[test] Add getblockchaininfo functional test
[bitcoinplatinum.git] / test / functional / rpcbind_test.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
3 # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
4 # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
5 """Test running bitcoind with the -rpcbind and -rpcallowip options."""
7 import socket
8 import sys
10 from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework, SkipTest
11 from test_framework.util import *
12 from test_framework.netutil import *
14 class RPCBindTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
15 def set_test_params(self):
16 self.setup_clean_chain = True
17 self.num_nodes = 1
19 def setup_network(self):
20 self.add_nodes(self.num_nodes, None)
22 def run_bind_test(self, allow_ips, connect_to, addresses, expected):
23 '''
24 Start a node with requested rpcallowip and rpcbind parameters,
25 then try to connect, and check if the set of bound addresses
26 matches the expected set.
27 '''
28 self.log.info("Bind test for %s" % str(addresses))
29 expected = [(addr_to_hex(addr), port) for (addr, port) in expected]
30 base_args = ['-disablewallet', '-nolisten']
31 if allow_ips:
32 base_args += ['-rpcallowip=' + x for x in allow_ips]
33 binds = ['-rpcbind='+addr for addr in addresses]
34 self.nodes[0].rpchost = connect_to
35 self.start_node(0, base_args + binds)
36 pid = self.nodes[0].process.pid
37 assert_equal(set(get_bind_addrs(pid)), set(expected))
38 self.stop_nodes()
40 def run_allowip_test(self, allow_ips, rpchost, rpcport):
41 '''
42 Start a node with rpcallow IP, and request getnetworkinfo
43 at a non-localhost IP.
44 '''
45 self.log.info("Allow IP test for %s:%d" % (rpchost, rpcport))
46 base_args = ['-disablewallet', '-nolisten'] + ['-rpcallowip='+x for x in allow_ips]
47 self.nodes[0].rpchost = None
48 self.start_nodes([base_args])
49 # connect to node through non-loopback interface
50 node = get_rpc_proxy(rpc_url(get_datadir_path(self.options.tmpdir, 0), 0, "%s:%d" % (rpchost, rpcport)), 0, coveragedir=self.options.coveragedir)
51 node.getnetworkinfo()
52 self.stop_nodes()
54 def run_test(self):
55 # due to OS-specific network stats queries, this test works only on Linux
56 if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
57 raise SkipTest("This test can only be run on linux.")
58 # find the first non-loopback interface for testing
59 non_loopback_ip = None
60 for name,ip in all_interfaces():
61 if ip != '':
62 non_loopback_ip = ip
63 break
64 if non_loopback_ip is None:
65 raise SkipTest("This test requires at least one non-loopback IPv4 interface.")
66 try:
67 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
68 s.connect(("::1",1))
69 s.close
70 except OSError:
71 raise SkipTest("This test requires IPv6 support.")
73 self.log.info("Using interface %s for testing" % non_loopback_ip)
75 defaultport = rpc_port(0)
77 # check default without rpcallowip (IPv4 and IPv6 localhost)
78 self.run_bind_test(None, '', [],
79 [('', defaultport), ('::1', defaultport)])
80 # check default with rpcallowip (IPv6 any)
81 self.run_bind_test([''], '', [],
82 [('::0', defaultport)])
83 # check only IPv4 localhost (explicit)
84 self.run_bind_test([''], '', [''],
85 [('', defaultport)])
86 # check only IPv4 localhost (explicit) with alternative port
87 self.run_bind_test([''], '', [''],
88 [('', 32171)])
89 # check only IPv4 localhost (explicit) with multiple alternative ports on same host
90 self.run_bind_test([''], '', ['', ''],
91 [('', 32171), ('', 32172)])
92 # check only IPv6 localhost (explicit)
93 self.run_bind_test(['[::1]'], '[::1]', ['[::1]'],
94 [('::1', defaultport)])
95 # check both IPv4 and IPv6 localhost (explicit)
96 self.run_bind_test([''], '', ['', '[::1]'],
97 [('', defaultport), ('::1', defaultport)])
98 # check only non-loopback interface
99 self.run_bind_test([non_loopback_ip], non_loopback_ip, [non_loopback_ip],
100 [(non_loopback_ip, defaultport)])
102 # Check that with invalid rpcallowip, we are denied
103 self.run_allowip_test([non_loopback_ip], non_loopback_ip, defaultport)
104 assert_raises_jsonrpc(-342, "non-JSON HTTP response with '403 Forbidden' from server", self.run_allowip_test, [''], non_loopback_ip, defaultport)
106 if __name__ == '__main__':
107 RPCBindTest().main()