Import_3ds: Improved distance cue node setup
[blender-addons.git] / render_povray / templates_pov / float5.pov
1 // This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
2 // To view a copy of this license, visit or send a
3 // letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
5 // Persistence of Vision Raytracer Scene Description File
6 // File: float5.pov
7 // Description: Demonstrates various new float math functions and #while loop
8 // Modified for 3.5: changed "log()" to "ln()".
9 //
10 // -w320 -h240
11 // -w800 -h600 +a0.3
13 #version 3.6;
15 global_settings {
16 assumed_gamma 1.0
19 #include ""
21 #declare Rad=1/8;
22 #declare Font="cyrvetic.ttf"
24 #declare Xval=-6.0;
26 #while (Xval <= 6.0)
27 sphere{<Xval,exp(Xval),0>,Rad pigment{color rgb<1,0.2,0>}}
29 #if (Xval != 0.0)
30 sphere{<Xval,pow(Xval,-1),0>,Rad pigment{color rgb<0.2,0.7,0>}}
31 #end
33 sphere{<Xval,pow(Xval,2),0>,Rad pigment{Blue}}
34 sphere{<Xval,pow(Xval,3),0>,Rad pigment{Cyan}}
36 #if (Xval > 0.0)
37 sphere{<Xval,ln(Xval),0>,Rad pigment{Magenta}}
38 #end
40 #declare Xval=Xval+0.02;
41 #end
43 text{ttf Font "Y=exp(X)",0.1,0 translate <-6.5, 0.5,0> pigment{color rgb<1,0.2,0>}}
44 text{ttf Font "Y=pow(X,-1)",0.1,0 translate <-6.5,-1.5,0> pigment{color rgb<0.2,0.7,0>}}
45 text{ttf Font "Y=pow(X,2)",0.1,0 translate <-6.5, 3,0> pigment{Blue}}
46 text{ttf Font "Y=pow(X,3)",0.1,0 translate <-6.5,-4,0> pigment{Cyan}}
47 text{ttf Font "Y=ln(X)",0.1,0 translate < 2.5, 2,0> pigment{Magenta}}
49 camera {
50 location <0, 0, -120>
51 angle 7 // direction <0, 0, 12>
52 right x*image_width/image_height
53 look_at <0, 0, 0>
56 light_source { <5000, 10000, -20000> color White}
57 light_source { <-500, -1000, 2000> color White}
58 plane { -z, -Rad pigment {checker color rgb <1,1,1>*1.2 color rgb <1,1,.8>} }
60 union{ // X-axis
61 cylinder{-x*5.5,x*5.5,.1}
62 cone{-x*6.5,0,-x*5.5,.2}
63 cone{ x*6.5,0, x*5.5,.2}
64 translate z*Rad
65 pigment{rgb<1,.8,1>}
68 union{ // Y-axis
69 cylinder{-y*4,y*4,.1}
70 cone{-y*5,0,-y*4,.2}
71 cone{ y*5,0, y*4,.2}
72 translate z*Rad
73 pigment{rgb<.8,1,1>}
76 union{ // Axes labels
77 text{ttf Font "X",0.1,0 translate <5.5,-1,0>}
78 text{ttf Font "Y",0.1,0 translate <-.75,4,0>}
79 pigment{rgb<1,.4,0>}