maint: restructure to use Dist::Zilla
[bioperl-live.git] / bin / bp_mrtrans
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use strict;
4 # Author: Jason Stajich <jason-at-bioperl-dot-org>
5 # Description: Perl implementation of Bill Pearson's mrtrans
6 # to project protein alignment back into cDNA coordinates
9 =head1 NAME
11 bp_mrtrans - implement a transformer of alignments from protein to mrna coordinates
13 =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 Usage:
16 bp_mrtrans -i inputfile -o outputfile [-if input format] [-of output format] [-s cDNA sequence database] [-sf cDNA sequence format] [-h]
20 This script will convert a protein alignment back into a cDNA. Loosely
21 based on Bill Pearson's mrtrans.
23 The options are:
25 -o filename - the output filename [default STDOUT]
26 -of format - output sequence format
27 (multiple sequence alignment)
28 [default phylip]
29 -i filename - the input filename [required]
30 -if format - input sequence format
31 (multiple sequence alignment)
32 [ default clustalw]
33 -s --seqdb filename - the cDNA sequence database file
34 -sf --seqformat - the cDNA seq db format (flatfile sequence format)
35 -h - this help menu
37 =head1 AUTHOR
39 Jason Stajich, jason-at-bioperl-dot-org
41 =cut
43 use strict;
44 use warnings;
45 use Bio::Align::Utilities qw(aa_to_dna_aln);
46 use Bio::AlignIO;
47 use Bio::SeqIO;
48 use Getopt::Long;
50 # TODO - finish documentation,
51 # - add support for extra options in output alignment formats
52 # such as idnewline in phylip out to support Molphy input files
54 my ($iformat,$seqformat,$oformat,$seqdb,$input,$output) = ('clustalw','fasta',
55 'phylip');
56 my ($help,$usage);
58 $usage = "usage: -i prot_alignment -if align_format -o out_dna_align -of output_format -s cDNA_seqdb -sf fasta\n".
59 "defaults: -if clustalw
60 -of phylip
61 -sf fasta\n";
63 GetOptions(
64 'if|iformat:s' => \$iformat,
65 'i|input:s' => \$input,
66 'o|output:s' => \$output,
67 'of|outformat:s'=> \$oformat,
68 's|seqdb|db:s' => \$seqdb,
69 'sf|seqformat:s'=> \$seqformat,
70 'h|help' => sub{ exec('perldoc',$0);
71 exit(0)
75 $input ||= shift;
76 $seqdb ||= shift;
77 $output ||= shift;
78 if( ! defined $seqdb ) {
79 die("cannot proceed without a valid seqdb\n$usage");
81 if( ! defined $input ) {
82 die("cannot proceed without an input file\n$usage");
84 my $indb = new Bio::SeqIO(-file => $seqdb,
85 -format=>$seqformat);
86 my %seqs;
87 while( my $seq = $indb->next_seq ) {
88 $seqs{$seq->id} = $seq;
91 my $in = new Bio::AlignIO(-format => $iformat,
92 -file => $input);
93 my $out = new Bio::AlignIO(-format => $oformat,
94 -idlength => 22,
95 -interleaved => 0,
96 defined $output ? (-file => ">$output") : () );
98 while( my $aln = $in->next_aln ) {
99 my $dnaaln = aa_to_dna_aln($aln,\%seqs);
100 $dnaaln->set_displayname_flat(1);
101 $out->write_aln($dnaaln);
104 __END__