Import_3ds: Improved distance cue node setup
[blender-addons.git] / render_povray / templates_pov / wallstucco.pov
1 // This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
2 // To view a copy of this license, visit or send a
3 // letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
5 // Persistence Of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
6 // Desc: Brick wall & Stucco
7 // Date: 2000/03/14
8 // Updated: 2001/07/26
9 // Auth: Ingo Janssen
10 // Updated: 2013/02/15 for 3.7
11 //
12 // -w320 -h240
13 // -w800 -h600 +a0.3
16 #version 3.7;
17 global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0
18 noise_generator 1 } // change to 2 or 3.
20 light_source {
21 < 500, 500,500>
22 rgb 1
25 camera {
26 location <0.2, 0.0,-25.0>
27 look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
28 right x*image_width/image_height // keep proportions with any aspect ratio
29 angle 65
32 //====== Doing the Stucco ======
34 #declare L2=0.55; //clock; //Set amount of decay of stucco, higher value is more decay. animate
35 #declare PWrink= pigment { //Mortar
36 wrinkles
37 scale 0.25
38 colour_map {
39 [0, rgb 0.5]
40 [L2, rgb 0.96]
43 #declare Stucco= pigment { //Stucco
44 granite
45 scale 0.05
46 colour_map {
47 [0, rgb 0.96]
48 [1, rgb 1]
52 #declare StuMor= pigment { //Stucco & Mortar
53 pigment_pattern{
54 wrinkles
55 scale 0.25
57 pigment_map {
58 [L2, PWrink]
59 [L2, Stucco]
63 #declare HF_Stucco=height_field { //Turn it into a hightfield
64 function 500, 500{ //500,500 for test higher is better, but watch the memory
65 pigment{StuMor }
67 translate -0.5
68 rotate -90*x
69 scale <20,20,2>
70 pigment { //Use the mortar to colour up the stucco
71 pigment_pattern {
72 wrinkles
73 scale 0.25
75 color_map {
76 [L2, rgb 0.5]
77 [L2, rgb <1,1,0.95>]
79 warp {planar z, 0}
80 translate <-0.5, -0.5, 0>
81 rotate <180,0,0>
82 scale <20,20,2>
86 //====== Lay some Bricks ======
88 //Size : dimension of the brick in a vector x, y, z
89 //Mortar : width of the joint.
90 //Turbulence etc : control the stone deformation.
91 #macro BrickWall(Size, Mortar, Turbulence, Octaves, Lambda, Omega)
93 #local Brick= pigment {
94 boxed // one single brick ...
95 scale <Size.x/2,Size.y/2,Size.z/2>
96 translate <Size.x/2+Mortar,Size.y/2+Mortar,0>
97 warp {repeat x*(Size.x+Mortar)} // ... repeated over and over again.
98 warp {repeat y*(2*(Size.y+Mortar))}
101 #declare FBrickWall= function {
102 pigment {
103 pigment_pattern {
104 gradient y
105 warp {repeat y}
106 scale <1,2*(Size.y+Mortar),1>
108 pigment_map {
109 [0.5, Brick
110 warp { // deforming the bricks ...
111 turbulence Turbulence
112 octaves Octaves
113 lambda Lambda
114 omega Omega
116 translate <0,-(Mortar/2),0>
118 [0.5, Brick // ... row by row.
119 warp {
120 turbulence Turbulence
121 octaves Octaves
122 lambda Lambda
123 omega Omega
125 translate <(Size.x/2)+Mortar,(Size.y+(Mortar/2)),0>
130 #end
132 #declare Wall=pigment {
133 BrickWall(<4,1,1>,0.2,<0.05,0.1,0>,6,0.5,0.5)
134 function{FBrickWall(x,y,z).gray}
135 pigment_map { // give some structure to the joint ...
136 [0, granite
137 scale 0.1
138 colour_map {
139 [0, rgb 0][1, rgb 0.3]
142 [0.05, crackle // ... and the bricks.
143 scale <3,1,1>
144 turbulence 0.5
145 colour_map {
146 [0, rgb 0.34][1, rgb 0.5]
150 scale 0.04
153 #declare HF_Wall=height_field { // Build the wall
154 function 500, 500 { //500,500, for test, higher is better & slower. Watch the memory use.
155 pigment{Wall}
157 smooth
158 translate -0.5
159 rotate <-90,0,0>
160 scale <33,33,1>
161 pigment {
162 Wall
163 pigment_map {
164 [0, rgb 0.6]
165 [0.05, wrinkles
166 turbulence 0.3
167 scale <2,0.3,1>
168 colour_map {
169 [0.0, rgb <0.5,0.3,0.25>]
170 [0.15, rgb <0.5,0.3,0.25>/1.3]
171 [0.3, rgb <0.5,0.3,0.25>]
172 [0.6, rgb <0.6,0.3,0.25>/1.6]
173 [0.8, rgb <0.5,0.3,0.25>]
174 [1.0, rgb <0.5,0.3,0.35>/2]
178 translate <-0.5, -0.5, 0>
179 rotate -90*x
180 warp {planar y, 0}
181 scale <33,33,1>
185 object {HF_Stucco}
186 object {HF_Wall translate <0,0,-0.8>}