10 test_begin(-tests => 91);
12 use_ok( 'Bio::Restriction::IO' );
13 use_ok( 'Bio::Restriction::Analysis' );
14 use_ok('Bio::Restriction::EnzymeCollection');
15 use_ok('Bio::Restriction::Enzyme');
17 # recog sites (not nec. cut sites!) in lc
19 my $seq = new Bio::PrimarySeq(
21 -primary_id => 'test',
25 # the test enzymes [rebase characterization]:
26 # nonambig intrasite cutter: HindIII [ A^AGCTT ]
27 # ambig intrasite cutter: AasI [ GACNNNN^NNGTC ]
28 # nonambig extrasite cutter: AarI [ CACCTGC(4/8) ]
29 # ambig extrasite cutter: BceSI [ SSAAGCG(27/27) ]
30 # ambig center cutter: AjuI [ (7/12)GAANNNNNNNTTGG(11/6) ]
31 # multi extrasite cutter: TaqII [ GACCGA(11/9),CACCCA(11/9) ]
33 # the test sequence *cut* (not site) map (recog sites in lc)
37 # 1 CTCGaagcttAGCAAACGGTTTCTACgacgttatcgtcATTCGGGgcaagcgTCGGCGAT 60
43 # 61 TCGGACGTGcacctgcAAATGCGCGGCgTTAgcgaggtgGCGAgacttttatgtcCCCCT 120
54 # 181 TGCtgggtgTTACgacTCGCGA 202
57 # so we have +/- cut sites (tpi's, not nt's), in positive strand
60 # AasI : (33, 31), (110,108)
61 # AasI : (200,202=0) when circularized
64 # AjuI : (145, 140) / (113, 108)
65 # TaqII : (166, 164) / (174, 172)
67 ok( my $rebase_io = Bio::Restriction::IO->new(
68 -file => test_input_file('withrefm.906'),
69 -format => 'withrefm',
70 ), 'read withrefm file');
72 ok( my $rebase_cln = $rebase_io->read, 'parse withrefm file');
75 # ambiguous, nonamibiguous X intrasite, extrasite
76 ok( my $ninz = $rebase_cln->get_enzyme('HindIII'), 'HindIII: nonambiguous intrasite cutter');
77 ok( my $nexz = $rebase_cln->get_enzyme('AarI'), 'AarI: nonambiguous extrasite cutter');
78 ok( my $ainz = $rebase_cln->get_enzyme('AasI'), 'AasI: ambiguous intrasite cutter' );
79 ok( my $aexz = $rebase_cln->get_enzyme('BceSI'), 'BceSI: ambiguous extrasite cutter' );
80 # central recognition site: (s/t)[site](m/n)
81 ok( my $cenz = $rebase_cln->get_enzyme('AjuI'), 'AjuI: cutter with central recog site');
82 # multisite extrasite:
83 ok (my $menz = $rebase_cln->get_enzyme('TaqII'), 'TaqII: multi-extrasite cutter');
85 ok (my $examples = Bio::Restriction::EnzymeCollection->new(
86 -enzymes=>[$ninz,$ainz, $ainz, $aexz, $cenz, $menz]
90 # build pretend analysis object to test internals
93 bless($an, 'Bio::Restriction::Analysis');
96 my ($plus_sites, $minus_sites);
99 $plus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $ninz );
100 $minus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $ninz,'COMP' );
101 is_deeply( $plus_sites, [5], 'HindIII plus');
102 is_deeply( $minus_sites, [9], 'HindIII minus');
104 $plus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $ainz );
105 $minus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $ainz,'COMP' );
106 is_deeply( $plus_sites, [33, 110], 'AasI plus');
107 is_deeply( $minus_sites, [31, 108], 'AasI minus');
111 $plus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $nexz );
112 $minus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $nexz, 'COMP');
113 is_deeply( $plus_sites, [80], 'AarI plus');
114 is_deeply( $minus_sites, [84], 'AarI minus');
116 $plus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $aexz );
117 $minus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $aexz, 'COMP');
118 is_deeply( $plus_sites, [79], 'BceSI plus');
119 is_deeply( $minus_sites, [79], 'BceSI minus');
121 # central site cutter
122 $plus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $cenz );
123 $minus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $cenz, 'COMP');
125 is_deeply( $plus_sites, [145, 113], 'AjuI plus');
126 is_deeply( $minus_sites, [140, 108], 'AjuI minus');
128 # multisite extrasite cutter
129 $plus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $menz );
130 $minus_sites = $an->_make_cuts( $seq->seq, $menz, 'COMP' );
132 is_deeply( $plus_sites, [166, 174], 'TaqII plus');
133 is_deeply( $minus_sites, [164, 172], 'TaqII minus');
135 # real Analysis object
136 # start restriction analysis
137 ok( my $analysis = Bio::Restriction::Analysis->new(
139 -enzymes => $rebase_cln
140 ), "build real B:R::Analysis object");
142 # retrieve fragment map
143 my @fm = $analysis->fragment_maps($examples);
144 is( @fm, 13, '13 fragments');
146 ok( $seq->is_circular(1), 'circularize');
147 ok( $analysis->cut, 'recut');
148 @fm = $analysis->fragment_maps($examples);
149 is_deeply( [$analysis->positions('AasI')], [33, 110, 200], 'circ: AasI
151 is( @fm, 13, 'circ: still 13 fragments (cut site at origin)');
154 # Emmanuel's tests / bug3015
156 use_ok('Bio::Restriction::IO');
157 use_ok('Bio::Restriction::Analysis');
160 $seq = new Bio::PrimarySeq(
162 -primary_id => 'test1',
166 ok( $rebase_io = Bio::Restriction::IO->new(
167 -file => test_input_file('withrefm.906'),
168 -format => 'withrefm',
169 ), 'read withrefm file');
171 ok( $rebase_cln = $rebase_io->read, 'parse withrefm file');
173 my @enzs = qw/AbeI AccBSI AciI Asp26HI BmgBI/;
175 # Get the enzymes with back cut site
176 # 'AbeI' CCTCAGC(-5/-2) #1
177 # 'AccBSI' CCGCTC(-3/-3) #1
178 # 'AciI' CCGC(-3/-1) #2
179 # 'Asp26HI' GAATGC(1/-1) #1
180 # 'BmgBI' CACGTC(-3/-3) #2
182 ok(my $collection = Bio::Restriction::EnzymeCollection->new(-empty => 1), "Collection initiated");
184 foreach my $e (@enzs){
186 ok(my $enz = $rebase_cln->get_enzyme($e), "$e: found ok into collection");
187 $collection->enzymes($enz);
191 bless($an, 'Bio::Restriction::Analysis');
193 $an->enzymes($collection);
195 #Test all types of stuff from the enzyme
197 'AbeI' => { 'p' => [23],
207 'AccBSI' => { 'p' => [42],
217 'AciI' => { 'p' => [42,58,100],
227 'Asp26HI' => { 'p' => [98],
237 'BmgBI' => { 'p' => [6, 114],
248 foreach my $e (@enzs){
251 my $z = $rebase_cln->get_enzyme($e);
252 my $minus_sites = $an->_make_cuts($seq->seq, $z, 'COMP');
253 my $plus_sites = $an->_make_cuts($seq->seq, $z);
255 is_deeply($plus_sites, $d->{p}, "$e plus");
256 is_deeply($minus_sites, $d->{m}, "$e minus");
258 ok(scalar($an->fragments($z)) eq $d->{f}, "$e fragment");
259 ok(scalar($an->positions($e)) eq $d->{pos}, "$e positions");
261 is($z->overhang(), $d->{'o'}, "$e Overhang");
262 is($z->name(), "$e", "$e name");
263 is($z->site(), $d->{s}, "$e site");
264 is($z->revcom_site(), $d->{r}, "$e revcom_site");
265 is($z->cut(), $d->{c}, "$e cut");
266 is($z->complementary_cut(), $d->{rc}, "$e complementary_cut");