Retag for 2.54 beta release
[blender-addons.git] /
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
17 # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
19 bl_addon_info = {
20 "name": "Simplify curves",
21 "author": "testscreenings",
22 "version": (1,),
23 "blender": (2, 5, 3),
24 "api": 31847,
25 "location": "Toolshelf > search > simplify curves",
26 "description": "This script simplifies 3D curves and fcurves",
27 "warning": "",
28 "wiki_url": ""\
29 "Scripts/Curve/Curve_Simplify",
30 "tracker_url": ""\
31 "func=detail&aid=22327&group_id=153&atid=468",
32 "category": "Add Curve"}
34 """
35 This script simplifies Curves.
36 """
38 ####################################################
39 import bpy
40 from bpy.props import *
41 import mathutils
42 import math
44 ##############################
45 #### simplipoly algorithm ####
46 ##############################
47 # get SplineVertIndicies to keep
48 def simplypoly(splineVerts, options):
49 # main vars
50 newVerts = [] # list of vertindices to keep
51 points = splineVerts # list of 3dVectors
52 pointCurva = [] # table with curvatures
53 curvatures = [] # averaged curvatures per vert
54 for p in points:
55 pointCurva.append([])
56 order = options[3] # order of sliding beziercurves
57 k_thresh = options[2] # curvature threshold
58 dis_error = options[6] # additional distance error
60 # get curvatures per vert
61 for i, point in enumerate(points[:-(order-1)]):
62 BVerts = points[i:i+order]
63 for b, BVert in enumerate(BVerts[1:-1]):
64 deriv1 = getDerivative(BVerts, 1/(order-1), order-1)
65 deriv2 = getDerivative(BVerts, 1/(order-1), order-2)
66 curva = getCurvature(deriv1, deriv2)
67 pointCurva[i+b+1].append(curva)
69 # average the curvatures
70 for i in range(len(points)):
71 avgCurva = sum(pointCurva[i]) / (order-1)
72 curvatures.append(avgCurva)
74 # get distancevalues per vert - same as Ramer-Douglas-Peucker
75 # but for every vert
76 distances = [0.0] #first vert is always kept
77 for i, point in enumerate(points[1:-1]):
78 dist = altitude(points[i], points[i+2], points[i+1])
79 distances.append(dist)
80 distances.append(0.0) # last vert is always kept
82 # generate list of vertindicies to keep
83 # tested against averaged curvatures and distances of neighbour verts
84 newVerts.append(0) # first vert is always kept
85 for i, curv in enumerate(curvatures):
86 if (curv >= k_thresh*0.01
87 or distances[i] >= dis_error*0.1):
88 newVerts.append(i)
89 newVerts.append(len(curvatures)-1) # last vert is always kept
91 return newVerts
93 # get binomial coefficient
94 def binom(n, m):
95 b = [0] * (n+1)
96 b[0] = 1
97 for i in range(1, n+1):
98 b[i] = 1
99 j = i-1
100 while j > 0:
101 b[j] += b[j-1]
102 j-= 1
103 return b[m]
105 # get nth derivative of order(len(verts)) bezier curve
106 def getDerivative(verts, t, nth):
107 order = len(verts) - 1 - nth
108 QVerts = []
110 if nth:
111 for i in range(nth):
112 if QVerts:
113 verts = QVerts
114 derivVerts = []
115 for i in range(len(verts)-1):
116 derivVerts.append(verts[i+1] - verts[i])
117 QVerts = derivVerts
118 else:
119 QVerts = verts
121 if len(verts[0]) == 3:
122 point = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0))
123 if len(verts[0]) == 2:
124 point = mathutils.Vector((0, 0))
126 for i, vert in enumerate(QVerts):
127 point += binom(order, i) * math.pow(t, i) * math.pow(1-t, order-i) * vert
128 deriv = point
130 return deriv
132 # get curvature from first, second derivative
133 def getCurvature(deriv1, deriv2):
134 if deriv1.length == 0: # in case of points in straight line
135 curvature = 0
136 return curvature
137 curvature = (deriv1.cross(deriv2)).length / math.pow(deriv1.length, 3)
138 return curvature
140 #########################################
141 #### Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm ####
142 #########################################
143 # get altitude of vert
144 def altitude(point1, point2, pointn):
145 edge1 = point2 - point1
146 edge2 = pointn - point1
147 if edge2.length == 0:
148 altitude = 0
149 return altitude
150 if edge1.length == 0:
151 altitude = edge2.length
152 return altitude
153 alpha = edge1.angle(edge2)
154 altitude = math.sin(alpha) * edge2.length
155 return altitude
157 # iterate through verts
158 def iterate(points, newVerts, error):
159 new = []
160 for newIndex in range(len(newVerts)-1):
161 bigVert = 0
162 alti_store = 0
163 for i, point in enumerate(points[newVerts[newIndex]+1:newVerts[newIndex+1]]):
164 alti = altitude(points[newVerts[newIndex]], points[newVerts[newIndex+1]], point)
165 if alti > alti_store:
166 alti_store = alti
167 if alti_store >= error:
168 bigVert = i+1+newVerts[newIndex]
169 if bigVert:
170 new.append(bigVert)
171 if new == []:
172 return False
173 return new
175 #### get SplineVertIndicies to keep
176 def simplify_RDP(splineVerts, options):
177 #main vars
178 error = options[4]
180 # set first and last vert
181 newVerts = [0, len(splineVerts)-1]
183 # iterate through the points
184 new = 1
185 while new != False:
186 new = iterate(splineVerts, newVerts, error)
187 if new:
188 newVerts += new
189 newVerts.sort()
190 return newVerts
192 ##########################
193 #### CURVE GENERATION ####
194 ##########################
195 # set bezierhandles to auto
196 def setBezierHandles(newCurve):
197 scene = bpy.context.scene
198 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=True)
199 bpy.ops.curve.select_all(action='SELECT')
200 bpy.ops.curve.handle_type_set(type='AUTOMATIC')
201 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=True)
203 # get array of new coords for new spline from vertindices
204 def vertsToPoints(newVerts, splineVerts, splineType):
205 # main vars
206 newPoints = []
208 # array for BEZIER spline output
209 if splineType == 'BEZIER':
210 for v in newVerts:
211 newPoints += splineVerts[v].to_tuple()
213 # array for nonBEZIER output
214 else:
215 for v in newVerts:
216 newPoints += (splineVerts[v].to_tuple())
217 if splineType == 'NURBS':
218 newPoints.append(1) #for nurbs w=1
219 else: #for poly w=0
220 newPoints.append(0)
221 return newPoints
223 #########################
224 #### MAIN OPERATIONS ####
225 #########################
227 def main(context, obj, options):
228 #print("\n_______START_______")
229 # main vars
230 mode = options[0]
231 output = options[1]
232 degreeOut = options[5]
233 keepShort = options[7]
234 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
235 scene = context.scene
236 splines =
238 # create curvedatablock
239 curve ="simple_", type = 'CURVE')
241 # go through splines
242 for spline_i, spline in enumerate(splines):
243 # test if spline is a long enough
244 if len(spline.points) >= 7 or keepShort:
245 #check what type of spline to create
246 if output == 'INPUT':
247 splineType = spline.type
248 else:
249 splineType = output
251 # get vec3 list to simplify
252 if spline.type == 'BEZIER': # get bezierverts
253 splineVerts = [
254 for splineVert in spline.bezier_points.values()]
256 else: # verts from all other types of curves
257 splineVerts = [
258 for splineVert in spline.points.values()]
260 # simplify spline according to mode
261 if mode == 'distance':
262 newVerts = simplify_RDP(splineVerts, options)
264 if mode == 'curvature':
265 newVerts = simplypoly(splineVerts, options)
267 # convert indicies into vectors3D
268 newPoints = vertsToPoints(newVerts, splineVerts, splineType)
270 # create new spline
271 newSpline = = splineType)
273 # put newPoints into spline according to type
274 if splineType == 'BEZIER':
275 newSpline.bezier_points.add(int(len(newPoints)*0.33))
276 newSpline.bezier_points.foreach_set('co', newPoints)
277 else:
278 newSpline.points.add(int(len(newPoints)*0.25 - 1))
279 newSpline.points.foreach_set('co', newPoints)
281 # set degree of outputNurbsCurve
282 if output == 'NURBS':
283 newSpline.order_u = degreeOut
285 # splineoptions
286 newSpline.use_endpoint_u = spline.use_endpoint_u
288 # create ne object and put into scene
289 newCurve ="simple_", curve)
291 = True
292 = newCurve
293 newCurve.matrix_world = obj.matrix_world
295 # set bezierhandles to auto
296 setBezierHandles(newCurve)
298 #print("________END________\n")
299 return
301 ##################
302 ## get preoperator fcurves
303 def getFcurveData(obj):
304 fcurves = []
305 for fc in obj.animation_data.action.fcurves:
306 if
307 fcVerts = [
308 for vcVert in fc.keyframe_points.values()]
309 fcurves.append(fcVerts)
310 return fcurves
312 def selectedfcurves(obj):
313 fcurves_sel = []
314 for i, fc in enumerate(obj.animation_data.action.fcurves):
315 if
316 fcurves_sel.append(fc)
317 return fcurves_sel
319 ###########################################################
320 ## fCurves Main
321 def fcurves_simplify(context, obj, options, fcurves):
322 # main vars
323 mode = options[0]
324 scene = context.scene
325 fcurves_obj = obj.animation_data.action.fcurves
327 #get indicies of selected fcurves
328 fcurve_sel = selectedfcurves(obj)
330 # go through fcurves
331 for fcurve_i, fcurve in enumerate(fcurves):
332 # test if fcurve is long enough
333 if len(fcurve) >= 7:
335 # simplify spline according to mode
336 if mode == 'distance':
337 newVerts = simplify_RDP(fcurve, options)
339 if mode == 'curvature':
340 newVerts = simplypoly(fcurve, options)
342 # convert indicies into vectors3D
343 newPoints = []
345 #this is different from the main() function for normal curves, different api...
346 for v in newVerts:
347 newPoints.append(fcurve[v])
349 #remove all points from curve first
350 for i in range(len(fcurve)-1,0,-1):
351 fcurve_sel[fcurve_i].keyframe_points.remove(fcurve_sel[fcurve_i].keyframe_points[i])
352 # put newPoints into fcurve
353 for v in newPoints:
354 fcurve_sel[fcurve_i].keyframe_points.add(frame=v[0],value=v[1])
355 #fcurve.points.foreach_set('co', newPoints)
356 return
358 #################################################
359 #### ANIMATION CURVES OPERATOR ##################
360 #################################################
361 class GRAPH_OT_simplify(bpy.types.Operator):
362 ''''''
363 bl_idname = "graph.simplify"
364 bl_label = "simplifiy f-curves"
365 bl_description = "simplify selected f-curves"
366 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
368 ## Properties
369 opModes = [
370 ('distance', 'distance', 'distance'),
371 ('curvature', 'curvature', 'curvature')]
372 mode = EnumProperty(name="Mode",
373 description="choose algorithm to use",
374 items=opModes)
375 k_thresh = FloatProperty(name="k",
376 min=0, soft_min=0,
377 default=0, precision=3,
378 description="threshold")
379 pointsNr = IntProperty(name="n",
380 min=5, soft_min=5,
381 max=16, soft_max=9,
382 default=5,
383 description="degree of curve to get averaged curvatures")
384 error = FloatProperty(name="error",
385 description="maximum error to allow - distance",
386 min=0.0, soft_min=0.0,
387 default=0, precision=3)
388 degreeOut = IntProperty(name="degree",
389 min=3, soft_min=3,
390 max=7, soft_max=7,
391 default=5,
392 description="degree of new curve")
393 dis_error = FloatProperty(name="distance error",
394 description="maximum error in Blenderunits to allow - distance",
395 min=0, soft_min=0,
396 default=0.0, precision=3)
397 fcurves = []
399 ''' Remove curvature mode as long as it isnn't significantly improved
401 def draw(self, context):
402 layout = self.layout
403 col = layout.column()
404 col.label('Mode:')
405 col.prop(, 'mode', expand=True)
406 if self.mode == 'distance':
407 box =
408 box.label(self.mode, icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
409 box.prop(, 'error', expand=True)
410 if self.mode == 'curvature':
411 box =
412 box.label('degree', icon='SMOOTHCURVE')
413 box.prop(, 'pointsNr', expand=True)
414 box.label('threshold', icon='PARTICLE_PATH')
415 box.prop(, 'k_thresh', expand=True)
416 box.label('distance', icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
417 box.prop(, 'dis_error', expand=True)
418 col = layout.column()
421 def draw(self, context):
422 layout = self.layout
423 col = layout.column()
424 col.prop(, 'error', expand=True)
426 ## Check for animdata
427 @classmethod
428 def poll(cls, context):
429 obj = context.active_object
430 fcurves = False
431 if obj:
432 animdata = obj.animation_data
433 if animdata:
434 act = animdata.action
435 if act:
436 fcurves = act.fcurves
437 return (obj and fcurves)
439 ## execute
440 def execute(self, context):
441 #print("------START------")
443 options = [
444 self.mode, #0
445 self.mode, #1
446 self.k_thresh, #2
447 self.pointsNr, #3
448 self.error, #4
449 self.degreeOut, #6
450 self.dis_error] #7
452 obj = context.active_object
454 if not self.fcurves:
455 self.fcurves = getFcurveData(obj)
457 fcurves_simplify(context, obj, options, self.fcurves)
459 #print("-------END-------")
460 return {'FINISHED'}
462 ###########################
463 ##### Curves OPERATOR #####
464 ###########################
465 class CURVE_OT_simplify(bpy.types.Operator):
466 ''''''
467 bl_idname = "curve.simplify"
468 bl_label = "simplifiy curves"
469 bl_description = "simplify curves"
470 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
472 ## Properties
473 opModes = [
474 ('distance', 'distance', 'distance'),
475 ('curvature', 'curvature', 'curvature')]
476 mode = EnumProperty(name="Mode",
477 description="choose algorithm to use",
478 items=opModes)
479 SplineTypes = [
480 ('INPUT', 'Input', 'same type as input spline'),
481 ('NURBS', 'Nurbs', 'NURBS'),
482 ('BEZIER', 'Bezier', 'BEZIER'),
483 ('POLY', 'Poly', 'POLY')]
484 output = EnumProperty(name="Output splines",
485 description="Type of splines to output",
486 items=SplineTypes)
487 k_thresh = FloatProperty(name="k",
488 min=0, soft_min=0,
489 default=0, precision=3,
490 description="threshold")
491 pointsNr = IntProperty(name="n",
492 min=5, soft_min=5,
493 max=9, soft_max=9,
494 default=5,
495 description="degree of curve to get averaged curvatures")
496 error = FloatProperty(name="error in Bu",
497 description="maximum error in Blenderunits to allow - distance",
498 min=0, soft_min=0,
499 default=0.0, precision=3)
500 degreeOut = IntProperty(name="degree",
501 min=3, soft_min=3,
502 max=7, soft_max=7,
503 default=5,
504 description="degree of new curve")
505 dis_error = FloatProperty(name="distance error",
506 description="maximum error in Blenderunits to allow - distance",
507 min=0, soft_min=0,
508 default=0.0)
509 keepShort = BoolProperty(name="keep short Splines",
510 description="keep short splines (less then 7 points)",
511 default=True)
513 ''' Remove curvature mode as long as it isnn't significantly improved
515 def draw(self, context):
516 layout = self.layout
517 col = layout.column()
518 col.label('Mode:')
519 col.prop(, 'mode', expand=True)
520 if self.mode == 'distance':
521 box =
522 box.label(self.mode, icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
523 box.prop(, 'error', expand=True)
524 if self.mode == 'curvature':
525 box =
526 box.label('degree', icon='SMOOTHCURVE')
527 box.prop(, 'pointsNr', expand=True)
528 box.label('threshold', icon='PARTICLE_PATH')
529 box.prop(, 'k_thresh', expand=True)
530 box.label('distance', icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
531 box.prop(, 'dis_error', expand=True)
532 col = layout.column()
533 col.separator()
534 col.prop(, 'output', text='Output', icon='OUTLINER_OB_CURVE')
535 if self.output == 'NURBS':
536 col.prop(, 'degreeOut', expand=True)
537 col.prop(, 'keepShort', expand=True)
540 def draw(self, context):
541 layout = self.layout
542 col = layout.column()
543 col.prop(, 'error', expand=True)
544 col.prop(, 'output', text='Output', icon='OUTLINER_OB_CURVE')
545 if self.output == 'NURBS':
546 col.prop(, 'degreeOut', expand=True)
547 col.prop(, 'keepShort', expand=True)
550 ## Check for curve
551 @classmethod
552 def poll(cls, context):
553 obj = context.active_object
554 return (obj and obj.type == 'CURVE')
556 ## execute
557 def execute(self, context):
558 #print("------START------")
560 options = [
561 self.mode, #0
562 self.output, #1
563 self.k_thresh, #2
564 self.pointsNr, #3
565 self.error, #4
566 self.degreeOut, #5
567 self.dis_error, #6
568 self.keepShort] #7
571 bpy.context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = False
573 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=True)
574 obj = context.active_object
576 main(context, obj, options)
578 bpy.context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = True
580 #print("-------END-------")
581 return {'FINISHED'}
583 #################################################
584 #### REGISTER ###################################
585 #################################################
586 def register():
587 pass
589 def unregister():
590 pass
592 if __name__ == "__main__":
593 register()