5 bp_classify_hits_kingdom - classify BLAST hits by taxonomic kingdom
9 bp_classify_hits_kingdom [-i tab_file] [-i second_BLAST_file] [-e evalue_cutoff]
10 [-t dir_where_TAXONOMY_files_are] [-g gi2taxid]
11 [-z PATH_TO_zcat] [-v]
15 Will print out the taxonomic distribution (at the kingdom level) for a
16 set of hits against the NR database. By default, this script assumes you
17 did a search against the protein database (gi_taxid_nuc.dump file).
19 This expects BLAST files in tabbed -m9 or -m8 format. Output with -m
20 8 or use blast2table.pl to convert (or fastam9_to_table.PLS if using
24 -t/--taxonomy Directory where the taxonomy .dmp files are (from NCBI)
25 -g/--gi File path of the gi2taxid file (gi_taxid_prot.dmp for proteins
26 or gi_taxid_nucl.dmp if the search was against a nucleid database)
27 -i/--in The name of the tab delimited -m8/-m9 output files to process
28 -e/--evalue Provide an E-value cutoff for hits to be considered
29 -z/--zcat Path to the 'zcat' executable, can also be 'gunzip -c'
30 if no zcat on your system.
32 -v/--verbose To turn on verbose messages
33 -h/--help Display this helpful information
35 This is intended to be useful starting script, but users may want to
36 customize the output and parameters. Note that I am summarizing the
37 kingdoms here and Eukaryota not falling into Metazoa, Viridiplantae, or
38 Fungi gets grouped into the general superkingdom Eukaryota for simplicity.
39 There are comments in the code directing you to where changes can be made
40 if you wanted to display hits by phylum for example. Note that you must
41 wipe out the cache file 'gi2class' that is created in your directory after
46 Jason Stajich jason_at_bioperl_dot_org
52 use Bio
61 my $evalue_filter = 1e-3;
63 my $zcat = 'zcat'; # or gunzip -c
64 my $prefix = File::Spec->catfile($HOME,'taxonomy');
65 my $gi2taxidfile = "$prefix/gi_taxid_prot.dmp.gz";
66 my $force = 0; # don't use the cached gi2taxid file
68 'v|verbose|debug' => \$DEBUG,
72 'e|evalue:f' => \$evalue_filter,
73 't|taxonomy:s' => \$prefix,
74 'g|gi|gi2taxid:s' => \$gi2taxidfile,
75 'h|help' => sub { system('perldoc', $0); exit },
78 # insure idx location is created
79 mkdir(File::Spec->catfile($prefix,'idx'))
80 unless -d File::Spec->catfile($prefix,'idx');
82 # these files came from ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy
83 my $taxdb = Bio::DB::Taxonomy->new
84 (-source => 'flatfile',
85 -directory => File::Spec->catfile
87 -nodesfile => File::Spec->catfile($prefix,'nodes.dmp'),
88 -namesfile => File::Spec->catfile($prefix,'names.dmp')
92 my (%taxid4gi,%gi2node);
93 my $dbh = tie(%gi2node, 'DB_File', 'gi2class');
94 my $giidxfile = File::Spec->catfile($prefix,'idx','gi2taxid');
95 my $done = -f $giidxfile;
97 my $dbh2 = $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$giidxfile","","");
99 $dbh2->do("CREATE TABLE gi2taxid ( gi integer PRIMARY KEY,
100 taxid integer NOT NULL)");
101 $dbh2->{AutoCommit} = 0;
103 # this file came from ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy
104 # I'm interested in protein hits therefor _prot file.
105 if (not -f $gi2taxidfile) {
106 die "Error: File $gi2taxidfile does not exist\n";
108 if( $gi2taxidfile =~ /\.gz$/ ) {
109 open($fh, "$zcat $gi2taxidfile |" ) || die "$zcat $gi2taxidfile: $!";
111 open($fh, $gi2taxidfile ) || die "Error: could not read file $gi2taxidfile: $!";
114 my $sth = $dbh2->prepare("INSERT INTO gi2taxid (gi,taxid) VALUES (?,?)");
117 my ($gi,$taxid) = split;
118 $sth->execute($gi,$taxid);
120 if( $i % 500000 == 0 ) {
122 warn("$i\n") if $DEBUG;
129 for my $file ( @files ) {
132 if( $file =~ /\.gz$/) {
135 my ($spname) = split(/\./,$file);
138 open($fh, "$zcat $file |") || die "$zcat $file: $!";
140 open($fh, $file) || die "$file: $!";
142 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT taxid from gi2taxid WHERE gi=?");
145 my ($qname,$hname,$pid,$qaln,$mismatch,$gaps,
146 $qstart,$qend,$hstart,$hend,
147 $evalue,$bits,$score) = split(/\t/,$_);
148 next if( $evalue > $evalue_filter );
149 if( ! exists $query{$spname}->{$qname} ) {
150 $query{$spname}->{$qname} = {};
153 if( $hname =~ /gi\|(\d+)/) {
155 if( ! $gi2node{$gi} ){ # see if we cached the results from before
158 $sth->bind_columns(\$taxid);
159 if( ! $sth->fetch ) {
160 warn("no taxid for $gi\n");
163 my $node = $taxdb->get_Taxonomy_Node($taxid);
165 warn("cannot find node for gi=$gi ($hname) (taxid=$taxid)\n");
168 my $parent = $taxdb->get_Taxonomy_Node($node->parent_id);
172 # gi2class after you make changes here
173 while( defined $parent && $parent->node_name ne 'root' ) {
174 # this is walking up the taxonomy hierarchy
175 # can be a little slow, but works...
176 #warn( "\t",$parent->rank, " ", $parent->node_name, "\n");
177 # deal with Eubacteria, Archea separate from
178 # Metazoa, Fungi, Viriplantae differently
179 # (everything else Eukaryotic goes in Eukaryota)
180 if( $parent->rank eq 'kingdom') {
182 ($gi2node{$gi}) = $parent->node_name;
184 } elsif( $parent->rank eq 'superkingdom' ) {
186 ($gi2node{$gi}) = $parent->node_name;
187 $gi2node{$gi} =~ s/ \<(bacteria|archaea)\>//g;
190 $parent = $taxdb->get_Taxonomy_Node($parent->parent_id);
193 my ($kingdom) = $gi2node{$gi};
194 #warn("$gi2node{$gi}\n");
195 unless( defined $kingdom && length($kingdom) ) {
196 #warn("no kingdom for $hname\n");
198 $query{$spname}->{$qname}->{$kingdom}++;
201 warn("no GI in $hname\n");
204 last if ( $DEBUG && $i++ > 10000);
208 # print out the taxonomic distribution
209 while( my ($sp,$d) = each %query ) {
210 my $total = scalar keys %$d;
211 print "$sp total=$total\n";
213 for my $v ( values %$d ) {
214 my $tag = join(",",sort keys %$v );
217 for my $t ( sort { $seen{$a} <=> $seen{$b} } keys %seen ) {
218 printf " %-20s\t%d\t%.2f%%\n",
219 $t,$seen{$t}, 100 * $seen{$t} / $total;