqreg idlalqngiq fgrspvvvsd efkevyrkwk akeltaveam
98       181 qeagvkktsf yklvkahens ikvns