t/SeqFeature/Generic.t: fix failing tests (fixup fde603f22aa)
[bioperl-live.git] / dist.ini
1 name = BioPerl
2 version = 1.7.3
3 author = See individual modules
4 copyright_holder = See individual modules
5 license = Perl_5
7 ;; Modules should be fixed so that these don't have to be removed.
8 [@BioPerl]
9 -remove = PodCoverageTests
10 -remove = PodWeaver
11 -remove = Test::EOL
12 -remove = Test::NoTabs
14 ;; This is a dependency for Windows only
15 AutoPrereqs.skips[0] = ^Win32$
17 ;; The program bp_fetch can make use of this Bio::DB modules that are
18 ;; not part of the distribution.
19 AutoPrereqs.skips[1] = ^Bio::DB::Ace$
20 AutoPrereqs.skips[2] = ^Bio::DB::EMBL$
21 AutoPrereqs.skips[3] = ^Bio::DB::GenBank$
22 AutoPrereqs.skips[4] = ^Bio::DB::GenPept$
23 AutoPrereqs.skips[5] = ^Bio::DB::SwissProt$
25 [OSPrereqs / MSWin32]
26 Win32 = 0
28 [Prereqs / bin_bp_fetch_RuntimeSuggests]
29 -relationship = suggests
30 Bio::DB::Ace = 0
31 Bio::DB::EMBL = 0
32 Bio::DB::GenBank = 0
33 Bio::DB::GenPept = 0
34 Bio::DB::SwissProt = 0