first commit
[bl_monitoring.git] / tools / archiving_extraction /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 #########################
4 import sys, os, time
6 from PyTango import *
8 from archi_utils import sort_by_archiModes
9 ##############################################
13 def archiving(attrs_archiModes, action, db = 'Tdb'):
14 ##############################################################################################
16 if action != 'start' and action != 'stop' and action != 'check':
17 print "\nCorrect use: " + "archving_* start/stop/check BEAM_MONITOR_ID/DEV_FULLNAME/ATTR_FULlNAME [tdb/hdb]\n"
18 sys.exit(0)
20 if db != 'Tdb' and action != 'Hdb': # TODO: case-indifferent check
21 print "Invalid db argument passed to the function 'archiving'"
22 sys.exit(0)
24 check_command = "IsArchived" + db
25 if action in ['start', 'stop']:
26 action_command = "Archiving" + action[:1].upper()+action[1:] + db
27 #print "DEBUG: action_command = " + action_command
30 ac_byModes = sort_by_archiModes(attrs_archiModes)
31 #print ac_byModes # debug
33 #sys.exit(0) ###########################################
35 all_startArchivingArgs = []
36 all_attrLists = []
37 for m in range (len(ac_byModes)):
39 startArchivingArgs_m = []
41 startArchivingArgs_m.append('0') # are all attrs archived in the same HdbArchivier device
43 m_attrsNb = len(ac_byModes[m][1])
44 startArchivingArgs_m.append( m_attrsNb ) # num of attrs to archive
45 for a in range (m_attrsNb):
46 startArchivingArgs_m.append( ac_byModes[m][1][a] ) # list of the archived attrs
47 #print startArchivingArgs_m # debug
48 for p in range ( len(ac_byModes[m][0]) ):
49 startArchivingArgs_m.append( ac_byModes[m][0][p] ) # archiving mode parameters
50 #print ac_byModes[m][0] # debug
52 if db == "Tdb":
53 startArchivingArgs_m.append('TDB_SPEC') # supplimentary params for the temporary archiving
54 startArchivingArgs_m.append('1800000') # bo
55 startArchivingArgs_m.append('21600000') # bo
57 #print "\nArchiving configuration " + str(m+1) # debug
58 #print startArchivingArgs_m # debug
60 all_startArchivingArgs.append(startArchivingArgs_m)
62 all_attrLists.append(startArchivingArgs_m[2:m_attrsNb+2])
63 #print all_attrLists[m] # debug
65 if action == 'start':
66 actionCommand_args = all_startArchivingArgs
67 else:
68 actionCommand_args = all_attrLists
69 #print "DEBUG: len(actionCommand_args) = " + str(len(actionCommand_args))
71 #sys.exit(0) ##################################################################
74 archivingmanager = DeviceProxy('archiving/archivingmanager/archivingmanager.1')
75 archivingmanager.set_timeout_millis(30000)
78 for m in range (len(all_startArchivingArgs)):
80 #mode = extractor.GetArchivingMode( blSteadiness_attrNames[a] )
82 print "\nArchiving configuration " + str(m+1) # debug
83 print all_startArchivingArgs[m] # debug
84 loggingStatus_list = archivingmanager.command_inout(check_command, all_attrLists[m])
85 print "\nArchiving configuration " + str(m+1) + " status: " + str(loggingStatus_list)
87 if action == 'check':
88 extractor = DeviceProxy('archiving/tdb/tdbextractor.1')
89 for a in range (len(all_attrLists[m])):
90 if loggingStatus_list[a] == 0:
91 print all_attrLists[m][a], " is not being archived"
92 else:
93 actual_archiMode = extractor.GetArchivingMode(all_attrLists[m][a])
94 print actual_archiMode # debug
95 model_archiMode = attrs_archiModes[all_attrLists[m][a]]
96 #print model_archiMode # debug
98 same_mode = True
99 if len(actual_archiMode) < len(model_archiMode):
100 same_mode = False
101 else:
102 for i in range (len(model_archiMode)):
103 if actual_archiMode[i] != model_archiMode[i]:
104 if '.' in model_archiMode[i]:
105 if float(actual_archiMode[i]) != float(model_archiMode[i]):
106 print float(actual_archiMode[i])
107 print float(model_archiMode[i])
108 same_mode = False
109 break
110 else:
111 same_mode = False
112 break
113 if not same_mode:
114 print all_attrLists[m][a], " is being archived with the following archiving mode:"
115 print actual_archiMode
119 if action == 'start':
120 print "\n" + str( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) ) + '\t' + "Starting archiving"
121 if action == 'stop':
122 print "\n" + str( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) ) + '\t' + "Stopping archiving"
125 if action in ['start', 'stop']:
127 for m in range (len(actionCommand_args)):
129 print
130 print action_command
131 print actionCommand_args[m]
132 archivingmanager.command_inout(action_command, actionCommand_args[m])
134 loggingStatus_list = archivingmanager.command_inout(check_command, all_attrLists[m])
136 if(action == 'start' and sum(loggingStatus_list) != len(loggingStatus_list)):
138 print '\nWARNING: Archiving has not been correctly started'
139 print "Archiving configuration " + str(m+1)
140 print actionCommand_args[m]
142 if(action == 'stop' and sum(loggingStatus_list) != 0):
144 print '\nWARNING: Archiving has not been correctly stopped'
145 print "\nArchiving configuration " + str(m+1)
146 print actionCommand_args[m]
148 print "\nArchiving configuration " + str(m+1) + " status: " + str(loggingStatus_list)