Bio::DB::TFBS namespace has been moved to its own distribution named after itself
[bioperl-live.git] / t / data /
1 LOCUS       P39765                   181 aa            linear   BCT 03-MAR-2009
2 DEFINITION  RecName: Full=Bifunctional protein pyrR; Includes: RecName:
3             Full=Pyrimidine operon regulatory protein; Includes: RecName:
4             Full=Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase; Short=UPRTase.
5 ACCESSION   P39765
6 VERSION     P39765.2  GI:20141743
7 DBSOURCE    UniProtKB: locus PYRR_BACSU, accession P39765;
8             class: standard.
9             extra accessions:P25982,Q45483
10             created: Feb 1, 1995.
11             sequence updated: Jan 31, 2002.
12             annotation updated: Mar 3, 2009.
13             xrefs: M59757.2, AAA21265.2, Z99112.2, CAB13421.1, U48870.1,
14             AAB57770.1, B57986, NP_389430.1, 1A3C_A, 1A4X_A, 1A4X_B
15             xrefs (non-sequence databases): PDBsum:1A3C, PDBsum:1A4X,
16             GeneID:938030, GenomeReviews:AL009126_GR, KEGG:bsu:BSU15470,
17             NMPDR:fig|224308.1.peg.1549, SubtiList:BG10712, HOGENOM:P39765,
18             BioCyc:BSUB224308:BSU1549-MON, BRENDA:, GO:0003723,
19             GO:0004845, GO:0009116, GO:0006355, GO:0006353, HAMAP:MF_01219,
20             InterPro:IPR000836, Pfam:PF00156, PROSITE:PS00103
21 KEYWORDS    3D-structure; Complete proteome; Glycosyltransferase; RNA-binding;
22             Transcription; Transcription regulation; Transcription termination;
23             Transferase.
24 SOURCE      Bacillus subtilis
25   ORGANISM  Bacillus subtilis
26             Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Bacillus.
27 REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 181)
28   AUTHORS   Quinn,C.L., Stephenson,B.T. and Switzer,R.L.
29   TITLE     Functional organization and nucleotide sequence of the Bacillus
30             subtilis pyrimidine biosynthetic operon
31   JOURNAL   J. Biol. Chem. 266 (14), 9113-9127 (1991)
32    PUBMED   1709162
34             STRAIN=1A610, and JH861
35 REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 181)
36   AUTHORS   Turner,R.J., Lu,Y. and Switzer,R.L.
37   TITLE     Regulation of the Bacillus subtilis pyrimidine biosynthetic (pyr)
38             gene cluster by an autogenous transcriptional attenuation mechanism
39   JOURNAL   J. Bacteriol. 176 (12), 3708-3722 (1994)
40    PUBMED   8206849
42 REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 181)
43   AUTHORS   Switzer,R.L.
44   TITLE     Direct Submission
45   JOURNAL   Submitted (??-MAY-1999)
47 REFERENCE   4  (residues 1 to 181)
48   AUTHORS   Kunst,F., Ogasawara,N., Moszer,I., Albertini,A.M., Alloni,G.,
49             Azevedo,V., Bertero,M.G., Bessieres,P., Bolotin,A., Borchert,S.,
50             Borriss,R., Boursier,L., Brans,A., Braun,M., Brignell,S.C.,
51             Bron,S., Brouillet,S., Bruschi,C.V., Caldwell,B., Capuano,V.,
52             Carter,N.M., Choi,S.-K., Codani,J.-J., Connerton,I.F.,
53             Cummings,N.J., Daniel,R.A., Denizot,F., Devine,K.M.,
54             Duesterhoeft,A., Ehrlich,S.D., Emmerson,P.T., Entian,K.-D.,
55             Errington,J., Fabret,C., Ferrari,E., Foulger,D., Fritz,C.,
56             Fujita,M., Fujita,Y., Fuma,S., Galizzi,A., Galleron,N., Ghim,S.-Y.,
57             Glaser,P., Goffeau,A., Golightly,E.J., Grandi,G., Guiseppi,G.,
58             Guy,B.J., Haga,K., Haiech,J., Harwood,C.R., Henaut,A., Hilbert,H.,
59             Holsappel,S., Hosono,S., Hullo,M.-F., Itaya,M., Jones,L.-M.,
60             Joris,B., Karamata,D., Kasahara,Y., Klaerr-Blanchard,M., Klein,C.,
61             Kobayashi,Y., Koetter,P., Koningstein,G., Krogh,S., Kumano,M.,
62             Kurita,K., Lapidus,A., Lardinois,S., Lauber,J., Lazarevic,V.,
63             Lee,S.-M., Levine,A., Liu,H., Masuda,S., Mauel,C., Medigue,C.,
64             Medina,N., Mellado,R.P., Mizuno,M., Moestl,D., Nakai,S., Noback,M.,
65             Noone,D., O'Reilly,M., Ogawa,K., Ogiwara,A., Oudega,B., Park,S.-H.,
66             Parro,V., Pohl,T.M., Portetelle,D., Porwollik,S., Prescott,A.M.,
67             Presecan,E., Pujic,P., Purnelle,B., Rapoport,G., Rey,M.,
68             Reynolds,S., Rieger,M., Rivolta,C., Rocha,E., Roche,B., Rose,M.,
69             Sadaie,Y., Sato,T., Scanlan,E., Schleich,S., Schroeter,R.,
70             Scoffone,F., Sekiguchi,J., Sekowska,A., Seror,S.J., Serror,P.,
71             Shin,B.-S., Soldo,B., Sorokin,A., Tacconi,E., Takagi,T.,
72             Takahashi,H., Takemaru,K., Takeuchi,M., Tamakoshi,A., Tanaka,T.,
73             Terpstra,P., Tognoni,A., Tosato,V., Uchiyama,S., Vandenbol,M.,
74             Vannier,F., Vassarotti,A., Viari,A., Wambutt,R., Wedler,E.,
75             Wedler,H., Weitzenegger,T., Winters,P., Wipat,A., Yamamoto,H.,
76             Yamane,K., Yasumoto,K., Yata,K., Yoshida,K., Yoshikawa,H.-F.,
77             Zumstein,E., Yoshikawa,H. and Danchin,A.
78   TITLE     The complete genome sequence of the gram-positive bacterium
79             Bacillus subtilis
80   JOURNAL   Nature 390 (6657), 249-256 (1997)
81    PUBMED   9384377
83             STRAIN=168
84 REFERENCE   5  (residues 1 to 181)
85   AUTHORS   Pragai,Z., Tjalsma,H., Bolhuis,A., van Dijl,J.M., Venema,G. and
86             Bron,S.
87   TITLE     The signal peptidase II (Isp) gene of Bacillus subtilis
88   JOURNAL   Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 143 (PT 4), 1327-1333 (1997)
89    PUBMED   9141696
91             STRAIN=168
92 REFERENCE   6  (residues 1 to 181)
93   AUTHORS   Martinussen,J., Glaser,P., Andersen,P.S. and Saxild,H.H.
94   TITLE     Two genes encoding uracil phosphoribosyltransferase are present in
95             Bacillus subtilis
96   JOURNAL   J. Bacteriol. 177 (1), 271-274 (1995)
97    PUBMED   7798145
99 REFERENCE   7  (residues 1 to 181)
100   AUTHORS   Turner,R.J., Bonner,E.R., Grabner,G.K. and Switzer,R.L.
101   TITLE     Purification and characterization of Bacillus subtilis PyrR, a
102             bifunctional pyr mRNA-binding attenuation protein/uracil
103             phosphoribosyltransferase
104   JOURNAL   J. Biol. Chem. 273 (10), 5932-5938 (1998)
105    PUBMED   9488732
107 REFERENCE   8  (residues 1 to 181)
108   AUTHORS   Savacool,H.K. and Switzer,R.L.
109   TITLE     Characterization of the interaction of Bacillus subtilis PyrR with
110             pyr mRNA by site-directed mutagenesis of the protein
111   JOURNAL   J. Bacteriol. 184 (9), 2521-2528 (2002)
112    PUBMED   11948166
113   REMARK    MUTAGENESIS OF ARG-15; THR-18; ARG-19; HIS-22; ARG-27; THR-41;
114             HIS-140; ARG-141; ARG-146 AND LYS-152.
115 REFERENCE   9  (residues 1 to 181)
116   AUTHORS   Tomchick,D.R., Turner,R.J., Switzer,R.L. and Smith,J.L.
117   TITLE     Adaptation of an enzyme to regulatory function: structure of
118             Bacillus subtilis PyrR, a pyr RNA-binding attenuation protein and
119             uracil phosphoribosyltransferase
120   JOURNAL   Structure 6 (3), 337-350 (1998)
121    PUBMED   9551555
123 COMMENT     On or before Sep 27, 2005 this sequence version replaced
124             gi:11376215, gi:730440.
125             [FUNCTION] Regulates transcriptional attenuation of the pyrimidine
126             nucleotide (pyr) operon by binding in a uridine-dependent manner to
127             specific sites on pyr mRNA. This disrupts an antiterminator hairpin
128             in the RNA and favors formation of a downstream transcription
129             terminator, leading to a reduced expression of downstream genes.
130             [FUNCTION] Also displays a weak uracil phosphoribosyltransferase
131             activity which is not physiologically significant.
132             [CATALYTIC ACTIVITY] UMP + diphosphate = uracil +
133             5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate.
134             [BIOPHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES] pH dependence: Optimum pH is 8.2
135             for UPRTase activity.
136             [SUBUNIT] Homodimer and homohexamer; in equilibrium.
137             [MASS SPECTROMETRY] Mass=20263; Mass_error=2; Method=Electrospray;
138             Range=1-181; Source=PubMed:9488732.
139             [MISCELLANEOUS] Mutagenesis studies identified four amino acid
140             residues that seem to be involved directly in binding of the
141             protein to pyr mRNA: Thr-18, His-22, Arg-141 and Arg-146. Arg-27
142             and Lys-152 were also likely to be involved in RNA-binding, but
143             mutations may have altered their subunit-subunit interactions.
144             Arg-19 was implicated in pyr regulation, but a specific role in
145             RNA-binding could not be demonstrated.
146             [MISCELLANEOUS] UMP and UTP incresase the affinity of pyrR for RNA.
147             [SIMILARITY] Belongs to the purine/pyrimidine
148             phosphoribosyltransferase family. PyrR subfamily.
149 FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
150      source          1..181
151                      /organism="Bacillus subtilis"
152                      /db_xref="taxon:1423"
153      gene            1..181
154                      /gene="pyrR"
155                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
156      Protein         1..181
157                      /gene="pyrR"
158                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
159                      /product="Bifunctional protein pyrR"
160                      /EC_number=""
161      Region          1..181
162                      /gene="pyrR"
163                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
164                      /region_name="Mature chain"
165                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
166                      recorded"
167                      /note="Bifunctional protein pyrR. /FTId=PRO_0000183030."
168      Region          3..179
169                      /gene="pyrR"
170                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
171                      /region_name="Pribosyltran"
172                      /note="Phosphoribosyl transferase domain; cl00309"
173                      /db_xref="CDD:119714"
174      Region          4..8
175                      /gene="pyrR"
176                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
177                      /region_name="Beta-strand region"
178                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
179                      recorded"
180      Region          10..28
181                      /gene="pyrR"
182                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
183                      /region_name="Helical region"
184                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
185                      recorded"
186      Site            15
187                      /gene="pyrR"
188                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
189                      /site_type="mutagenized"
190                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
191                      recorded"
192                      /note="R->Q: No effect on ability to regulate the pyr
193                      operon; no effect on uprtase activity."
194      Site            18
195                      /gene="pyrR"
196                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
197                      /site_type="mutagenized"
198                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
199                      recorded"
200                      /note="T->A: No effect on ability to regulate the pyr
201                      operon only in presence of excess pyrimidines; reduced
202                      affinity for RNA; no effect on UPRTase activity."
203      Site            19
204                      /gene="pyrR"
205                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
206                      /site_type="mutagenized"
207                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
208                      recorded"
209                      /note="R->Q: Loss of ability to regulate the pyr operon;
210                      no effect on UPRTase activity."
211      Site            22
212                      /gene="pyrR"
213                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
214                      /site_type="mutagenized"
215                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
216                      recorded"
217                      /note="H->A: Loss of ability to regulate the pyr operon
218                      and to bind to RNA; no effect on UPRTase activity."
219      Site            27
220                      /gene="pyrR"
221                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
222                      /site_type="mutagenized"
223                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
224                      recorded"
225                      /note="R->Q: No effect on ability to regulate the pyr
226                      operon only in presence of excess pyrimidines; reduced
227                      affinity for RNA; no effect on UPRTase activity."
228      Region          35..40
229                      /gene="pyrR"
230                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
231                      /region_name="Beta-strand region"
232                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
233                      recorded"
234      Region          41..58
235                      /gene="pyrR"
236                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
237                      /region_name="Helical region"
238                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
239                      recorded"
240      Region          41..42
241                      /gene="pyrR"
242                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
243                      /region_name="Region of interest in the sequence"
244                      /inference="non-experimental evidence, no additional
245                      details recorded"
246                      /note="Substrate-binding (By similarity)."
247      Site            41
248                      /gene="pyrR"
249                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
250                      /site_type="mutagenized"
251                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
252                      recorded"
253                      /note="T->I: Reduced ability to regulate the pyr operon;
254                      reduced affinity for RNA; loss of UPRTase activity."
255      Region          63..70
256                      /gene="pyrR"
257                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
258                      /region_name="Beta-strand region"
259                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
260                      recorded"
261      Region          86..91
262                      /gene="pyrR"
263                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
264                      /region_name="Beta-strand region"
265                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
266                      recorded"
267      Region          99..111
268                      /gene="pyrR"
269                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
270                      /region_name="Beta-strand region"
271                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
272                      recorded"
273      Region          101..113
274                      /gene="pyrR"
275                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
276                      /region_name="Short sequence motif of biological interest"
277                      /inference="non-experimental evidence, no additional
278                      details recorded"
279                      /note="PRPP-binding (By similarity)."
280      Region          105..113
281                      /gene="pyrR"
282                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
283                      /region_name="Region of interest in the sequence"
284                      /inference="non-experimental evidence, no additional
285                      details recorded"
286                      /note="Substrate binding (By similarity)."
287      Region          112..124
288                      /gene="pyrR"
289                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
290                      /region_name="Helical region"
291                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
292                      recorded"
293      Region          128..137
294                      /gene="pyrR"
295                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
296                      /region_name="Beta-strand region"
297                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
298                      recorded"
299      Site            138
300                      /gene="pyrR"
301                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
302                      /site_type="binding"
303                      /inference="non-experimental evidence, no additional
304                      details recorded"
305                      /note="Substrate (By similarity)."
306      Site            140
307                      /gene="pyrR"
308                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
309                      /site_type="mutagenized"
310                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
311                      recorded"
312                      /note="H->A: Reduced ability to regulate the pyr operon;
313                      decreased UPRTase activity."
314      Site            141
315                      /gene="pyrR"
316                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
317                      /site_type="mutagenized"
318                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
319                      recorded"
320                      /note="R->Q: Loss of ability to regulate the pyr operon;
321                      highly reduced affinity for RNA; no effect on UPRTase
322                      activity."
323      Region          142..144
324                      /gene="pyrR"
325                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
326                      /region_name="Beta-strand region"
327                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
328                      recorded"
329      Site            146
330                      /gene="pyrR"
331                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
332                      /site_type="mutagenized"
333                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
334                      recorded"
335                      /note="R->Q: Reduced ability to regulate the pyr operon,
336                      and loss of ability to bind to RNA; no effect on UPRTase
337                      activity."
338      Region          148..153
339                      /gene="pyrR"
340                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
341                      /region_name="Beta-strand region"
342                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
343                      recorded"
344      Site            152
345                      /gene="pyrR"
346                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
347                      /site_type="mutagenized"
348                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
349                      recorded"
350                      /note="K->Q: No effect on ability to regulate the pyr
351                      operon only in presence of excess pyrimidines; reduced
352                      affinity for RNA; no effect on UPRTase activity."
353      Region          161..165
354                      /gene="pyrR"
355                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
356                      /region_name="Beta-strand region"
357                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
358                      recorded"
359      Site            162
360                      /gene="pyrR"
361                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
362                      /site_type="binding"
363                      /inference="non-experimental evidence, no additional
364                      details recorded"
365                      /note="Substrate (By similarity)."
366      Region          167..170
367                      /gene="pyrR"
368                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
369                      /region_name="Helical region"
370                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
371                      recorded"
372      Region          174..178
373                      /gene="pyrR"
374                      /locus_tag="BSU15470"
375                      /region_name="Beta-strand region"
376                      /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
377                      recorded"
378 ORIGIN      
379         1 mnqkavilde qairraltri ahemiernkg mnncilvgik trgiylakrl aerieqiegn
380        61 pvtvgeidit lyrddlskkt sndeplvkga dipvditdqk vilvddvlyt grtvragmda
381       121 lvdvgrpssi qlavlvdrgh relpiradyi gkniptskse kvmvqldevd qndlvaiyen
382       181 e