Export_3ds: Improved distance cue nodes setup
[blender-addons.git] / curve_tools / exports.py
1 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2022 Blender Foundation
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 import bpy, math
6 from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
7 from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper
8 from . import internal
10 class SvgExport(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
11 bl_idname = 'export_svg_format.svg'
12 bl_description = bl_label = 'Curves (.svg)'
13 filename_ext = '.svg'
15 selection_only: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Selection only', description='instead of exporting all visible curves')
16 absolute_coordinates: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Absolute coordinates', description='instead of relative coordinates')
17 viewport_projection: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Viewport projection', description='WYSIWYG instead of an local orthographic projection')
18 unit_name: bpy.props.EnumProperty(name='Unit', items=internal.units, default='mm')
20 def serialize_point(self, position, update_ref_position=True):
21 if self.transform:
22 position = self.transform@Vector((position[0], position[1], position[2], 1.0))
23 position *= 0.5/position.w
24 ref_position = self.origin if self.absolute_coordinates else self.ref_position
25 command = '{:.3f},{:.3f}'.format((position[0]-ref_position[0])*self.scale[0], (position[1]-ref_position[1])*self.scale[1])
26 if update_ref_position:
27 self.ref_position = position
28 return command
30 def serialize_point_command(self, point, drawing):
31 if self.absolute_coordinates:
32 return ('L' if drawing else 'M')+self.serialize_point(point.co)
33 else:
34 return ('l' if drawing else 'm')+self.serialize_point(point.co)
36 def serialize_curve_command(self, prev, next):
37 return ('C' if self.absolute_coordinates else 'c')+self.serialize_point(prev.handle_right, False)+' '+self.serialize_point(next.handle_left, False)+' '+self.serialize_point(next.co)
39 def serialize_spline(self, spline):
40 path = ''
41 points = spline.bezier_points if spline.type == 'BEZIER' else spline.points
43 for index, next in enumerate(points):
44 if index == 0:
45 path += self.serialize_point_command(next, False)
46 elif spline.type == 'BEZIER' and (points[index-1].handle_right_type != 'VECTOR' or next.handle_left_type != 'VECTOR'):
47 path += self.serialize_curve_command(points[index-1], next)
48 else:
49 path += self.serialize_point_command(next, True)
51 if spline.use_cyclic_u:
52 if spline.type == 'BEZIER' and (points[-1].handle_right_type != 'VECTOR' or points[0].handle_left_type != 'VECTOR'):
53 path += self.serialize_curve_command(points[-1], points[0])
54 else:
55 self.serialize_point(points[0].co)
56 path += 'Z' if self.absolute_coordinates else 'z'
58 return path
60 def serialize_object(self, obj):
61 if self.area:
62 self.transform = self.area.spaces.active.region_3d.perspective_matrix@obj.matrix_world
63 self.origin = Vector((-0.5, 0.5, 0, 0))
64 else:
65 self.transform = None
66 self.origin = Vector((obj.bound_box[0][0], obj.bound_box[7][1], obj.bound_box[0][2], 0))
68 xml = '\t<g id="'+obj.name+'">\n'
69 styles = {}
70 for spline in obj.data.splines:
71 style = 'none'
72 if obj.data.dimensions == '2D' and spline.use_cyclic_u:
73 if spline.material_index < len(obj.data.materials) and obj.data.materials[spline.material_index] != None:
74 style = Vector(obj.data.materials[spline.material_index].diffuse_color)*255
75 else:
76 style = Vector((0.8, 0.8, 0.8))*255
77 style = 'rgb({},{},{})'.format(round(style[0]), round(style[1]), round(style[2]))
78 if style in styles:
79 styles[style].append(spline)
80 else:
81 styles[style] = [spline]
83 for style, splines in styles.items():
84 style = 'fill:'+style+';'
85 if style == 'fill:none;':
86 style += 'stroke:black;'
87 xml += '\t\t<path style="'+style+'" d="'
88 self.ref_position = self.origin
89 for spline in splines:
90 xml += self.serialize_spline(spline)
91 xml += '"/>\n'
93 return xml+'\t</g>\n'
95 def execute(self, context):
96 objects = bpy.context.selected_objects if self.selection_only else bpy.context.visible_objects
97 curves = []
98 for obj in objects:
99 if obj.type == 'CURVE':
100 curves.append(obj)
101 if len(curves) == 0:
102 self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Nothing to export')
103 return {'CANCELLED'}
105 self.area = None
106 if self.viewport_projection:
107 for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
108 if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
109 self.region = None
110 for region in area.regions:
111 if region.type == 'WINDOW':
112 self.region = region
113 if self.region == None:
114 continue
115 self.area = area
116 self.bounds = Vector((self.region.width, self.region.height, 0))
117 self.scale = Vector(self.bounds)
118 if self.unit_name != 'px':
119 self.unit_name = '-'
121 if self.area == None:
122 self.bounds = Vector((0, 0, 0))
123 for obj in curves:
124 self.bounds[0] = max(self.bounds[0], obj.bound_box[7][0]-obj.bound_box[0][0])
125 self.bounds[1] = max(self.bounds[1], obj.bound_box[7][1]-obj.bound_box[0][1])
126 self.scale = Vector((1, 1, 0))
127 for unit in internal.units:
128 if self.unit_name == unit[0]:
129 self.scale *= 1.0/float(unit[2])
130 break
131 self.scale *= context.scene.unit_settings.scale_length
132 self.bounds = Vector(a*b for a,b in zip(self.bounds, self.scale))
134 self.scale[1] *= -1
135 with open(self.filepath, 'w') as f:
136 svg_view = ('' if self.unit_name == '-' else 'width="{0:.3f}{2}" height="{1:.3f}{2}" ')+'viewBox="0 0 {0:.3f} {1:.3f}">\n'
137 f.write('''<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
138 <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
139 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill-rule="evenodd" '''+svg_view.format(self.bounds[0], self.bounds[1], self.unit_name))
140 for obj in curves:
141 f.write(self.serialize_object(obj))
142 f.write('</svg>')
144 return {'FINISHED'}
146 class GCodeExport(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
147 bl_idname = 'export_gcode_format.gcode'
148 bl_description = bl_label = 'Toolpath (.gcode)'
149 filename_ext = '.gcode'
151 speed: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Speed', description='Maximal speed in mm / minute', min=0, default=60)
152 step_angle: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Resolution', description='Smaller values make curves smoother by adding more vertices', unit='ROTATION', min=math.pi/128, default=math.pi/16)
153 local_coordinates: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Local coords', description='instead of global coordinates')
154 detect_circles: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Detect Circles', description='Export bezier circles and helixes as G02 and G03') # TODO: Detect polygon circles too, merge consecutive circle segments
156 @classmethod
157 def poll(cls, context):
158 obj = bpy.context.object
159 return obj != None and obj.type == 'CURVE' and len(obj.data.splines) == 1 and not obj.data.splines[0].use_cyclic_u
161 def execute(self, context):
162 self.scale = Vector((1, 1, 1))
163 self.scale *= context.scene.unit_settings.scale_length*1000.0
164 with open(self.filepath, 'w') as f:
165 f.write('G21\n') # Length is measured in millimeters
166 spline = bpy.context.object.data.splines[0]
167 if spline.use_cyclic_u:
168 return gcode
169 def transform(position):
170 result = Vector((position[0]*self.scale[0], position[1]*self.scale[1], position[2]*self.scale[2])) # , 1.0
171 return result if self.local_coordinates else bpy.context.object.matrix_world@result
172 points = spline.bezier_points if spline.type == 'BEZIER' else spline.points
173 prevSpeed = -1
174 for index, current in enumerate(points):
175 speed = self.speed*max(0.0, min(current.weight_softbody, 1.0))
176 if speed != prevSpeed and current.weight_softbody != 1.0:
177 f.write('F{:.3f}\n'.format(speed))
178 prevSpeed = speed
179 speed_code = 'G00' if current.weight_softbody == 1.0 else 'G01'
180 prev = points[index-1]
181 linear = spline.type != 'BEZIER' or index == 0 or (prev.handle_right_type == 'VECTOR' and current.handle_left_type == 'VECTOR')
182 position = transform(current.co)
183 if linear:
184 f.write(speed_code+' X{:.3f} Y{:.3f} Z{:.3f}\n'.format(position[0], position[1], position[2]))
185 else:
186 segment_points = internal.bezierSegmentPoints(prev, current)
187 circle = None
188 if self.detect_circles:
189 for axis in range(0, 3):
190 projected_points = []
191 for point in segment_points:
192 projected_point = Vector(point)
193 projected_point[axis] = 0.0
194 projected_points.append(projected_point)
195 circle = internal.circleOfBezier(projected_points)
196 if circle:
197 normal = circle.orientation.col[2]
198 center = transform(circle.center-prev.co)
199 f.write('G{} G0{} I{:.3f} J{:.3f} K{:.3f} X{:.3f} Y{:.3f} Z{:.3f}\n'.format(19-axis, 3 if normal[axis] > 0.0 else 2, center[0], center[1], center[2], position[0], position[1], position[2]))
200 break
201 if circle == None:
202 bezier_samples = 128
203 prev_tangent = internal.bezierTangentAt(segment_points, 0).normalized()
204 for t in range(1, bezier_samples+1):
205 t /= bezier_samples
206 tangent = internal.bezierTangentAt(segment_points, t).normalized()
207 if t == 1 or math.acos(min(max(-1, prev_tangent@tangent), 1)) >= self.step_angle:
208 position = transform(internal.bezierPointAt(segment_points, t))
209 prev_tangent = tangent
210 f.write(speed_code+' X{:.3f} Y{:.3f} Z{:.3f}\n'.format(position[0], position[1], position[2]))
211 return {'FINISHED'}
213 def register():
214 for cls in classes:
215 bpy.utils.register_class(operators)
217 def unregister():
218 for cls in classes:
219 bpy.utils.unregister_class(operators)
221 if __name__ == "__main__":
222 register()
224 operators = [SvgExport, GCodeExport]