OBJ: reintroduce export menu item for the old (pre-3.1) python exporter
[blender-addons.git] / io_coat3D / texVR.py
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
16 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
20 import bpy
21 import os
22 import re
23 import json
25 def find_index(objekti):
27 luku = 0
28 for tex in objekti.active_material.texture_slots:
29 if(not(hasattr(tex,'texture'))):
30 break
31 luku = luku +1
32 return luku
35 def RemoveFbxNodes(objekti):
36 Node_Tree = objekti.active_material.node_tree
37 for node in Node_Tree.nodes:
38 if node.type != 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL':
39 Node_Tree.nodes.remove(node)
40 else:
41 output = node
42 output.location = 340,400
43 Prin_mat = Node_Tree.nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled")
44 Prin_mat.location = 13, 375
46 Node_Tree.links.new(Prin_mat.outputs[0], output.inputs[0])
49 def UVTiling(objekti, index, texturelist):
50 """ Checks what Tiles are linked with Material """
52 objekti.coat3D.applink_scale = objekti.scale
53 tiles_index = []
54 tile_number =''
55 for poly in objekti.data.polygons:
56 if (poly.material_index == (index)):
57 loop_index = poly.loop_indices[0]
58 uv_x = objekti.data.uv_layers.active.data[loop_index].uv[0]
59 if(uv_x >= 0 and uv_x <=1):
60 tile_number_x = '1'
61 elif (uv_x >= 1 and uv_x <= 2):
62 tile_number_x = '2'
63 elif (uv_x >= 2 and uv_x <= 3):
64 tile_number_x = '3'
65 elif (uv_x >= 3 and uv_x <= 4):
66 tile_number_x = '4'
67 elif (uv_x >= 4 and uv_x <= 5):
68 tile_number_x = '5'
69 elif (uv_x >= 5 and uv_x <= 6):
70 tile_number_x = '6'
71 elif (uv_x >= 6 and uv_x <= 7):
72 tile_number_x = '7'
73 elif (uv_x >= 7 and uv_x <= 8):
74 tile_number_x = '8'
75 elif (uv_x >= 8 and uv_x <= 9):
76 tile_number_x = '9'
78 uv_y = objekti.data.uv_layers.active.data[loop_index].uv[1]
79 if (uv_y >= 0 and uv_y <= 1):
80 tile_number_y = '0'
81 elif (uv_y >= 1 and uv_y <= 2):
82 tile_number_y = '1'
83 elif (uv_x >= 2 and uv_y <= 3):
84 tile_number_y = '2'
85 elif (uv_x >= 3 and uv_y <= 4):
86 tile_number_y = '3'
87 elif (uv_x >= 4 and uv_y <= 5):
88 tile_number_y = '4'
89 elif (uv_x >= 5 and uv_y <= 6):
90 tile_number_y = '5'
91 elif (uv_x >= 6 and uv_y <= 7):
92 tile_number_y = '6'
93 elif (uv_x >= 7 and uv_y <= 8):
94 tile_number_y = '7'
95 elif (uv_x >= 8 and uv_y <= 9):
96 tile_number_y = '8'
98 tile_number = '10' + tile_number_y + tile_number_x
100 if tile_number not in tiles_index:
101 tiles_index.append(tile_number)
103 return tiles_index
105 def updatetextures(objekti): # Update 3DC textures
107 for index_mat in objekti.material_slots:
109 for node in index_mat.material.node_tree.nodes:
110 if (node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE'):
111 if (node.name == '3DC_color'):
112 node.image.reload()
113 elif (node.name == '3DC_metalness'):
114 node.image.reload()
115 elif (node.name == '3DC_rough'):
116 node.image.reload()
117 elif (node.name == '3DC_nmap'):
118 node.image.reload()
119 elif (node.name == '3DC_displacement'):
120 node.image.reload()
121 elif (node.name == '3DC_emissive'):
122 node.image.reload()
123 elif (node.name == '3DC_AO'):
124 node.image.reload()
125 elif (node.name == '3DC_alpha'):
126 node.image.reload()
128 for index_node_group in bpy.data.node_groups:
130 for node in index_node_group.nodes:
131 if (node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE'):
132 if (node.name == '3DC_color'):
133 node.image.reload()
134 elif (node.name == '3DC_metalness'):
135 node.image.reload()
136 elif (node.name == '3DC_rough'):
137 node.image.reload()
138 elif (node.name == '3DC_nmap'):
139 node.image.reload()
140 elif (node.name == '3DC_displacement'):
141 node.image.reload()
142 elif (node.name == '3DC_emissive'):
143 node.image.reload()
144 elif (node.name == '3DC_AO'):
145 node.image.reload()
146 elif (node.name == '3DC_alpha'):
147 node.image.reload()
150 def readtexturefolder(objekti, mat_list, texturelist, is_new, udim_textures): #read textures from texture file
152 # Let's check are we UVSet or MATERIAL modee
153 create_nodes = False
154 for ind, index_mat in enumerate(objekti.material_slots):
156 if(udim_textures):
157 tile_list = UVTiling(objekti,ind, texturelist)
158 else:
159 tile_list = []
161 texcoat = {}
162 texcoat['color'] = []
163 texcoat['ao'] = []
164 texcoat['rough'] = []
165 texcoat['metalness'] = []
166 texcoat['nmap'] = []
167 texcoat['emissive'] = []
168 texcoat['emissive_power'] = []
169 texcoat['displacement'] = []
170 texcoat['alpha'] = []
172 create_group_node = False
173 if(udim_textures == False):
174 for slot_index, texture_info in enumerate(texturelist):
176 uv_MODE_mat = 'MAT'
177 for index, layer in enumerate(objekti.data.uv_layers):
178 if(layer.name == texturelist[slot_index][0]):
179 uv_MODE_mat = 'UV'
180 break
182 print('aaa')
183 print(texture_info[0])
184 print(index_mat)
185 if(texture_info[0] == index_mat.name):
186 if texture_info[2] == 'color' or texture_info[2] == 'diffuse':
187 if(index_mat.material.coat3D_diffuse):
189 texcoat['color'].append(texture_info[3])
190 create_nodes = True
191 else:
192 os.remove(texture_info[3])
194 elif texture_info[2] == 'metalness' or texture_info[2] == 'specular' or texture_info[2] == 'reflection':
195 if (index_mat.material.coat3D_metalness):
196 texcoat['metalness'].append(texture_info[3])
197 create_nodes = True
198 else:
199 os.remove(texture_info[3])
201 elif texture_info[2] == 'rough' or texture_info[2] == 'roughness':
202 if (index_mat.material.coat3D_roughness):
203 texcoat['rough'].append(texture_info[3])
204 create_nodes = True
205 else:
206 os.remove(texture_info[3])
208 elif texture_info[2] == 'nmap' or texture_info[2] == 'normalmap' or texture_info[2] == 'normal_map' or texture_info[2] == 'normal':
209 if (index_mat.material.coat3D_normal):
210 texcoat['nmap'].append(texture_info[3])
211 create_nodes = True
212 else:
213 os.remove(texture_info[3])
215 elif texture_info[2] == 'emissive':
216 if (index_mat.material.coat3D_emissive):
217 texcoat['emissive'].append(texture_info[3])
218 create_nodes = True
219 else:
220 os.remove(texture_info[3])
222 elif texture_info[2] == 'emissive_power':
223 if (index_mat.material.coat3D_emissive):
224 texcoat['emissive_power'].append(texture_info[3])
225 create_nodes = True
226 else:
227 os.remove(texture_info[3])
229 elif texture_info[2] == 'ao':
230 if (index_mat.material.coat3D_ao):
231 texcoat['ao'].append(texture_info[3])
232 create_nodes = True
233 else:
234 os.remove(texture_info[3])
236 elif texture_info[2].startswith('displacement'):
237 if (index_mat.material.coat3D_displacement):
238 texcoat['displacement'].append(texture_info[3])
239 create_nodes = True
240 else:
241 os.remove(texture_info[3])
243 elif texture_info[2] == 'alpha' or texture_info[2] == 'opacity':
244 if (index_mat.material.coat3D_alpha):
245 texcoat['alpha'].append(texture_info[3])
246 create_nodes = True
247 else:
248 os.remove(texture_info[3])
250 create_group_node = True
252 else:
253 for texture_info in texturelist:
255 if texture_info[2] == 'color' or texture_info[2] == 'diffuse':
256 texcoat['color'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]])
257 create_nodes = True
258 elif texture_info[2] == 'metalness' or texture_info[2] == 'specular' or texture_info[
259 2] == 'reflection':
260 texcoat['metalness'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]])
261 create_nodes = True
262 elif texture_info[2] == 'rough' or texture_info[2] == 'roughness':
263 texcoat['rough'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]])
264 create_nodes = True
265 elif texture_info[2] == 'nmap' or texture_info[2] == 'normalmap' or texture_info[
266 2] == 'normal_map' or texture_info[2] == 'normal':
267 texcoat['nmap'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]])
268 create_nodes = True
269 elif texture_info[2] == 'emissive':
270 texcoat['emissive'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]])
271 create_nodes = True
272 elif texture_info[2] == 'emissive_power':
273 texcoat['emissive_power'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]])
274 create_nodes = True
275 elif texture_info[2] == 'ao':
276 texcoat['ao'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]])
277 create_nodes = True
278 elif texture_info[2].startswith('displacement'):
279 texcoat['displacement'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]])
280 create_nodes = True
281 if texture_info[2] == 'alpha' or texture_info[2] == 'opacity':
282 texcoat['alpha'].append([texture_info[0], texture_info[3]])
283 create_nodes = True
284 create_group_node = True
286 if(create_nodes):
287 coat3D = bpy.context.scene.coat3D
288 path3b_n = coat3D.exchangedir
289 path3b_n += ('%slast_saved_3b_file.txt' % (os.sep))
291 if (os.path.isfile(path3b_n)):
292 export_file = open(path3b_n)
293 for line in export_file:
294 objekti.coat3D.applink_3b_path = line
295 export_file.close()
296 coat3D.remove_path = True
297 createnodes(index_mat, texcoat, create_group_node, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new)
299 def createnodes(active_mat,texcoat, create_group_node, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new): # Creates new nodes and link textures into them
300 bring_color = True # Meaning of these is to check if we can only update textures or do we need to create new nodes
301 bring_metalness = True
302 bring_roughness = True
303 bring_normal = True
304 bring_displacement = True
305 bring_emissive = True
306 bring_AO = True
307 bring_alpha = True
309 coat3D = bpy.context.scene.coat3D
310 coatMat = active_mat.material
312 if(coatMat.use_nodes == False):
313 coatMat.use_nodes = True
315 act_material = coatMat.node_tree
316 main_material = coatMat.node_tree
317 applink_group_node = False
319 # First go through all image nodes and let's check if it starts with 3DC and reload if needed
321 for node in coatMat.node_tree.nodes:
322 if (node.type == 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL'):
323 out_mat = node
324 break
326 for node in act_material.nodes:
327 if(node.name == '3DC_Applink' and node.type == 'GROUP'):
328 applink_group_node = True
329 act_material = node.node_tree
330 applink_tree = node
331 break
333 for node in act_material.nodes:
334 if (node.type != 'GROUP'):
335 if (node.type != 'GROUP_OUTPUT'):
336 if (node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE'):
337 if (node.name == '3DC_color'):
338 bring_color = False
339 elif (node.name == '3DC_metalness'):
340 bring_metalness = False
341 elif (node.name == '3DC_rough'):
342 bring_roughness = False
343 elif (node.name == '3DC_nmap'):
344 bring_normal = False
345 elif (node.name == '3DC_displacement'):
346 bring_displacement = False
347 elif (node.name == '3DC_emissive'):
348 bring_emissive = False
349 elif (node.name == '3DC_AO'):
350 bring_AO = False
351 elif (node.name == '3DC_alpha'):
352 bring_alpha = False
353 elif (node.type == 'GROUP' and node.name.startswith('3DC_')):
354 if (node.name == '3DC_color'):
355 bring_color = False
356 elif (node.name == '3DC_metalness'):
357 bring_metalness = False
358 elif (node.name == '3DC_rough'):
359 bring_roughness = False
360 elif (node.name == '3DC_nmap'):
361 bring_normal = False
362 elif (node.name == '3DC_displacement'):
363 bring_displacement = False
364 elif (node.name == '3DC_emissive'):
365 bring_emissive = False
366 elif (node.name == '3DC_AO'):
367 bring_AO = False
368 elif (node.name == '3DC_alpha'):
369 bring_alpha = False
371 #Let's start to build new node tree. Let's start linking with Material Output
373 if(create_group_node):
374 if(applink_group_node == False):
375 main_mat2 = out_mat.inputs['Surface'].links[0].from_node
376 for input_ind in main_mat2.inputs:
377 if(input_ind.is_linked):
378 main_mat3 = input_ind.links[0].from_node
379 if(main_mat3.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED'):
380 main_mat = main_mat3
382 group_tree = bpy.data.node_groups.new( type="ShaderNodeTree", name="3DC_Applink")
383 group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Color")
384 group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Metallic")
385 group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Roughness")
386 group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketVector", "Normal map")
387 group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Emissive")
388 group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Displacement")
389 group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Emissive Power")
390 group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "AO")
391 group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Alpha")
392 applink_tree = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeGroup')
393 applink_tree.name = '3DC_Applink'
394 applink_tree.node_tree = group_tree
395 applink_tree.location = -400, -100
396 act_material = group_tree
397 notegroup = act_material.nodes.new('NodeGroupOutput')
398 notegroup.location = 220, -260
400 if(texcoat['emissive'] != []):
401 from_output = out_mat.inputs['Surface'].links[0].from_node
402 if(from_output.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED'):
403 add_shader = main_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeAddShader')
404 emission_shader = main_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeEmission')
406 emission_shader.name = '3DC_Emission'
408 add_shader.location = 420, 110
409 emission_shader.location = 70, -330
410 out_mat.location = 670, 130
412 main_material.links.new(from_output.outputs[0], add_shader.inputs[0])
413 main_material.links.new(add_shader.outputs[0], out_mat.inputs[0])
414 main_material.links.new(emission_shader.outputs[0], add_shader.inputs[1])
415 main_mat = from_output
416 else:
417 main_mat = out_mat.inputs['Surface'].links[0].from_node
419 else:
420 main_mat = out_mat.inputs['Surface'].links[0].from_node
421 index = 0
422 for node in coatMat.node_tree.nodes:
423 if (node.type == 'GROUP' and node.name =='3DC_Applink'):
424 for in_node in node.node_tree.nodes:
425 if(in_node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT'):
426 notegroup = in_node
427 index = 1
428 break
429 if(index == 1):
430 break
434 json_address = os.path.dirname(bpy.app.binary_path) + os.sep + str(bpy.app.version[0]) + '.' + str(bpy.app.version[1]) + os.sep + 'scripts' + os.sep + 'addons' + os.sep + 'io_coat3D' + os.sep + 'data.json'
435 with open(json_address, encoding='utf-8') as data_file:
436 data = json.loads(data_file.read())
438 if(out_mat.inputs['Surface'].is_linked == True):
439 if(bring_color == True and texcoat['color'] != []):
440 CreateTextureLine(data['color'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup,
441 main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new)
443 if(bring_metalness == True and texcoat['metalness'] != []):
444 CreateTextureLine(data['metalness'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup,
445 main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new)
447 if(bring_roughness == True and texcoat['rough'] != []):
448 CreateTextureLine(data['rough'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup,
449 main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat,tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new)
451 if(bring_normal == True and texcoat['nmap'] != []):
452 CreateTextureLine(data['nmap'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup,
453 main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new)
455 if (bring_emissive == True and texcoat['emissive'] != []):
456 CreateTextureLine(data['emissive'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup,
457 main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new)
459 if (bring_displacement == True and texcoat['displacement'] != []):
460 CreateTextureLine(data['displacement'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup,
461 main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new)
462 if (bring_alpha == True and texcoat['alpha'] != []):
463 CreateTextureLine(data['alpha'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup,
464 main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new)
467 def CreateTextureLine(type, act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup, main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new):
469 if(tile_list):
470 texture_name = coatMat.name + '_' + type['name']
471 texture_tree = bpy.data.node_groups.new(type="ShaderNodeTree", name=texture_name)
472 texture_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Color")
473 texture_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Alpha")
474 texture_node_tree = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeGroup')
475 texture_node_tree.name = '3DC_' + type['name']
476 texture_node_tree.node_tree = texture_tree
477 texture_node_tree.location[0] = type['node_location'][0]
478 texture_node_tree.location[0] -= 400
479 texture_node_tree.location[1] = type['node_location'][1]
480 notegroupend = texture_tree.nodes.new('NodeGroupOutput')
482 count = len(tile_list)
483 uv_loc = [-1400, 200]
484 map_loc = [-1100, 200]
485 tex_loc = [-700, 200]
486 mix_loc = [-400, 100]
488 nodes = []
490 for index, tile in enumerate(tile_list):
492 tex_img_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage')
494 for ind, tex_index in enumerate(texcoat[type['name']]):
495 if(tex_index[0] == tile):
496 tex_img_node.image = bpy.data.images.load(texcoat[type['name']][ind][1])
497 break
498 tex_img_node.location = tex_loc
500 if tex_img_node.image and type['colorspace'] != 'color':
501 tex_img_node.image.colorspace_settings.is_data = True
503 tex_uv_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeUVMap')
504 tex_uv_node.location = uv_loc
505 if(is_new):
506 tex_uv_node.uv_map = objekti.data.uv_layers[ind].name
507 else:
508 tex_uv_node.uv_map = objekti.data.uv_layers[0].name
510 map_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMapping')
511 map_node.location = map_loc
512 map_node.name = '3DC_' + tile
513 map_node.vector_type = 'TEXTURE'
515 tile_int_x = int(tile[3])
516 tile_int_y = int(tile[2])
518 min_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeVectorMath')
519 min_node.operation = "MINIMUM"
520 min_node.inputs[1].default_value[0] = tile_int_x - 1
521 min_node.inputs[1].default_value[1] = tile_int_y
523 max_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeVectorMath')
524 max_node.operation = "MAXIMUM"
525 max_node.inputs[1].default_value[0] = tile_int_x
526 max_node.inputs[1].default_value[1] = tile_int_y + 1
529 if(index == 0):
530 nodes.append(tex_img_node.name)
531 if(count == 1):
532 texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[0], notegroupend.inputs[0])
533 texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[1], notegroupend.inputs[1])
535 if(index == 1):
536 mix_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMixRGB')
537 mix_node.blend_type = 'ADD'
538 mix_node.inputs[0].default_value = 1
539 mix_node.location = mix_loc
540 mix_loc[1] -= 300
541 texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[0], mix_node.inputs[2])
542 texture_tree.links.new(texture_tree.nodes[nodes[0]].outputs[0], mix_node.inputs[1])
543 mix_node_alpha = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMath')
544 mix_node_alpha.location = mix_loc
545 mix_loc[1] -= 200
546 texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[1], mix_node_alpha.inputs[1])
547 texture_tree.links.new(texture_tree.nodes[nodes[0]].outputs[1], mix_node_alpha.inputs[0])
548 nodes.clear()
549 nodes.append(tex_img_node.name)
550 nodes.append(mix_node.name)
551 nodes.append(mix_node_alpha.name)
554 elif(index > 1):
555 mix_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMixRGB')
556 mix_node.blend_type = 'ADD'
557 mix_node.inputs[0].default_value = 1
558 mix_node.location = mix_loc
559 mix_loc[1] -= 300
560 texture_tree.links.new(texture_tree.nodes[nodes[1]].outputs[0], mix_node.inputs[1])
561 texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[0], mix_node.inputs[2])
562 mix_node_alpha = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMath')
563 mix_node_alpha.location = mix_loc
564 mix_loc[1] -= 200
565 texture_tree.links.new(texture_tree.nodes[nodes[2]].outputs[0], mix_node_alpha.inputs[0])
566 texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[1], mix_node_alpha.inputs[1])
568 nodes.clear()
569 nodes.append(tex_img_node.name)
570 nodes.append(mix_node.name)
571 nodes.append(mix_node_alpha.name)
573 tex_loc[1] -= 300
574 uv_loc[1] -= 300
575 map_loc[1] -= 300
577 texture_tree.links.new(tex_uv_node.outputs[0], map_node.inputs[0])
578 texture_tree.links.new(map_node.outputs[0], min_node.inputs[0])
579 texture_tree.links.new(min_node.outputs['Vector'], max_node.inputs[0])
580 texture_tree.links.new(max_node.outputs['Vector'], tex_img_node.inputs[0])
582 if(count > 1):
583 texture_tree.links.new(mix_node.outputs[0], notegroupend.inputs[0])
584 texture_tree.links.new(mix_node_alpha.outputs[0], notegroupend.inputs[1])
586 if(tile_list):
587 node = texture_node_tree
588 if(texcoat['alpha'] != []):
589 if (type['name'] == 'color'):
590 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[1], notegroup.inputs[8])
591 else:
592 if(type['name'] == 'alpha'):
593 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[1], notegroup.inputs[8])
596 else:
597 node = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage')
598 uv_node = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeUVMap')
600 uv_node.uv_map = objekti.data.uv_layers[0].name
601 act_material.links.new(uv_node.outputs[0], node.inputs[0])
602 uv_node.use_custom_color = True
603 uv_node.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2])
605 node.use_custom_color = True
606 node.color = (type['node_color'][0],type['node_color'][1],type['node_color'][2])
609 if type['name'] == 'nmap':
610 normal_node = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeNormalMap')
611 normal_node.use_custom_color = True
612 normal_node.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2])
614 node.location = -671, -510
615 if(tile_list == []):
616 uv_node.location = -750, -600
617 normal_node.location = -350, -350
618 normal_node.name = '3DC_normalnode'
620 elif type['name'] == 'displacement':
621 disp_node = main_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeDisplacement')
623 node.location = -630, -1160
624 disp_node.location = 90, -460
625 disp_node.inputs[2].default_value = 0.1
626 disp_node.name = '3DC_dispnode'
628 node.name = '3DC_' + type['name']
629 node.label = type['name']
631 if (type['name'] != 'displacement'):
632 for input_index in type['find_input']:
633 input_color = main_mat.inputs.find(input_index)
634 if(input_color != -1):
635 break
637 if (tile_list == []):
639 load_image = True
641 for image in bpy.data.images:
642 if(texcoat[type['name']][0] == image.filepath):
643 load_image = False
644 node.image = image
645 break
647 if (load_image):
648 node.image = bpy.data.images.load(texcoat[type['name']][0])
650 if node.image and type['colorspace'] == 'noncolor':
651 node.image.colorspace_settings.is_data = True
653 if (coat3D.createnodes):
655 if(type['name'] == 'nmap'):
656 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[0], normal_node.inputs[1])
657 if(input_color != -1):
658 act_material.links.new(normal_node.outputs[0], main_mat.inputs[input_color])
660 act_material.links.new(normal_node.outputs[0], notegroup.inputs[type['input']])
661 if (main_mat.inputs[input_color].name == 'Normal' and input_color != -1):
662 main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs[type['input']], main_mat.inputs[input_color])
664 elif (type['name'] == 'displacement'):
666 rampnode = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeValToRGB')
667 rampnode.name = '3DC_ColorRamp'
668 rampnode.use_custom_color = True
669 rampnode.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2])
670 rampnode.location = -270, -956
672 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[0], rampnode.inputs[0])
673 act_material.links.new(rampnode.outputs[0], notegroup.inputs[5])
675 main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs[5], disp_node.inputs[0])
676 main_material.links.new(disp_node.outputs[0], out_mat.inputs[2])
677 coatMat.cycles.displacement_method = 'BOTH'
679 else:
680 if (texcoat['alpha'] != []):
681 if (type['name'] == 'alpha'):
682 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[1], notegroup.inputs[8])
683 else:
684 if (type['name'] == 'color'):
685 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[1], notegroup.inputs[8])
686 if(type['name'] != 'alpha'):
687 huenode = createExtraNodes(act_material, node, type, notegroup)
688 else:
689 huenode = node
690 huenode.location = -100, -800
692 if(type['name'] != 'alpha'):
693 act_material.links.new(huenode.outputs[0], notegroup.inputs[type['input']])
694 if (main_mat.type != 'MIX_SHADER' and input_color != -1):
695 main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs[type['input']], main_mat.inputs[input_color])
696 if(type['name'] == 'color'): #Alpha connection into Principled shader
697 main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs['Alpha'], main_mat.inputs['Alpha'])
699 else:
700 location = main_mat.location
701 #applink_tree.location = main_mat.location[0], main_mat.location[1] + 200
703 if(type['name'] == 'emissive'):
704 for material in main_material.nodes:
705 if(material.name == '3DC_Emission'):
706 main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs[type['input']], material.inputs[0])
707 break
708 if(tile_list == []):
709 uv_node.location = node.location
710 uv_node.location[0] -= 300
711 uv_node.location[1] -= 200
713 else:
714 node.location = type['node_location'][0], type['node_location'][1]
715 if (tile_list == []):
716 uv_node.location = node.location
717 uv_node.location[0] -= 300
718 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[0], notegroup.inputs[type['input']])
719 if (input_color != -1):
720 main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs[type['input']], main_mat.inputs[input_color])
723 def createExtraNodes(act_material, node, type, notegroup):
725 curvenode = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeRGBCurve')
726 curvenode.name = '3DC_RGBCurve'
727 curvenode.use_custom_color = True
728 curvenode.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2])
730 if(type['huenode'] == 'yes'):
731 huenode = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeHueSaturation')
732 huenode.name = '3DC_HueSaturation'
733 huenode.use_custom_color = True
734 huenode.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2])
735 else:
736 huenode = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMath')
737 huenode.name = '3DC_HueSaturation'
738 huenode.operation = 'MULTIPLY'
739 huenode.inputs[1].default_value = 1
740 huenode.use_custom_color = True
741 huenode.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2])
744 if(type['rampnode'] == 'yes'):
745 rampnode = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeValToRGB')
746 rampnode.name = '3DC_ColorRamp'
747 rampnode.use_custom_color = True
748 rampnode.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2])
750 if (type['rampnode'] == 'yes'):
751 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[0], curvenode.inputs[1])
752 act_material.links.new(curvenode.outputs[0], rampnode.inputs[0])
753 if(type['huenode'] == 'yes'):
754 act_material.links.new(rampnode.outputs[0], huenode.inputs[4])
755 else:
756 act_material.links.new(rampnode.outputs[0], huenode.inputs[0])
757 else:
758 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[0], curvenode.inputs[1])
759 if (type['huenode'] == 'yes'):
760 act_material.links.new(curvenode.outputs[0], huenode.inputs[4])
761 else:
762 act_material.links.new(curvenode.outputs[0], huenode.inputs[0])
764 if type['name'] == 'metalness':
765 node.location = -1300, 119
766 curvenode.location = -1000, 113
767 rampnode.location = -670, 115
768 huenode.location = -345, 118
770 elif type['name'] == 'rough':
771 node.location = -1300, -276
772 curvenode.location = -1000, -245
773 rampnode.location = -670, -200
774 huenode.location = -340, -100
776 elif type['name'] == 'color':
777 node.location = -990, 530
778 curvenode.location = -660, 480
779 huenode.location = -337, 335
781 elif type['name'] == 'emissive':
782 node.location = -1200, -900
783 curvenode.location = -900, -900
784 huenode.location = -340, -700
786 elif type['name'] == 'alpha':
787 node.location = -1200, -1200
788 curvenode.location = -900, -1250
789 rampnode.location = -600, -1200
790 huenode.location = -300, -1200
792 if(type['name'] == 'color'):
793 node_vertex = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeVertexColor')
794 node_mixRGB = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMixRGB')
795 node_vectormath = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeVectorMath')
797 node_mixRGB.blend_type = 'MULTIPLY'
798 node_mixRGB.inputs[0].default_value = 1
800 node_vectormath.operation = 'MULTIPLY'
801 node_vectormath.inputs[1].default_value = [2,2,2]
803 node_vertex.layer_name = 'Col'
805 node_vertex.location = -337, 525
806 node_mixRGB.location = 0, 425
808 act_material.links.new(node_vertex.outputs[0], node_mixRGB.inputs[1])
809 act_material.links.new(huenode.outputs[0], node_mixRGB.inputs[2])
810 act_material.links.new(node_vertex.outputs[1], notegroup.inputs[8])
811 act_material.links.new(node_mixRGB.outputs[0], node_vectormath.inputs[0])
813 return node_vectormath
815 return huenode
817 def matlab(objekti,mat_list,texturelist,is_new):
819 print('Welcome facture matlab function')
821 ''' FBX Materials: remove all nodes and create princibles node'''
822 if(is_new):
823 RemoveFbxNodes(objekti)
825 '''Main Loop for Texture Update'''
827 updatetextures(objekti)
829 ''' Check if bind textures with UVs or Materials '''
831 if(texturelist != []):
833 udim_textures = False
834 if texturelist[0][0].startswith('100'):
835 udim_textures = True
837 if(udim_textures == False):
838 readtexturefolder(objekti,mat_list,texturelist,is_new, udim_textures)
839 else:
840 path = texturelist[0][3]
841 only_name = os.path.basename(path)
842 if(only_name.startswith(objekti.coat3D.applink_index)):
843 readtexturefolder(objekti, mat_list, texturelist, is_new, udim_textures)
846 return('FINISHED')