Export_3ds: Improved distance cue nodes setup
[blender-addons.git] / node_wrangler / __init__.py
1 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2023 Blender Foundation
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 bl_info = {
6 "name": "Node Wrangler",
7 "author": "Bartek Skorupa, Greg Zaal, Sebastian Koenig, Christian Brinkmann, Florian Meyer",
8 "version": (3, 53),
9 "blender": (4, 0, 0),
10 "location": "Node Editor Toolbar or Shift-W",
11 "description": "Various tools to enhance and speed up node-based workflow",
12 "warning": "",
13 "doc_url": "{BLENDER_MANUAL_URL}/addons/node/node_wrangler.html",
14 "category": "Node",
17 import bpy
18 from bpy.props import (
19 BoolProperty,
20 IntProperty,
21 StringProperty,
24 from . import operators
25 from . import preferences
26 from . import interface
29 def register():
30 # props
31 bpy.types.Scene.NWBusyDrawing = StringProperty(
32 name="Busy Drawing!",
33 default="",
34 description="An internal property used to store only the first mouse position")
35 bpy.types.Scene.NWLazySource = StringProperty(
36 name="Lazy Source!",
37 default="x",
38 description="An internal property used to store the first node in a Lazy Connect operation")
39 bpy.types.Scene.NWLazyTarget = StringProperty(
40 name="Lazy Target!",
41 default="x",
42 description="An internal property used to store the last node in a Lazy Connect operation")
43 bpy.types.Scene.NWSourceSocket = IntProperty(
44 name="Source Socket!",
45 default=0,
46 description="An internal property used to store the source socket in a Lazy Connect operation")
47 bpy.types.NodeTreeInterfaceSocket.NWViewerSocket = BoolProperty(
48 name="NW Socket",
49 default=False,
50 description="An internal property used to determine if a socket is generated by the addon")
52 operators.register()
53 interface.register()
54 preferences.register()
57 def unregister():
58 preferences.unregister()
59 interface.unregister()
60 operators.unregister()
62 # props
63 del bpy.types.Scene.NWBusyDrawing
64 del bpy.types.Scene.NWLazySource
65 del bpy.types.Scene.NWLazyTarget
66 del bpy.types.Scene.NWSourceSocket
67 del bpy.types.NodeTreeInterfaceSocket.NWViewerSocket