add MANIFEST file on the fly
[bioperl-live.git] / t / data / cmsearch_output.txt
1 # cmsearch :: search CM(s) against a sequence database
2 # INFERNAL 1.1.1 (July 2014)
3 # Copyright (C) 2014 Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
4 # Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).
5 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 # query CM file:               
7 # target sequence database:              NC_000913.fna
8 # CM configuration:                      glocal
9 # number of worker threads:              16
10 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
12 Query:       Cobalamin  [CLEN=191]
13 Accession:   RF00174
14 Hit scores:
15  rank     E-value  score  bias  sequence                        start     end   mdl trunc   gc  description
16  ----   --------- ------ -----  ----------------------------- ------- -------   --- ----- ----  -----------
17   (1) !   8.7e-16   98.2   0.0  gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3| 4163384 4163574 +  cm    no 0.54  Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, com
18  ------ inclusion threshold ------
19   (2) ?      0.63    8.4   0.0  gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3| 4593356 4593565 +  cm    no 0.53  Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, com
22 Hit alignments:
23 >> gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3|  Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, complete genome
24  rank     E-value  score  bias mdl mdl from   mdl to       seq from      seq to       acc trunc   gc
25  ----   --------- ------ ----- --- -------- --------    ----------- -----------      ---- ----- ----
26   (1) !   8.7e-16   98.2   0.0  cm        1      191 []     4163384     4163574 + .. 0.98    no 0.54
28                                                                v              v                                  NC
29                                         :::::::::::::::[[[[[[,<<<____________>>>,,,,,(((,,,<<<<<_______>>>>>,,<< CS
30                       Cobalamin       1 uuaaauugaaacgaugauGGUuccccuuuaaagugaaggguuAAaaGGGAAcccGGUGaaAaUCCgggGCuG 72     
31                                          U +A  ++ +   UG::GGU C : U          : GUUAA AGGGAA:CC:GUG++AAUC:GG:GCUG
33                                         *********************.98888..........99********************************* PP
35                                         v    v            v                                                      NC
36                                         <____>>>,<<<---<<<<------<<<<<<-----......<<<-<<<<<<______>>>>>>--->>>>> CS
37                       Cobalamin      73 cCCCCgCaACuGUAAgcGgagagcaccccccAauAa......GCCACUggcccgcaagggccGGGAAGGCgg 138    
38                                           C C CA+C:GUAAG:: AG+ ++::::::  + +      G:CACU::C   +++  G::GGGAAG:C::
40                                         *.*********************************9***************..5555..************* PP
42                                                                 v                                       NC
43                                         >>>>----------..........>>>>---->>>,,,,)))]]]]]]::::::::::::::: CS
44                       Cobalamin     139 ggggaaggaaugac..........cCgcgAGcCaGGAGACCuGCCaucaguuuuugaaucucc 191    
45                                         ::::   +A+U+ C           ::C+AGCC:G+AGACCUGCC::C ++  U G AUCU  
46   gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3| 4163512 CAUCUCUUAGUAUCuuagauacccCUCCAAGCCCGAAGACCUGCCGGCCAACGUCGCAUCUGG 4163574
47                                         **********9998************************************************* PP
49 >> gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3|  Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, complete genome
50  rank     E-value  score  bias mdl mdl from   mdl to       seq from      seq to       acc trunc   gc
51  ----   --------- ------ ----- --- -------- --------    ----------- -----------      ---- ----- ----
52   (2) ?      0.63    8.4   0.0  cm        1      191 []     4593356     4593565 + .. 0.72    no 0.53
54                                                        v                                    v             v   v  NC
55                                         :::::::::::::::[[[[[[,<<<____________>>>,,,,,(((,,,<<<<<_______>>>>>,,<< CS
56                       Cobalamin       1 uuaaauugaaacgaugauGGUuccccuuuaaagugaaggguuAAaaGGGAAcccGGUGaaAaUCCgggGCuG 72     
57                                           A AUU+A+++    :UGG  :C +U ++  G     G: +AA : GGAA:  G         C  :+  G
59                                         *********************.88877554444...5777779*********9996.......7999***** PP
61                                                v       v  v       vvvvvv     vvv    vvv                          NC
62                                         <____>>>,<<<---<<<<.------<<<<<<-----<<<-<<<<<<_____.................... CS
63                       Cobalamin      73 cCCCCgCaACuGUAAgcGg.agagcaccccccAauAaGCCACUggcccgcaa.................... 123    
64                                         CCCCCGC +C GU+A ::     GCA ++ ++ A   GCCA   G+C G                       
65   gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3| 4593417 CCCCCGCUGCGGUGACGCAa-CCGCAGAUGAUUAGU-GCCA---GACGG---aaugagugggugguaucaac 4593480
66                                         ***************88873.333333333333333.4544...33333...44566655444444444444 PP
68                                                   vvv      vvvvvvvvv                                             NC
69                                         ........._>>>>>>--->>>>>>>>>----------.................................. CS
70                       Cobalamin     124 .........gggccGGGAAGGCggggggaaggaaugac.................................. 152    
72   gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3| 4593481 aauaaaacc-----------------------------aguaaugaucggcgcaaaagaggcgcagaugaag 4593523
73                                         444444444.............................5666666666666666666666666777777777 PP
75                                           v  v                    v                NC
76                                         ..>>>>----.>>>,,,,)))]]]]]]::::::::::::::: CS
77                       Cobalamin     153 ..cCgcgAGc.CaGGAGACCuGCCaucaguuuuugaaucucc 191    
78                                            :: +AG+ C GGA AC : CCA:  + + + + AU    
79   gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3| 4593524 cuGGCAAAGUuCUGGAUACUGCCCACCGACGCAGUCAUGCGA 4593565
80                                         76788899966******************************* PP
84 Internal CM pipeline statistics summary:
85 ----------------------------------------
86 Query model(s):                                                  1  (191 consensus positions)
87 Target sequences:                                                1  (9283304 residues searched)
88 Target sequences re-searched for truncated hits:                 1  (1840 residues re-searched)
89 Windows   passing  local HMM SSV           filter:            7160  (0.4322); expected (0.35)
90 Windows   passing  local HMM Viterbi       filter:                  (off)
91 Windows   passing  local HMM Viterbi  bias filter:                  (off)
92 Windows   passing  local HMM Forward       filter:             171  (0.01188); expected (0.005)
93 Windows   passing  local HMM Forward  bias filter:             139  (0.0095); expected (0.005)
94 Windows   passing glocal HMM Forward       filter:              76  (0.005795); expected (0.005)
95 Windows   passing glocal HMM Forward  bias filter:              69  (0.005313); expected (0.005)
96 Envelopes passing glocal HMM envelope defn filter:              70  (0.002021); expected (0.005)
97 Envelopes passing glocal CM  CYK           filter:               2  (4.534e-05); expected (0.0001)
98 Total CM hits reported:                                          2  (4.319e-05); includes 0 truncated hit(s)
100 # CPU time: 11.74u 1.00s 00:00:12.74 Elapsed: 00:00:02.27
102 [ok]