Import_3ds: Improved distance cue chunk import
[blender-addons.git] / rigify /
1 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2022 Blender Foundation
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Sequence, Optional
7 import bpy
8 from bpy.props import StringProperty
9 import os
10 import re
11 import importlib
12 import traceback
13 from zipfile import ZipFile
14 from shutil import rmtree
16 from . import feature_sets
19 from . import RigifyFeatureSets
22 DEFAULT_NAME = 'rigify'
24 # noinspection PyProtectedMember
25 INSTALL_PATH = feature_sets._install_path()
26 NAME_PREFIX = feature_sets.__name__.split('.')
28 # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
31 "name": "CloudRig",
32 "author": "Demeter Dzadik",
33 "description": "Feature set developed by the Blender Animation Studio",
34 "doc_url": "",
35 "link": "",
38 "name": "Experimental Rigs by Alexander Gavrilov",
39 "author": "Alexander Gavrilov",
40 "description":
41 "Experimental and/or niche rigs made by a Rigify maintainer.\n"
42 "Includes a BlenRig-like spine, Body IK (knee & elbow IK), jiggles, skin transforms, etc.",
43 "link": "",
46 "name": "Cessen's Rigify Extensions",
47 "author": "Nathan Vegdahl",
48 "description": "Collection of original legacy Rigify rigs minimally ported to the modern Rigify",
49 "warning": "This feature set is maintained at the bare minimal level",
50 "link": "",
55 def get_install_path(*, create=False):
56 if not os.path.exists(INSTALL_PATH):
57 if create:
58 os.makedirs(INSTALL_PATH, exist_ok=True)
59 else:
60 return None
62 return INSTALL_PATH
65 def get_installed_modules_names() -> List[str]:
66 """Return a list of module names of all feature sets in the file system."""
67 features_path = get_install_path()
68 if not features_path:
69 return []
71 sets = []
73 for fs in os.listdir(features_path):
74 if fs and fs[0] != '.' and fs != DEFAULT_NAME:
75 fs_path = os.path.join(features_path, fs)
76 if os.path.isdir(fs_path):
77 sets.append(fs)
79 return sets
82 def get_prefs_feature_sets() -> Sequence['RigifyFeatureSets']:
83 from . import RigifyPreferences
84 return RigifyPreferences.get_instance().rigify_feature_sets
87 def get_enabled_modules_names() -> List[str]:
88 """Return a list of module names of all enabled feature sets."""
89 installed_module_names = get_installed_modules_names()
90 rigify_feature_sets = get_prefs_feature_sets()
92 enabled_module_names = {fs.module_name for fs in rigify_feature_sets if fs.enabled}
94 return [name for name in installed_module_names if name in enabled_module_names]
97 def find_module_name_by_link(link: str) -> str | None:
98 """Returns the name of the feature set module that is associated with the specified url."""
99 if not link:
100 return None
102 for fs in get_prefs_feature_sets():
103 if == link:
104 return fs.module_name or None
106 return None
109 def mark_feature_set_exception(module_name: str):
110 if module_name:
111 for fs in get_prefs_feature_sets():
112 if fs.module_name == module_name:
113 fs.has_exceptions = True
116 def get_module(feature_set: str):
117 return importlib.import_module('.'.join([*NAME_PREFIX, feature_set]))
120 def get_module_safe(feature_set: str):
121 # noinspection PyBroadException
122 try:
123 return get_module(feature_set)
124 except: # noqa: E722
125 return None
128 def get_module_by_link_safe(link: str):
129 if module_name := find_module_name_by_link(link):
130 return get_module_safe(module_name)
133 def get_dir_path(feature_set: str, *extra_items: list[str]):
134 base_dir = os.path.join(INSTALL_PATH, feature_set, *extra_items)
135 base_path = [*NAME_PREFIX, feature_set, *extra_items]
136 return base_dir, base_path
139 def get_info_dict(feature_set: str):
140 module = get_module_safe(feature_set)
142 if module and hasattr(module, 'rigify_info'):
143 data = module.rigify_info
144 if isinstance(data, dict):
145 return data
147 return {}
150 def call_function_safe(module_name: str, func_name: str,
151 args: Optional[list] = None, kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
152 mark_error=False):
153 module = get_module_safe(module_name)
155 if module:
156 func = getattr(module, func_name, None)
158 if callable(func):
159 # noinspection PyBroadException
160 try:
161 return func(*(args or []), **(kwargs or {}))
162 except Exception:
163 print(f"Rigify Error: Could not call function '{func_name}' of feature set "
164 f"'{module_name}': exception occurred.\n")
165 traceback.print_exc()
166 print("")
168 if mark_error:
169 mark_feature_set_exception(module_name)
171 return None
174 def call_register_function(feature_set: str, do_register: bool):
175 call_function_safe(feature_set, 'register' if do_register else 'unregister', mark_error=do_register)
178 def get_ui_name(feature_set: str):
179 # Try to get user-defined name
180 info = get_info_dict(feature_set)
181 if 'name' in info:
182 return info['name']
184 # Default name based on directory
185 name = re.sub(r'[_.-]', ' ', feature_set)
186 name = re.sub(r'(?<=\d) (?=\d)', '.', name)
187 return name.title()
190 def feature_set_items(_scene, _context):
191 """Get items for the Feature Set EnumProperty"""
192 items = [
193 ('all', 'All', 'All installed feature sets and rigs bundled with Rigify'),
194 ('rigify', 'Rigify Built-in', 'Rigs bundled with Rigify'),
197 for fs in get_enabled_modules_names():
198 ui_name = get_ui_name(fs)
199 items.append((fs, ui_name, ui_name))
201 return items
204 def verify_feature_set_archive(zipfile):
205 """Verify that the zip file contains one root directory, and some required files."""
206 dirname = None
207 init_found = False
208 data_found = False
210 for name in zipfile.namelist():
211 parts = re.split(r'[/\\]', name)
213 if dirname is None:
214 dirname = parts[0]
215 elif dirname != parts[0]:
216 dirname = None
217 break
219 if len(parts) == 2 and parts[1] == '':
220 init_found = True
222 if len(parts) > 2 and parts[1] in {'rigs', 'metarigs'} and parts[-1] == '':
223 data_found = True
225 return dirname, init_found, data_found
228 # noinspection PyPep8Naming
229 class DATA_OT_rigify_add_feature_set(bpy.types.Operator):
230 bl_idname = "wm.rigify_add_feature_set"
231 bl_label = "Add External Feature Set"
232 bl_description = "Add external feature set (rigs, metarigs, ui templates)"
233 bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO", "INTERNAL"}
235 filter_glob: StringProperty(default="*.zip", options={'HIDDEN'})
236 filepath: StringProperty(maxlen=1024, subtype='FILE_PATH', options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'})
238 @classmethod
239 def poll(cls, context):
240 return True
242 def invoke(self, context, event):
243 context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self)
244 return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
246 def execute(self, context):
247 from . import RigifyPreferences
248 addon_prefs = RigifyPreferences.get_instance()
250 rigify_config_path = get_install_path(create=True)
252 with ZipFile(bpy.path.abspath(self.filepath), 'r') as zip_archive:
253 base_dirname, init_found, data_found = verify_feature_set_archive(zip_archive)
255 if not base_dirname:
256{'ERROR'}, "The feature set archive must contain one base directory.")
257 return {'CANCELLED'}
259 # Patch up some invalid characters to allow using 'Download ZIP' on GitHub.
260 fixed_dirname = re.sub(r'[.-]', '_', base_dirname)
262 if not re.fullmatch(r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*', fixed_dirname):
264 f"The feature set archive base directory name is not a valid "
265 f"identifier: '{base_dirname}'.")
266 return {'CANCELLED'}
268 if fixed_dirname == DEFAULT_NAME:
270 {'ERROR'}, f"The '{DEFAULT_NAME}' name is not allowed for feature sets.")
271 return {'CANCELLED'}
273 if not init_found or not data_found:
275 {'ERROR'},
276 "The feature set archive has no rigs or metarigs, or is missing")
277 return {'CANCELLED'}
279 base_dir = os.path.join(rigify_config_path, base_dirname)
280 fixed_dir = os.path.join(rigify_config_path, fixed_dirname)
282 for path, name in [(base_dir, base_dirname), (fixed_dir, fixed_dirname)]:
283 if os.path.exists(path):
284{'ERROR'}, f"Feature set directory already exists: '{name}'.")
285 return {'CANCELLED'}
287 # Unpack the validated archive and fix the directory name if necessary
288 zip_archive.extractall(rigify_config_path)
290 if base_dir != fixed_dir:
291 os.rename(base_dir, fixed_dir)
293 # Call the register callback of the new set
294 addon_prefs.refresh_installed_feature_sets()
296 call_register_function(fixed_dirname, True)
298 addon_prefs.update_external_rigs()
300 # Select the new entry
301 for i, fs in enumerate(addon_prefs.rigify_feature_sets):
302 if fs.module_name == fixed_dirname:
303 addon_prefs.active_feature_set_index = i
304 break
306 return {'FINISHED'}
309 # noinspection PyPep8Naming
310 class DATA_OT_rigify_remove_feature_set(bpy.types.Operator):
311 bl_idname = "wm.rigify_remove_feature_set"
312 bl_label = "Remove External Feature Set"
313 bl_description = "Remove external feature set (rigs, metarigs, ui templates)"
314 bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO", "INTERNAL"}
316 @classmethod
317 def poll(cls, context):
318 return True
320 def invoke(self, context, event):
321 return context.window_manager.invoke_confirm(self, event)
323 def execute(self, context):
324 from . import RigifyPreferences
325 addon_prefs = RigifyPreferences.get_instance()
326 feature_set_list = addon_prefs.rigify_feature_sets
327 active_idx = addon_prefs.active_feature_set_index
328 active_fs: 'RigifyFeatureSets' = feature_set_list[active_idx]
330 # Call the 'unregister' callback of the set being removed.
331 if active_fs.enabled:
332 call_register_function(active_fs.module_name, do_register=False)
334 # Remove the feature set's folder from the file system.
335 rigify_config_path = get_install_path()
336 if rigify_config_path:
337 set_path = os.path.join(rigify_config_path, active_fs.module_name)
338 if os.path.exists(set_path):
339 rmtree(set_path)
341 # Remove the feature set's entry from the addon preferences.
342 feature_set_list.remove(active_idx)
344 # Remove the feature set's entries from the metarigs and rig types.
345 addon_prefs.refresh_installed_feature_sets()
346 addon_prefs.update_external_rigs()
348 # Update active index.
349 addon_prefs.active_feature_set_index -= 1
351 return {'FINISHED'}
354 def register():
355 bpy.utils.register_class(DATA_OT_rigify_add_feature_set)
356 bpy.utils.register_class(DATA_OT_rigify_remove_feature_set)
359 def unregister():
360 bpy.utils.unregister_class(DATA_OT_rigify_add_feature_set)
361 bpy.utils.unregister_class(DATA_OT_rigify_remove_feature_set)