Bio::DB::TFBS namespace has been moved to its own distribution named after itself
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Location /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Location::Split
3 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
5 # Cared for by Jason Stajich <>
7 # Copyright Jason Stajich
9 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
10 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
12 =head1 NAME
14 Bio::Location::Split - Implementation of a Location on a Sequence
15 which has multiple locations (start/end points)
17 =head1 SYNOPSIS
19 use Bio::Location::Split;
21 my $splitlocation = Bio::Location::Split->new();
22 $splitlocation->add_sub_Location(Bio::Location::Simple->new(-start=>1,
23 -end=>30,
24 -strand=>1));
25 $splitlocation->add_sub_Location(Bio::Location::Simple->new(-start=>50,
26 -end=>61,
27 -strand=>1));
28 my @sublocs = $splitlocation->sub_Location();
30 my $count = 1;
31 # print the start/end points of the sub locations
32 foreach my $location ( sort { $a->start <=> $b->start }
33 @sublocs ) {
34 printf "sub feature %d [%d..%d]\n",
35 $count, $location->start,$location->end, "\n";
36 $count++;
41 This implementation handles locations which span more than one
42 start/end location, or and/or lie on different sequences, and can
43 work with split locations that depend on the specific order of the
44 sublocations ('join') or don't have a specific order but represent
45 a feature spanning noncontiguous sublocations ('order', 'bond').
47 Note that the order in which sublocations are added may be very important,
48 depending on the specific split location type. For instance, a 'join'
49 must have the sublocations added in the order that one expects to
50 join the sublocations, whereas all other types are sorted based on the
51 sequence location.
53 =head1 FEEDBACK
55 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
56 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
57 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
59 - General discussion
60 - About the mailing lists
62 =head2 Support
64 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
66 I<>
68 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
69 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
70 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
71 with code and data examples if at all possible.
73 =head2 Reporting Bugs
75 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
76 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
77 web:
81 =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
83 Email jason-AT-bioperl_DOT_org
85 =head1 APPENDIX
87 The rest of the documentation details each of the object
88 methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
90 =cut
92 # Let the code begin...
94 package Bio::Location::Split;
96 # as defined by BSANE 0.03
99 use Bio::Root::Root;
101 use base qw(Bio::Location::Atomic Bio::Location::SplitLocationI);
103 sub new {
104 my ($class, @args) = @_;
105 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
106 # initialize
107 $self->{'_sublocations'} = [];
108 my ( $type, $seqid, $locations ) =
109 $self->_rearrange([qw(SPLITTYPE
110 SEQ_ID
112 )], @args);
113 if( defined $locations && ref($locations) =~ /array/i ) {
114 $self->add_sub_Location(@$locations);
116 $seqid && $self->seq_id($seqid);
117 $type ||= 'JOIN';
118 $type = lc ($type);
119 $self->splittype($type);
120 return $self;
123 =head2 each_Location
125 Title : each_Location
126 Usage : @locations = $locObject->each_Location($order);
127 Function: Conserved function call across Location:: modules - will
128 return an array containing the component Location(s) in
129 that object, regardless if the calling object is itself a
130 single location or one containing sublocations.
131 Returns : an array of Bio::LocationI implementing objects
132 Args : Optional sort order to be passed to sub_Location()
134 =cut
136 sub each_Location {
137 my ($self, $order) = @_;
138 my @locs = ();
139 foreach my $subloc ($self->sub_Location($order)) {
140 # Recursively check to get hierarchical split locations:
141 push @locs, $subloc->each_Location($order);
143 return @locs;
146 =head2 sub_Location
148 Title : sub_Location
149 Usage : @sublocs = $splitloc->sub_Location();
150 Function: Returns the array of sublocations making up this compound (split)
151 location. Those sublocations referring to the same sequence as
152 the root split location will be sorted by start position (forward
153 sort) or end position (reverse sort) and come first (before
154 those on other sequences).
156 The sort order can be optionally specified or suppressed by the
157 value of the first argument. The default is no sort.
159 Returns : an array of Bio::LocationI implementing objects
160 Args : Optionally 1, 0, or -1 for specifying a forward, no, or reverse
161 sort order
163 =cut
165 sub sub_Location {
166 my ($self, $order) = @_;
167 $order = 0 unless defined $order;
168 if( defined($order) && ($order !~ /^-?\d+$/) ) {
169 $self->throw("value $order passed in to sub_Location is $order, an invalid value");
171 $order = 1 if($order > 1);
172 $order = -1 if($order < -1);
173 my @sublocs = defined $self->{'_sublocations'} ? @{$self->{'_sublocations'}} : ();
175 # return the array if no ordering requested
176 return @sublocs if( ($order == 0) || (! @sublocs) );
178 # sort those locations that are on the same sequence as the top (`master')
179 # if the top seq is undefined, we take the first defined in a sublocation
180 my $seqid = $self->seq_id();
181 my $i = 0;
182 while((! defined($seqid)) && ($i <= $#sublocs)) {
183 $seqid = $sublocs[$i++]->seq_id();
185 if((! $self->seq_id()) && $seqid) {
186 $self->warn("sorted sublocation array requested but ".
187 "root location doesn't define seq_id ".
188 "(at least one sublocation does!)");
190 my @locs = ($seqid ?
191 grep { $_->seq_id() eq $seqid; } @sublocs :
192 @sublocs);
193 if(@locs) {
194 if($order == 1) {
195 # Schwartzian transforms for performance boost
196 @locs = map { $_->[0] }
197 sort {
198 (defined $a && defined $b) ? $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] :
199 $a ? -1 : 1
201 map {
202 [$_, (defined $_->start ? $_->start : $_->end)]
203 } @locs;;
204 } else { # $order == -1
205 @locs = map { $_->[0]}
206 sort {
207 (defined $a && defined $b) ? $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] :
208 $a ? -1 : 1
210 map {
211 [$_, (defined $_->end ? $_->end : $_->start)]
212 } @locs;
215 # push the rest unsorted
216 if($seqid) {
217 push(@locs, grep { $_->seq_id() ne $seqid; } @sublocs);
219 # done!
221 return @locs;
224 =head2 add_sub_Location
226 Title : add_sub_Location
227 Usage : $splitloc->add_sub_Location(@locationIobjs);
228 Function: add an additional sublocation
229 Returns : number of current sub locations
230 Args : list of Bio::LocationI implementing object(s) to add
232 =cut
234 sub add_sub_Location {
235 my ($self,@args) = @_;
236 my @locs;
237 foreach my $loc ( @args ) {
238 if( !ref($loc) || ! $loc->isa('Bio::LocationI') ) {
239 $self->throw("Trying to add $loc as a sub Location but it doesn't implement Bio::LocationI!");
240 next;
242 push @{$self->{'_sublocations'}}, $loc;
245 return scalar @{$self->{'_sublocations'}};
248 =head2 splittype
250 Title : splittype
251 Usage : $splittype = $location->splittype();
252 Function: get/set the split splittype
253 Returns : the splittype of split feature (join, order)
254 Args : splittype to set
256 =cut
258 sub splittype {
259 my ($self, $value) = @_;
260 if( defined $value || ! defined $self->{'_splittype'} ) {
261 $value = 'JOIN' unless( defined $value );
262 $self->{'_splittype'} = uc ($value);
264 return $self->{'_splittype'};
267 =head2 is_single_sequence
269 Title : is_single_sequence
270 Usage : if($splitloc->is_single_sequence()) {
271 print "Location object $splitloc is split ".
272 "but only across a single sequence\n";
274 Function: Determine whether this location is split across a single or
275 multiple sequences.
277 This implementation ignores (sub-)locations that do not define
278 seq_id(). The same holds true for the root location.
280 Returns : TRUE if all sublocations lie on the same sequence as the root
281 location (feature), and FALSE otherwise.
282 Args : none
284 =cut
286 sub is_single_sequence {
287 my ($self) = @_;
289 my $seqid = $self->seq_id();
290 foreach my $loc ($self->sub_Location(0)) {
291 $seqid = $loc->seq_id() if(! $seqid);
292 if(defined($loc->seq_id()) && ($loc->seq_id() ne $seqid)) {
293 return 0;
296 return 1;
299 =head2 guide_strand
301 Title : guide_strand
302 Usage : $str = $loc->guide_strand();
303 Function: Get/Set the guide strand. Of use only if the split type is
304 a 'join' (this helps determine the order of sublocation
305 retrieval)
306 Returns : value of guide strand (1, -1, or undef)
307 Args : new value (-1 or 1, optional)
309 =cut
311 sub guide_strand {
312 my $self = shift;
313 return $self->{'strand'} = shift if @_;
315 # Sublocations strand values consistency check to set Guide Strand
316 my @subloc_strands;
317 foreach my $loc ($self->sub_Location(0)) {
318 push @subloc_strands, $loc->strand || 1;
320 if ($self->isa('Bio::Location::SplitLocationI')) {
321 my $identical = 0;
322 my $first_value = $subloc_strands[0];
323 foreach my $strand (@subloc_strands) {
324 $identical++ if ($strand == $first_value);
327 if ($identical == scalar @subloc_strands) {
328 $self->{'strand'} = $first_value;
330 else {
331 $self->{'strand'} = undef;
334 return $self->{'strand'};
337 =head1 LocationI methods
339 =head2 strand
341 Title : strand
342 Usage : $obj->strand($newval)
343 Function: For SplitLocations, setting the strand of the container
344 (this object) is a short-cut for setting the strand of all
345 sublocations.
347 In get-mode, checks if no sub-location is remote, and if
348 all have the same strand. If so, it returns that shared
349 strand value. Otherwise it returns undef.
351 Example :
352 Returns : on get, value of strand if identical between sublocations
353 (-1, 1, or undef)
354 Args : new value (-1 or 1, optional)
357 =cut
359 sub strand{
360 my ($self,$value) = @_;
361 if( defined $value) {
362 $self->{'strand'} = $value;
363 # propagate to all sublocs
364 foreach my $loc ($self->sub_Location(0)) {
365 $loc->strand($value);
368 else {
369 my ($strand, $lstrand);
370 foreach my $loc ($self->sub_Location(0)) {
371 # we give up upon any location that doesn't have
372 # the strand specified, or has a differing one set than
373 # previously seen.
374 # calling strand() is potentially expensive if the subloc
375 # is also a split location, so we cache it
376 $lstrand = $loc->strand();
377 if ( ! $lstrand
378 or ($strand and ($strand != $lstrand))
380 $strand = undef;
381 last;
383 elsif (! $strand) {
384 $strand = $lstrand;
387 return $strand;
391 =head2 flip_strand
393 Title : flip_strand
394 Usage : $location->flip_strand();
395 Function: Flip-flop a strand to the opposite. Also sets Split strand
396 to be consistent with the sublocation strands
397 (1, -1 or undef for mixed strand values)
398 Returns : None
399 Args : None
401 =cut
403 sub flip_strand {
404 my $self = shift;
405 my @sublocs;
406 my @subloc_strands;
408 for my $loc ( $self->sub_Location(0) ) {
409 # Atomic "flip_strand" now initialize strand if necessary
410 my $new_strand = $loc->flip_strand;
412 # Store strand values for later consistency check
413 push @sublocs, $loc;
414 push @subloc_strands, $new_strand;
417 # Sublocations strand values consistency check to set Guide Strand
418 if ($self->isa('Bio::Location::SplitLocationI')) {
419 my $identical = 0;
420 my $first_value = $subloc_strands[0];
421 foreach my $strand (@subloc_strands) {
422 $identical++ if ($strand == $first_value);
425 if ($identical == scalar @subloc_strands) {
426 $self->guide_strand($first_value);
428 else {
429 # Mixed strand values, must reverse the sublocations order
430 $self->guide_strand(undef);
431 @{ $self->{_sublocations} } = reverse @sublocs;
436 =head2 start
438 Title : start
439 Usage : $start = $location->start();
440 Function: get the starting point of the first (sorted) sublocation
441 Returns : integer
442 Args : none
444 =cut
446 sub start {
447 my ($self,$value) = @_;
448 if( defined $value ) {
449 $self->throw( "Trying to set the starting point of a split location, "
450 . "that is not possible, try manipulating the sub Locations");
452 return $self->SUPER::start();
455 =head2 end
457 Title : end
458 Usage : $end = $location->end();
459 Function: get the ending point of the last (sorted) sublocation
460 Returns : integer
461 Args : none
463 =cut
465 sub end {
466 my ($self,$value) = @_;
467 if( defined $value ) {
468 $self->throw( "Trying to set the ending point of a split location, "
469 . "that is not possible, try manipulating the sub Locations");
471 return $self->SUPER::end();
474 =head2 min_start
476 Title : min_start
477 Usage : $min_start = $location->min_start();
478 Function: get the minimum starting point
479 Returns : the minimum starting point from the contained sublocations
480 Args : none
482 =cut
484 sub min_start {
485 my ($self, $value) = @_;
487 if( defined $value ) {
488 $self->throw( "Trying to set the minimum starting point of a split "
489 . "location, that is not possible, try manipulating the sub Locations");
491 # No sort by default because it breaks circular cut by origin features
492 # (like "join(2006035..2007700,1..257)"). Sorting is user responsability.
493 # Assume Start to be 1st segment start and End to be last segment End.
494 my @locs = $self->sub_Location(0);
495 return ( @locs ) ? $locs[0]->min_start : undef;
498 =head2 max_start
500 Title : max_start
501 Usage : my $maxstart = $location->max_start();
502 Function: Get maximum starting location of feature startpoint
503 Returns : integer or undef if no maximum starting point.
504 Args : none
506 =cut
508 sub max_start {
509 my ($self,$value) = @_;
511 if( defined $value ) {
512 $self->throw( "Trying to set the maximum starting point of a split "
513 . "location, that is not possible, try manipulating the sub Locations");
515 # No sort by default because it breaks circular cut by origin features
516 # (like "join(2006035..2007700,1..257)"). Sorting is user responsability.
517 # Assume Start to be 1st segment start and End to be last segment End.
518 my @locs = $self->sub_Location(0);
519 return ( @locs ) ? $locs[0]->max_start : undef;
522 =head2 start_pos_type
524 Title : start_pos_type
525 Usage : my $start_pos_type = $location->start_pos_type();
526 Function: Get start position type (ie <,>, ^)
527 Returns : type of position coded as text
529 Args : none
531 =cut
533 sub start_pos_type {
534 my ($self,$value) = @_;
536 if( defined $value ) {
537 $self->throw( "Trying to set the start_pos_type of a split location, "
538 . "that is not possible, try manipulating the sub Locations");
540 # No sort by default because it breaks circular cut by origin features
541 # (like "join(2006035..2007700,1..257)"). Sorting is user responsability.
542 # Assume Start to be 1st segment start and End to be last segment End.
543 my @locs = $self->sub_Location(0);
544 return ( @locs ) ? $locs[0]->start_pos_type : undef;
547 =head2 min_end
549 Title : min_end
550 Usage : my $minend = $location->min_end();
551 Function: Get minimum ending location of feature endpoint
552 Returns : integer or undef if no minimum ending point.
553 Args : none
555 =cut
557 sub min_end {
558 my ($self,$value) = @_;
560 if( defined $value ) {
561 $self->throw( "Trying to set the minimum end point of a split location, "
562 . "that is not possible, try manipulating the sub Locations");
564 # No sort by default because it breaks circular cut by origin features
565 # (like "join(2006035..2007700,1..257)"). Sorting is user responsability.
566 # Assume Start to be 1st segment start and End to be last segment End.
567 my @locs = $self->sub_Location(0);
569 # Return the End corresponding to the same sequence as the top ('master')
570 # if the top seq is undefined, take the first defined in a sublocation.
571 # Example: for "join(1..100,J00194.1:100..202)", End would be 100
572 my $seqid = $self->seq_id;
573 my $i = 0;
574 while (not defined $seqid and $i <= $#locs) {
575 $seqid = $locs[$i++]->seq_id;
578 my @same_id_locs = ($seqid ? grep { $_->seq_id eq $seqid } @locs
579 : @locs);
580 # If there is a $seqid but no sublocations have the same id,
581 # try with the first id found in the sublocations instead,
582 # and if that fails return the last segment value
583 if (@locs and not @same_id_locs) {
584 my $first_id;
585 while (not defined $first_id and $i <= $#locs) {
586 $first_id = $locs[$i++]->seq_id;
588 @same_id_locs = ($first_id ? grep { $_->seq_id eq $first_id } @locs
589 : @locs);
591 return ( @same_id_locs ) ? $same_id_locs[-1]->min_end : undef;
594 =head2 max_end
596 Title : max_end
597 Usage : my $maxend = $location->max_end();
598 Function: Get maximum ending location of feature endpoint
599 Returns : integer or undef if no maximum ending point.
600 Args : none
602 =cut
604 sub max_end {
605 my ($self,$value) = @_;
607 if( defined $value ) {
608 $self->throw( "Trying to set the maximum end point of a split location, "
609 ."that is not possible, try manipulating the sub Locations");
611 # No sort by default because it breaks circular cut by origin features
612 # (like "join(2006035..2007700,1..257)"). Sorting is user responsability.
613 # Assume Start to be 1st segment start and End to be last segment End.
614 my @locs = $self->sub_Location(0);
616 # Return the End corresponding to the same sequence as the top ('master')
617 # if the top seq is undefined, take the first defined in a sublocation.
618 # Example: for "join(1..100,J00194.1:100..202)", End would be 100
619 my $seqid = $self->seq_id;
620 my $i = 0;
621 while (not defined $seqid and $i <= $#locs) {
622 $seqid = $locs[$i++]->seq_id;
625 my @same_id_locs = ($seqid ? grep { $_->seq_id eq $seqid } @locs
626 : @locs);
627 # If there is a $seqid but no sublocations have the same id,
628 # try with the first id found in the sublocations instead,
629 # and if that fails return the last segment value
630 if (@locs and not @same_id_locs) {
631 my $first_id;
632 while (not defined $first_id and $i <= $#locs) {
633 $first_id = $locs[$i++]->seq_id;
635 @same_id_locs = ($first_id ? grep { $_->seq_id eq $first_id } @locs
636 : @locs);
638 return ( @same_id_locs ) ? $same_id_locs[-1]->max_end : undef;
641 =head2 end_pos_type
643 Title : end_pos_type
644 Usage : my $end_pos_type = $location->end_pos_type();
645 Function: Get end position type (ie <,>, ^)
646 Returns : type of position coded as text
648 Args : none
650 =cut
652 sub end_pos_type {
653 my ($self,$value) = @_;
655 if( defined $value ) {
656 $self->throw( "Trying to set end_pos_type of a split location, "
657 . "that is not possible, try manipulating the sub Locations");
659 # No sort by default because it breaks circular cut by origin features
660 # (like "join(2006035..2007700,1..257)"). Sorting is user responsability.
661 # Assume Start to be 1st segment start and End to be last segment End.
662 my @locs = $self->sub_Location(0);
664 # Return the End corresponding to the same sequence as the top ('master')
665 # if the top seq is undefined, take the first defined in a sublocation.
666 # Example: for "join(1..>100,J00194.1:100..202)", End pos type would be 'AFTER'
667 my $seqid = $self->seq_id;
668 my $i = 0;
669 while (not defined $seqid and $i <= $#locs) {
670 $seqid = $locs[$i++]->seq_id;
673 my @same_id_locs = ($seqid ? grep { $_->seq_id eq $seqid } @locs
674 : @locs);
675 # If there is a $seqid but no sublocations have the same id,
676 # try with the first id found in the sublocations instead,
677 # and if that fails return the last segment value
678 if (@locs and not @same_id_locs) {
679 my $first_id;
680 while (not defined $first_id and $i <= $#locs) {
681 $first_id = $locs[$i++]->seq_id;
683 @same_id_locs = ($first_id ? grep { $_->seq_id eq $first_id } @locs
684 : @locs);
686 return ( @same_id_locs ) ? $same_id_locs[-1]->end_pos_type : undef;
689 =head2 length
691 Title : length
692 Usage : $len = $loc->length();
693 Function: get the length in the coordinate space this location spans
694 Example :
695 Returns : an integer
696 Args : none
698 =cut
700 sub length {
701 my ($self) = @_;
702 my $length = 0;
703 # Mixed strand values means transplicing (where exons can even
704 # be in different chromosomes), so in that case only give the sum
705 # of the lengths of the individual segments
706 if (! defined $self->guide_strand) {
707 for my $loc ( $self->sub_Location(0) ) {
708 $length += abs($loc->end - $loc->start) + 1;
711 else {
712 my @sublocs = $self->sub_Location(0);
713 my $start = $sublocs[0]->start;
714 my $end = $sublocs[-1]->end;
716 # If Start > ·End, its a possible case of cut by origin
717 # location in circular sequences (e.g "join(16..20,1..2)")
718 if ($start > $end) {
719 # Figure out which segments are located before
720 # and which are located after coordinate 1
721 # (END_SEQ - 1 - START_SEQ)
722 my @end_seq_segments;
723 my @start_seq_segments;
724 my $switch = 0;
725 foreach my $subloc (@sublocs) {
726 if ($switch == 0) {
727 if ($subloc->start == 1) {
728 $switch = 1;
729 push @start_seq_segments, $subloc;
731 else {
732 push @end_seq_segments, $subloc;
735 else {
736 push @start_seq_segments, $subloc;
740 # If its a cut by origin location, sum the whole length of each group
741 if (scalar @end_seq_segments > 0 and @start_seq_segments > 0) {
742 my $end_segments_length = abs( $end_seq_segments[0]->start
743 - $end_seq_segments[-1]->end)
744 + 1;
745 my $start_segments_length = abs( $start_seq_segments[0]->start
746 - $start_seq_segments[-1]->end)
747 + 1;
748 $length = $end_segments_length + $start_segments_length;
751 else {
752 $length = $end - $start + 1;
756 # If for some reason nothing worked, fall back to previous behaviour
757 if ($length == 0) {
758 $length = abs($self->end - $self->start) + 1
761 return $length;
764 =head2 seq_id
766 Title : seq_id
767 Usage : my $seqid = $location->seq_id();
768 Function: Get/Set seq_id that location refers to
770 We override this here in order to propagate to all sublocations
771 which are not remote (provided this root is not remote either)
772 Returns : seq_id
773 Args : [optional] seq_id value to set
776 =cut
778 sub seq_id {
779 my $self = shift;
781 if(@_ && !$self->is_remote()) {
782 foreach my $subloc ($self->sub_Location(0)) {
783 $subloc->seq_id(@_) if !$subloc->is_remote();
786 return $self->SUPER::seq_id(@_);
789 =head2 coordinate_policy
791 Title : coordinate_policy
792 Usage : $policy = $location->coordinate_policy();
793 $location->coordinate_policy($mypolicy); # set may not be possible
794 Function: Get the coordinate computing policy employed by this object.
796 See Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI for documentation about
797 the policy object and its use.
799 The interface *does not* require implementing classes to accept
800 setting of a different policy. The implementation provided here
801 does, however, allow one to do so.
803 Implementors of this interface are expected to initialize every
804 new instance with a CoordinatePolicyI object. The implementation
805 provided here will return a default policy object if none has
806 been set yet. To change this default policy object call this
807 method as a class method with an appropriate argument. Note that
808 in this case only subsequently created Location objects will be
809 affected.
811 Returns : A Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI implementing object.
812 Args : On set, a Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI implementing object.
814 =head2 to_FTstring
816 Title : to_FTstring
817 Usage : my $locstr = $location->to_FTstring()
818 Function: returns the FeatureTable string of this location
819 Returns : string
820 Args : none
822 =cut
824 sub to_FTstring {
825 my ($self) = @_;
826 my @strs;
827 my $strand = $self->strand() || 0;
828 my $stype = lc($self->splittype());
830 if( $strand < 0 ) {
831 $self->flip_strand; # this will recursively set the strand
832 # to +1 for all the sub locations
835 foreach my $loc ( $self->sub_Location(0) ) {
836 $loc->verbose($self->verbose);
837 my $str = $loc->to_FTstring();
838 # we only append the remote seq_id if it hasn't been done already
839 # by the sub-location (which it should if it knows it's remote)
840 # (and of course only if it's necessary)
841 if( (! $loc->is_remote) &&
842 defined($self->seq_id) && defined($loc->seq_id) &&
843 ($loc->seq_id ne $self->seq_id) ) {
844 $str = sprintf("%s:%s", $loc->seq_id, $str);
846 push @strs, $str;
848 $self->flip_strand if $strand < 0;
849 my $str;
850 if( @strs == 1 ) {
851 ($str) = @strs;
852 } elsif( @strs == 0 ) {
853 $self->warn("no Sublocations for this splitloc, so not returning anything\n");
854 } else {
855 $str = sprintf("%s(%s)",lc $self->splittype, join(",", @strs));
857 if( $strand < 0 ) { # wrap this in a complement if it was unrolled
858 $str = sprintf("%s(%s)",'complement',$str);
861 return $str;
864 =head2 valid_Location
866 Title : valid_Location
867 Usage : if ($location->valid_location) {...};
868 Function: boolean method to determine whether location is considered valid
869 (has minimum requirements for Simple implementation)
870 Returns : Boolean value: true if location is valid, false otherwise
871 Args : none
873 =cut
875 # we'll probably need to override the RangeI methods since our locations will
876 # not be contiguous.