Sun Position: fix error with Diurnal mode of Sun collection
[blender-addons.git] / sun_position /
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 import bpy
4 from import persistent
6 import gpu
7 from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader
9 from mathutils import Euler, Vector
11 from math import degrees, radians, pi, sin, cos, asin, acos, tan, floor
12 import datetime
15 class SunInfo:
16 """
17 Store intermediate sun calculations
18 """
20 class SunBind:
21 azimuth = 0.0
22 elevation = 0.0
23 az_start_sun = 0.0
24 az_start_env = 0.0
26 bind = SunBind()
27 bind_to_sun = False
29 latitude = 0.0
30 longitude = 0.0
31 elevation = 0.0
32 azimuth = 0.0
34 sunrise = 0.0
35 sunset = 0.0
37 month = 0
38 day = 0
39 year = 0
40 day_of_year = 0
41 time = 0.0
43 UTC_zone = 0
44 sun_distance = 0.0
45 use_daylight_savings = False
48 sun = SunInfo()
51 def move_sun(context):
52 """
53 Cycle through all the selected objects and set their position and rotation
54 in the sky.
55 """
56 addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
57 sun_props = context.scene.sun_pos_properties
59 if sun_props.usage_mode == "HDR":
60 nt =
61 env_tex = nt.get(sun_props.hdr_texture)
63 if sun.bind_to_sun != sun_props.bind_to_sun:
64 # bind_to_sun was just toggled
65 sun.bind_to_sun = sun_props.bind_to_sun
66 sun.bind.az_start_sun = sun_props.hdr_azimuth
67 if env_tex:
68 sun.bind.az_start_env = env_tex.texture_mapping.rotation.z
70 if env_tex and sun_props.bind_to_sun:
71 az = sun_props.hdr_azimuth - sun.bind.az_start_sun + sun.bind.az_start_env
72 env_tex.texture_mapping.rotation.z = az
74 if sun_props.sun_object:
75 obj = sun_props.sun_object
76 obj.location = get_sun_vector(
77 sun_props.hdr_azimuth, sun_props.hdr_elevation) * sun_props.sun_distance
79 rotation_euler = Euler((sun_props.hdr_elevation - pi/2,
80 0, -sun_props.hdr_azimuth))
82 set_sun_rotations(obj, rotation_euler)
83 return
85 local_time = sun_props.time
86 zone = -sun_props.UTC_zone
87 sun.use_daylight_savings = sun_props.use_daylight_savings
88 if sun.use_daylight_savings:
89 zone -= 1
91 if addon_prefs.show_rise_set:
92 calc_sunrise_sunset(rise=True)
93 calc_sunrise_sunset(rise=False)
95 azimuth, elevation = get_sun_coordinates(
96 local_time, sun_props.latitude, sun_props.longitude,
97 zone, sun_props.month,, sun_props.year)
99 sun.azimuth = azimuth
100 sun.elevation = elevation
101 sun_vector = get_sun_vector(azimuth, elevation)
103 if sun_props.sky_texture:
104 sky_node =
105 if sky_node is not None and sky_node.type == "TEX_SKY":
106 sky_node.texture_mapping.rotation.z = 0.0
107 sky_node.sun_direction = sun_vector
108 sky_node.sun_elevation = elevation
109 sky_node.sun_rotation = azimuth
111 # Sun object
112 if (sun_props.sun_object is not None
113 and in context.view_layer.objects):
114 obj = sun_props.sun_object
115 obj.location = sun_vector * sun_props.sun_distance
116 rotation_euler = Euler((elevation - pi/2, 0, -azimuth))
117 set_sun_rotations(obj, rotation_euler)
119 # Sun collection
120 if sun_props.object_collection is not None:
121 sun_objects = sun_props.object_collection.objects
122 object_count = len(sun_objects)
123 if sun_props.object_collection_type == 'DIURNAL':
124 # Diurnal motion
125 if object_count > 1:
126 time_increment = sun_props.time_spread / (object_count - 1)
127 local_time = local_time + time_increment * (object_count - 1)
128 else:
129 time_increment = sun_props.time_spread
131 for obj in sun_objects:
132 azimuth, elevation = get_sun_coordinates(
133 local_time, sun_props.latitude,
134 sun_props.longitude, zone,
135 sun_props.month,, sun_props.year)
136 obj.location = get_sun_vector(azimuth, elevation) * sun_props.sun_distance
137 local_time -= time_increment
138 obj.rotation_euler = ((elevation - pi/2, 0, -azimuth))
139 else:
140 # Analemma
141 day_increment = 365 / object_count
142 day = sun_props.day_of_year + day_increment * (object_count - 1)
143 for obj in sun_objects:
144 dt = (, 1, 1) +
145 datetime.timedelta(day - 1))
146 azimuth, elevation = get_sun_coordinates(
147 local_time, sun_props.latitude,
148 sun_props.longitude, zone,
149 dt.month,, sun_props.year)
150 obj.location = get_sun_vector(azimuth, elevation) * sun_props.sun_distance
151 day -= day_increment
152 obj.rotation_euler = (elevation - pi/2, 0, -azimuth)
155 def day_of_year_to_month_day(year, day_of_year):
156 dt = (, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(day_of_year - 1))
157 return, dt.month
160 def month_day_to_day_of_year(year, month, day):
161 dt =, month, day)
162 return dt.timetuple().tm_yday
165 def update_time(context):
166 sun_props = context.scene.sun_pos_properties
168 if sun_props.use_day_of_year:
169 day, month = day_of_year_to_month_day(sun_props.year,
170 sun_props.day_of_year)
171 = day
172 sun.month = month
173 sun.day_of_year = sun_props.day_of_year
174 if != day:
175 = day
176 if sun_props.month != month:
177 sun_props.month = month
178 else:
179 day_of_year = month_day_to_day_of_year(
180 sun_props.year, sun_props.month,
181 =
182 sun.month = sun_props.month
183 sun.day_of_year = day_of_year
184 if sun_props.day_of_year != day_of_year:
185 sun_props.day_of_year = day_of_year
187 sun.year = sun_props.year
188 sun.longitude = sun_props.longitude
189 sun.latitude = sun_props.latitude
190 sun.UTC_zone = sun_props.UTC_zone
193 @persistent
194 def sun_handler(scene):
195 update_time(bpy.context)
196 move_sun(bpy.context)
199 def format_time(time, daylight_savings, UTC_zone=None):
200 if UTC_zone is not None:
201 if daylight_savings:
202 UTC_zone += 1
203 time -= UTC_zone
205 time %= 24
207 return format_hms(time)
210 def format_hms(time):
211 hh = int(time)
212 mm = (time % 1.0) * 60
213 ss = (mm % 1.0) * 60
215 return f"{hh:02d}:{int(mm):02d}:{int(ss):02d}"
218 def format_lat_long(latitude, longitude):
219 coordinates = ""
221 for i, co in enumerate((latitude, longitude)):
222 dd = abs(int(co))
223 mm = abs(co - int(co)) * 60.0
224 ss = abs(mm - int(mm)) * 60.0
225 if co == 0:
226 direction = ""
227 elif i == 0:
228 direction = "N" if co > 0 else "S"
229 else:
230 direction = "E" if co > 0 else "W"
232 coordinates += f"{dd:02d}°{int(mm):02d}′{ss:05.2f}″{direction} "
234 return coordinates.strip(" ")
237 def get_sun_coordinates(local_time, latitude, longitude,
238 utc_zone, month, day, year):
240 Calculate the actual position of the sun based on input parameters.
242 The sun positioning algorithms below are based on the National Oceanic
243 and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Solar Position Calculator
244 which rely on calculations of Jean Meeus' book "Astronomical Algorithms."
245 Use of NOAA data and products are in the public domain and may be used
246 freely by the public as outlined in their policies at
249 The calculations of this script can be verified with those of NOAA's
250 using the Azimuth and Solar Elevation displayed in the SunPos_Panel.
251 NOAA's web site is:
254 sun_props = bpy.context.scene.sun_pos_properties
256 longitude *= -1 # for internal calculations
257 utc_time = local_time + utc_zone # Set Greenwich Meridian Time
259 if latitude > 89.93: # Latitude 90 and -90 gives
260 latitude = radians(89.93) # erroneous results so nudge it
261 elif latitude < -89.93:
262 latitude = radians(-89.93)
263 else:
264 latitude = radians(latitude)
266 t = julian_time_from_y2k(utc_time, year, month, day)
268 e = radians(obliquity_correction(t))
269 L = apparent_longitude_of_sun(t)
270 solar_dec = sun_declination(e, L)
271 eqtime = calc_equation_of_time(t)
273 time_correction = (eqtime - 4 * longitude) + 60 * utc_zone
274 true_solar_time = ((utc_time - utc_zone) * 60.0 + time_correction) % 1440
276 hour_angle = true_solar_time / 4.0 - 180.0
277 if hour_angle < -180.0:
278 hour_angle += 360.0
280 csz = (sin(latitude) * sin(solar_dec) +
281 cos(latitude) * cos(solar_dec) *
282 cos(radians(hour_angle)))
283 if csz > 1.0:
284 csz = 1.0
285 elif csz < -1.0:
286 csz = -1.0
288 zenith = acos(csz)
290 az_denom = cos(latitude) * sin(zenith)
292 if abs(az_denom) > 0.001:
293 az_rad = ((sin(latitude) *
294 cos(zenith)) - sin(solar_dec)) / az_denom
295 if abs(az_rad) > 1.0:
296 az_rad = -1.0 if (az_rad < 0.0) else 1.0
297 azimuth = pi - acos(az_rad)
298 if hour_angle > 0.0:
299 azimuth = -azimuth
300 else:
301 azimuth = pi if (latitude > 0.0) else 0.0
303 if azimuth < 0.0:
304 azimuth += 2*pi
306 exoatm_elevation = 90.0 - degrees(zenith)
308 if sun_props.use_refraction:
309 if exoatm_elevation > 85.0:
310 refraction_correction = 0.0
311 else:
312 te = tan(radians(exoatm_elevation))
313 if exoatm_elevation > 5.0:
314 refraction_correction = (
315 58.1 / te - 0.07 / (te ** 3) + 0.000086 / (te ** 5))
316 elif exoatm_elevation > -0.575:
317 s1 = -12.79 + exoatm_elevation * 0.711
318 s2 = 103.4 + exoatm_elevation * s1
319 s3 = -518.2 + exoatm_elevation * s2
320 refraction_correction = 1735.0 + exoatm_elevation * (s3)
321 else:
322 refraction_correction = -20.774 / te
324 refraction_correction /= 3600
325 elevation = pi/2 - (zenith - radians(refraction_correction))
327 else:
328 elevation = pi/2 - zenith
330 azimuth += sun_props.north_offset
332 return azimuth, elevation
335 def get_sun_vector(azimuth, elevation):
337 Convert the sun coordinates to cartesian
339 phi = -azimuth
340 theta = pi/2 - elevation
342 loc_x = sin(phi) * sin(-theta)
343 loc_y = sin(theta) * cos(phi)
344 loc_z = cos(theta)
345 return Vector((loc_x, loc_y, loc_z))
348 def set_sun_rotations(obj, rotation_euler):
349 rotation_quaternion = rotation_euler.to_quaternion()
350 obj.rotation_quaternion = rotation_quaternion
352 if obj.rotation_mode in {'XZY', 'YXZ', 'YZX', 'ZXY', 'ZYX'}:
353 obj.rotation_euler = rotation_quaternion.to_euler(obj.rotation_mode)
354 else:
355 obj.rotation_euler = rotation_euler
357 rotation_axis_angle = obj.rotation_quaternion.to_axis_angle()
358 obj.rotation_axis_angle = (rotation_axis_angle[1],
359 *rotation_axis_angle[0])
362 def calc_sunrise_set_UTC(rise, jd, latitude, longitude):
363 t = calc_time_julian_cent(jd)
364 eq_time = calc_equation_of_time(t)
365 solar_dec = calc_sun_declination(t)
366 hour_angle = calc_hour_angle_sunrise(latitude, solar_dec)
367 if not rise:
368 hour_angle = -hour_angle
369 delta = longitude + degrees(hour_angle)
370 time_UTC = 720 - (4.0 * delta) - eq_time
371 return time_UTC
374 def calc_sun_declination(t):
375 e = radians(obliquity_correction(t))
376 L = apparent_longitude_of_sun(t)
377 solar_dec = sun_declination(e, L)
378 return solar_dec
381 def calc_hour_angle_sunrise(lat, solar_dec):
382 lat_rad = radians(lat)
383 HAarg = (cos(radians(90.833)) /
384 (cos(lat_rad) * cos(solar_dec))
385 - tan(lat_rad) * tan(solar_dec))
386 if HAarg < -1.0:
387 HAarg = -1.0
388 elif HAarg > 1.0:
389 HAarg = 1.0
390 HA = acos(HAarg)
391 return HA
394 # def calc_solar_noon(jd, longitude, timezone, dst):
395 # t = calc_time_julian_cent(jd - longitude / 360.0)
396 # eq_time = calc_equation_of_time(t)
397 # noon_offset = 720.0 - (longitude * 4.0) - eq_time
398 # newt = calc_time_julian_cent(jd + noon_offset / 1440.0)
399 # eq_time = calc_equation_of_time(newt)
401 # nv = 780.0 if dst else 720.0
402 # noon_local = (nv- (longitude * 4.0) - eq_time + (timezone * 60.0)) % 1440
403 # sun.solar_noon.time = noon_local / 60.0
406 def calc_sunrise_sunset(rise):
407 zone = -sun.UTC_zone
409 jd = get_julian_day(sun.year, sun.month,
410 time_UTC = calc_sunrise_set_UTC(rise, jd, sun.latitude, sun.longitude)
411 new_time_UTC = calc_sunrise_set_UTC(rise, jd + time_UTC / 1440.0,
412 sun.latitude, sun.longitude)
413 time_local = new_time_UTC + (-zone * 60.0)
414 tl = time_local / 60.0
415 if sun.use_daylight_savings:
416 time_local += 60.0
417 tl = time_local / 60.0
418 tl %= 24.0
419 if rise:
420 sun.sunrise = tl
421 else:
422 sun.sunset = tl
425 def julian_time_from_y2k(utc_time, year, month, day):
427 Get the elapsed julian time since 1/1/2000 12:00 gmt
428 Y2k epoch (1/1/2000 12:00 gmt) is Julian day 2451545.0
430 century = 36525.0 # Days in Julian Century
431 epoch = 2451545.0 # Julian Day for 1/1/2000 12:00 gmt
432 jd = get_julian_day(year, month, day)
433 return ((jd + (utc_time / 24)) - epoch) / century
436 def get_julian_day(year, month, day):
437 if month <= 2:
438 year -= 1
439 month += 12
440 A = floor(year / 100)
441 B = 2 - A + floor(A / 4.0)
442 jd = (floor((365.25 * (year + 4716.0))) +
443 floor(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + B - 1524.5)
444 return jd
447 def calc_time_julian_cent(jd):
448 t = (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525.0
449 return t
452 def sun_declination(e, L):
453 return (asin(sin(e) * sin(L)))
456 def calc_equation_of_time(t):
457 epsilon = obliquity_correction(t)
458 ml = radians(mean_longitude_sun(t))
459 e = eccentricity_earth_orbit(t)
460 m = radians(mean_anomaly_sun(t))
461 y = tan(radians(epsilon) / 2.0)
462 y = y * y
463 sin2ml = sin(2.0 * ml)
464 cos2ml = cos(2.0 * ml)
465 sin4ml = sin(4.0 * ml)
466 sinm = sin(m)
467 sin2m = sin(2.0 * m)
468 etime = (y * sin2ml - 2.0 * e * sinm + 4.0 * e * y *
469 sinm * cos2ml - 0.5 * y ** 2 * sin4ml - 1.25 * e ** 2 * sin2m)
470 return (degrees(etime) * 4)
473 def obliquity_correction(t):
474 ec = obliquity_of_ecliptic(t)
475 omega = 125.04 - 1934.136 * t
476 return (ec + 0.00256 * cos(radians(omega)))
479 def obliquity_of_ecliptic(t):
480 return ((23.0 + 26.0 / 60 + (21.4480 - 46.8150) / 3600 * t -
481 (0.00059 / 3600) * t**2 + (0.001813 / 3600) * t**3))
484 def true_longitude_of_sun(t):
485 return (mean_longitude_sun(t) + equation_of_sun_center(t))
488 def calc_sun_apparent_long(t):
489 o = true_longitude_of_sun(t)
490 omega = 125.04 - 1934.136 * t
491 lamb = o - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * sin(radians(omega))
492 return lamb
495 def apparent_longitude_of_sun(t):
496 return (radians(true_longitude_of_sun(t) - 0.00569 - 0.00478 *
497 sin(radians(125.04 - 1934.136 * t))))
500 def mean_longitude_sun(t):
501 return (280.46646 + 36000.76983 * t + 0.0003032 * t**2) % 360
504 def equation_of_sun_center(t):
505 m = radians(mean_anomaly_sun(t))
506 c = ((1.914602 - 0.004817 * t - 0.000014 * t**2) * sin(m) +
507 (0.019993 - 0.000101 * t) * sin(m * 2) +
508 0.000289 * sin(m * 3))
509 return c
512 def mean_anomaly_sun(t):
513 return (357.52911 + t * (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * t))
516 def eccentricity_earth_orbit(t):
517 return (0.016708634 - 0.000042037 * t - 0.0000001267 * t ** 2)
520 def calc_surface(context):
521 coords = []
522 sun_props = context.scene.sun_pos_properties
523 zone = -sun_props.UTC_zone
525 def get_surface_coordinates(time, month):
526 azimuth, elevation = get_sun_coordinates(
527 time, sun_props.latitude, sun_props.longitude,
528 zone, month, 1, sun_props.year)
529 sun_vector = get_sun_vector(azimuth, elevation) * sun_props.sun_distance
530 sun_vector.z = max(0, sun_vector.z)
531 return sun_vector
533 for month in range(1, 7):
534 for time in range(24):
535 coords.append(get_surface_coordinates(time, month))
536 coords.append(get_surface_coordinates(time + 1, month))
537 coords.append(get_surface_coordinates(time, month + 1))
539 coords.append(get_surface_coordinates(time, month + 1))
540 coords.append(get_surface_coordinates(time + 1, month + 1))
541 coords.append(get_surface_coordinates(time + 1, month))
542 return coords
545 def calc_analemma(context, h):
546 vertices = []
547 sun_props = context.scene.sun_pos_properties
548 zone = -sun_props.UTC_zone
549 for day_of_year in range(1, 367, 5):
550 day, month = day_of_year_to_month_day(sun_props.year, day_of_year)
551 azimuth, elevation = get_sun_coordinates(
552 h, sun_props.latitude, sun_props.longitude,
553 zone, month, day, sun_props.year)
554 sun_vector = get_sun_vector(azimuth, elevation) * sun_props.sun_distance
555 if sun_vector.z > 0:
556 vertices.append(sun_vector)
557 return vertices