1 # hmmscan :: search sequence(s) against a profile database
2 # HMMER 3.0 (March 2010); http://hmmer.org/
3 # Copyright (C) 2010 Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
4 # Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).
5 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 # query sequence file: FQ377874.faa
7 # target HMM database: HMM_Profiles.hmm
8 # output directed to file: FQ377874.txt
9 # number of worker threads: 8
10 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
12 Query: gi|328801650|gb|CBW53803.1| [L=243]
13 Description: IS1296 A transposase protein B [Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri LC str. 95010]
14 Scores for complete sequence (score includes all domains):
15 --- full sequence --- --- best 1 domain --- -#dom-
16 E-value score bias E-value score bias exp N Model Description
17 ------- ------ ----- ------- ------ ----- ---- -- -------- -----------
18 2.3e-88 289.2 12.7 3.8e-88 288.5 8.8 1.3 1 IS3_IS150_ORF2.curated
21 Domain annotation for each model (and alignments):
22 >> IS3_IS150_ORF2.curated
23 # score bias c-Evalue i-Evalue hmmfrom hmm to alifrom ali to envfrom env to acc
24 --- ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----
25 1 ! 288.5 8.8 7.6e-89 3.8e-88 145 386 .. 4 236 .. 1 238 [. 0.94
27 Alignments for each domain:
28 == domain 1 score: 288.5 bits; conditional E-value: 7.6e-89
29 IS3_IS150_ORF2.curated 145 eiyhrhrgrYGYRRitlaLrlSEkrGkqiNhKrvqrLMkelgLkSv.iRvKk.kyrsyrgevgivadNlLqRqFkadkPnek 224
30 i+ ++ + YGYRR++++L G +NhK++ rL kelg R K +y sy+g+vg+ adN+L R+F + n k
32 69999***************...*******************87642344434**********************99998.5 PP
34 IS3_IS150_ORF2.curated 225 W.vTDVTEFkvgggkKlYLSpIlDLFNrEIisyslserpdaklVkktLerAlkklgpdevpvlHSPRLLSDqGwqYqskay. 304
35 +TDVTEFkv+ g+KlYLSpI+DL+N EIisys + p+++l+ +L++Alkk+ ++ +++ HS DqG++Yq+ +
37 788*********.****************************************************.....******98..75 PP
39 IS3_IS150_ORF2.curated 305 .remLeeqGirqSMSRKGnclDNavmEsffgtLKsEifygnlkkFeslddLeraItdYIey.YNheRIhlKLkgltPveYRt 384
40 + +Lee i qSMSRKGnclDNa +E+ffg LK Ei+y +k++s+++L++ I+ YI y YN+ RI++KLkgl+Pv+ R
42 6689***********************************..67****************.*********************9 PP
44 IS3_IS150_ORF2.curated 385 qr 386
46 gi|328801650|gb|CBW53803.1| 235 QS 236
51 Internal pipeline statistics summary:
52 -------------------------------------
53 Query sequence(s): 1 (243 residues)
54 Target model(s): 116 (57162 nodes)
55 Passed MSV filter: 38 (0.327586); expected 2.3 (0.02)
56 Passed bias filter: 38 (0.327586); expected 2.3 (0.02)
57 Passed Vit filter: 31 (0.267241); expected 0.1 (0.001)
58 Passed Fwd filter: 1 (0.198276); expected 0.0 (1e-05)
59 Initial search space (Z): 116 [actual number of targets]
60 Domain search space (domZ): 1 [number of targets reported over threshold]
61 # CPU time: 0.91u 0.30s 00:00:01.20 Elapsed: 00:00:01.71