Import_3ds: Improved distance cue chunk import
[blender-addons.git] / rigify /
1 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2022 Blender Foundation
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 import os
6 import traceback
8 from string import capwords
9 from collections import defaultdict
10 from types import ModuleType
11 from typing import Iterable
13 import bpy
15 from .utils.rig import METARIG_DIR, get_resource
17 from . import feature_set_list
20 class ArmatureSubMenu(bpy.types.Menu):
21 # bl_idname = 'ARMATURE_MT_armature_class'
23 operators: list[tuple[str, str]]
25 def draw(self, context):
26 layout = self.layout
27 layout.label(text=self.bl_label)
28 for op, name in self.operators:
29 text = capwords(name.replace("_", " ")) + " (Meta-Rig)"
30 layout.operator(op, icon='OUTLINER_OB_ARMATURE', text=text)
33 def get_metarigs(metarig_table: dict[str, ModuleType | dict],
34 base_dir: str, base_path: list[str], *,
35 path: Iterable[str] = (), nested=False):
36 """ Searches for metarig modules, and returns a list of the
37 imported modules.
38 """
40 dir_path = os.path.join(base_dir, *path)
42 try:
43 files: list[str] = os.listdir(dir_path)
44 except FileNotFoundError:
45 files = []
47 files.sort()
49 for f in files:
50 is_dir = os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir_path, f)) # Whether the file is a directory
52 # Stop cases
53 if f[0] in [".", "_"]:
54 continue
55 if f.count(".") >= 2 or (is_dir and "." in f):
56 print("Warning: %r, filename contains a '.', skipping" % os.path.join(*path, f))
57 continue
59 if is_dir: # Check directories
60 get_metarigs(metarig_table[f], base_dir, base_path, path=[*path, f], nested=True)
61 elif f.endswith(".py"):
62 # Check straight-up python files
63 f = f[:-3]
64 module = get_resource('.'.join([*base_path, *path, f]))
65 if nested:
66 metarig_table[f] = module
67 else:
68 metarig_table[METARIG_DIR][f] = module
71 def make_metarig_add_execute(module):
72 """ Create an execute method for a metarig creation operator.
73 """
74 def execute(_self, context):
75 # Add armature object
76 bpy.ops.object.armature_add()
77 obj = context.active_object
78 = "metarig"
79 = "metarig"
81 # Remove default bone
82 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
83 bones =
84 bones.remove(bones[0])
86 # Create metarig
87 module.create(obj)
89 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
90 return {'FINISHED'}
91 return execute
94 def make_metarig_menu_func(bl_idname: str, text: str):
95 """ For some reason lambdas don't work for adding multiple menu
96 items, so we use this instead to generate the functions.
97 """
98 def metarig_menu(self, _context):
99 self.layout.operator(bl_idname, icon='OUTLINER_OB_ARMATURE', text=text)
100 return metarig_menu
103 def make_submenu_func(bl_idname: str, text: str):
104 def metarig_menu(self, _context):
105, icon='OUTLINER_OB_ARMATURE', text=text)
106 return metarig_menu
109 # Get the metarig modules
110 def get_internal_metarigs():
111 base_rigify_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
112 base_rigify_path = __name__.split('.')[:-1]
114 get_metarigs(metarigs,
115 os.path.join(base_rigify_dir, METARIG_DIR),
116 [*base_rigify_path, METARIG_DIR])
119 def infinite_default_dict():
120 return defaultdict(infinite_default_dict)
123 metarigs = infinite_default_dict()
124 metarig_ops = {}
125 armature_submenus = []
126 menu_funcs = []
129 def create_metarig_ops(dic: dict | None = None):
130 if dic is None:
131 dic = metarigs
133 """Create metarig add Operators"""
134 for metarig_category in dic:
135 if metarig_category == "external":
136 create_metarig_ops(dic[metarig_category])
137 continue
138 if metarig_category not in metarig_ops:
139 metarig_ops[metarig_category] = []
140 for m in dic[metarig_category].values():
141 name = m.__name__.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
143 # Dynamically construct an Operator
144 op_type = type("Add_" + name + "_Metarig", (bpy.types.Operator,), {})
145 op_type.bl_idname = "object.armature_" + name + "_metarig_add"
146 op_type.bl_label = "Add " + name.replace("_", " ").capitalize() + " (metarig)"
147 op_type.bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
148 op_type.execute = make_metarig_add_execute(m)
150 metarig_ops[metarig_category].append((op_type, name))
153 def create_menu_funcs():
154 global menu_funcs
155 for mop, name in metarig_ops[METARIG_DIR]:
156 text = capwords(name.replace("_", " ")) + " (Meta-Rig)"
157 menu_funcs += [make_metarig_menu_func(mop.bl_idname, text)]
160 def create_armature_submenus(dic: dict | None = None):
161 if dic is None:
162 dic = metarigs
163 global menu_funcs
164 metarig_categories = list(dic.keys())
165 metarig_categories.sort()
166 for metarig_category in metarig_categories:
167 # Create menu functions
168 if metarig_category == "external":
169 create_armature_submenus(dic=metarigs["external"])
170 continue
171 if metarig_category == METARIG_DIR:
172 continue
174 armature_submenus.append(type('Class_' + metarig_category + '_submenu',
175 (ArmatureSubMenu,), {}))
176 armature_submenus[-1].bl_label = metarig_category + ' (submenu)'
177 armature_submenus[-1].bl_idname = 'ARMATURE_MT_%s_class' % metarig_category
178 armature_submenus[-1].operators = []
179 menu_funcs += [make_submenu_func(armature_submenus[-1].bl_idname, metarig_category)]
181 for mop, name in metarig_ops[metarig_category]:
182 arm_sub = next((e for e in armature_submenus
183 if e.bl_label == metarig_category + ' (submenu)'),
185 arm_sub.operators.append((mop.bl_idname, name,))
188 def init_metarig_menu():
189 get_internal_metarigs()
190 create_metarig_ops()
191 create_menu_funcs()
192 create_armature_submenus()
195 #################
196 # Registering
198 def register():
199 from bpy.utils import register_class
201 for cl in metarig_ops:
202 for mop, name in metarig_ops[cl]:
203 register_class(mop)
205 for arm_sub in armature_submenus:
206 register_class(arm_sub)
208 for mf in menu_funcs:
209 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_armature_add.append(mf)
212 def unregister():
213 from bpy.utils import unregister_class
215 for cl in metarig_ops:
216 for mop, name in metarig_ops[cl]:
217 unregister_class(mop)
219 for arm_sub in armature_submenus:
220 unregister_class(arm_sub)
222 for mf in menu_funcs:
223 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_armature_add.remove(mf)
226 def get_external_metarigs(feature_module_names: list[str]):
227 unregister()
229 # Clear and fill metarigs public variables
230 metarigs.clear()
231 get_internal_metarigs()
233 for module_name in feature_module_names:
234 # noinspection PyBroadException
235 try:
236 base_dir, base_path = feature_set_list.get_dir_path(module_name, METARIG_DIR)
238 get_metarigs(metarigs['external'], base_dir, base_path)
239 except Exception:
240 print(f"Rigify Error: Could not load feature set '{module_name}' metarigs: "
241 f"exception occurred.\n")
242 traceback.print_exc()
243 print("")
244 feature_set_list.mark_feature_set_exception(module_name)
245 continue
247 metarig_ops.clear()
248 armature_submenus.clear()
249 menu_funcs.clear()
251 create_metarig_ops()
252 create_menu_funcs()
253 create_armature_submenus()
254 register()