Fix: Node Wrangler: new reroutes offset when output hidden
[blender-addons.git] / viewport_vr_preview /
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 if "bpy" in locals():
4 import importlib
5 importlib.reload(properties)
6 else:
7 from . import properties
9 import bpy
10 from import pgettext_iface as iface_
11 from bpy.types import (
12 Menu,
13 Panel,
14 UIList,
16 # Add to module search path for VIEW3D_PT_object_type_visibility import.
17 import os.path, sys
18 sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../startup/bl_ui')))
19 from space_view3d import VIEW3D_PT_object_type_visibility
22 ### Session.
23 class VIEW3D_PT_vr_session(Panel):
24 bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
25 bl_region_type = 'UI'
26 bl_category = "VR"
27 bl_label = "VR Session"
29 def draw(self, context):
30 layout = self.layout
31 session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings
32 scene = context.scene
34 layout.use_property_split = True
35 layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
37 is_session_running = bpy.types.XrSessionState.is_running(context)
39 # Using SNAP_FACE because it looks like a stop icon -- I shouldn't
40 # have commit rights...
41 toggle_info = ((iface_("Start VR Session"), 'PLAY') if not is_session_running
42 else (iface_("Stop VR Session"), 'SNAP_FACE'))
43 layout.operator("wm.xr_session_toggle", text=toggle_info[0],
44 translate=False, icon=toggle_info[1])
46 layout.separator()
48 col = layout.column(align=True, heading="Tracking")
49 col.prop(session_settings, "use_positional_tracking", text="Positional")
50 col.prop(session_settings, "use_absolute_tracking", text="Absolute")
52 col = layout.column(align=True, heading="Actions")
53 col.prop(scene, "vr_actions_enable")
56 ### View.
57 class VIEW3D_PT_vr_session_view(Panel):
58 bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
59 bl_region_type = 'UI'
60 bl_category = "VR"
61 bl_label = "View"
63 def draw(self, context):
64 layout = self.layout
65 session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings
67 layout.use_property_split = True
68 layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
70 col = layout.column(align=True, heading="Show")
71 col.prop(session_settings, "show_floor", text="Floor")
72 col.prop(session_settings, "show_annotation", text="Annotations")
74 col.prop(session_settings, "show_selection", text="Selection")
75 col.prop(session_settings, "show_controllers", text="Controllers")
76 col.prop(session_settings, "show_custom_overlays", text="Custom Overlays")
77 col.prop(session_settings, "show_object_extras", text="Object Extras")
79 col = col.row(align=True, heading=" ")
80 col.scale_x = 2.0
81 col.popover(
82 panel="VIEW3D_PT_vr_session_view_object_type_visibility",
83 icon_value=session_settings.icon_from_show_object_viewport,
84 text="",
87 col = layout.column(align=True)
88 col.prop(session_settings, "controller_draw_style", text="Controller Style")
90 col = layout.column(align=True)
91 col.prop(session_settings, "clip_start", text="Clip Start")
92 col.prop(session_settings, "clip_end", text="End")
95 class VIEW3D_PT_vr_session_view_object_type_visibility(VIEW3D_PT_object_type_visibility):
96 def draw(self, context):
97 session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings
98 self.draw_ex(context, session_settings, False) # Pass session settings instead of 3D view.
101 ### Landmarks.
102 class VIEW3D_MT_vr_landmark_menu(Menu):
103 bl_label = "Landmark Controls"
105 def draw(self, _context):
106 layout = self.layout
108 layout.operator("view3d.vr_camera_landmark_from_session")
109 layout.operator("view3d.vr_landmark_from_camera")
110 layout.operator("view3d.update_vr_landmark")
111 layout.separator()
112 layout.operator("view3d.cursor_to_vr_landmark")
113 layout.operator("view3d.camera_to_vr_landmark")
114 layout.operator("view3d.add_camera_from_vr_landmark")
117 class VIEW3D_UL_vr_landmarks(UIList):
118 def draw_item(self, context, layout, _data, item, icon, _active_data,
119 _active_propname, index):
120 landmark = item
121 landmark_active_idx = context.scene.vr_landmarks_active
123 layout.emboss = 'NONE'
125 layout.prop(landmark, "name", text="")
127 icon = (
128 'RADIOBUT_ON' if (index == landmark_active_idx) else 'RADIOBUT_OFF'
130 props = layout.operator(
131 "view3d.vr_landmark_activate", text="", icon=icon)
132 props.index = index
135 class VIEW3D_PT_vr_landmarks(Panel):
136 bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
137 bl_region_type = 'UI'
138 bl_category = "VR"
139 bl_label = "Landmarks"
140 bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
142 def draw(self, context):
143 layout = self.layout
144 scene = context.scene
145 landmark_selected = properties.VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context)
147 layout.use_property_split = True
148 layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
150 row = layout.row()
152 row.template_list("VIEW3D_UL_vr_landmarks", "", scene, "vr_landmarks",
153 scene, "vr_landmarks_selected", rows=3)
155 col = row.column(align=True)
156 col.operator("view3d.vr_landmark_add", icon='ADD', text="")
157 col.operator("view3d.vr_landmark_remove", icon='REMOVE', text="")
158 col.operator("view3d.vr_landmark_from_session", icon='PLUS', text="")
160"VIEW3D_MT_vr_landmark_menu", icon='DOWNARROW_HLT', text="")
162 if landmark_selected:
163 layout.prop(landmark_selected, "type")
165 if landmark_selected.type == 'OBJECT':
166 layout.prop(landmark_selected, "base_pose_object")
167 layout.prop(landmark_selected, "base_scale", text="Scale")
168 elif landmark_selected.type == 'CUSTOM':
169 layout.prop(landmark_selected,
170 "base_pose_location", text="Location")
171 layout.prop(landmark_selected,
172 "base_pose_angle", text="Angle")
173 layout.prop(landmark_selected,
174 "base_scale", text="Scale")
177 ### Actions.
178 class VIEW3D_PT_vr_actionmaps(Panel):
179 bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
180 bl_region_type = 'UI'
181 bl_category = "VR"
182 bl_label = "Action Maps"
183 bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
185 def draw(self, context):
186 layout = self.layout
187 scene = context.scene
189 layout.use_property_split = True
190 layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
192 col = layout.column(align=True)
193 col.prop(scene, "vr_actions_use_gamepad", text="Gamepad")
195 col = layout.column(align=True, heading="Extensions")
196 col.prop(scene, "vr_actions_enable_reverb_g2", text="HP Reverb G2")
197 col.prop(scene, "vr_actions_enable_vive_cosmos", text="HTC Vive Cosmos")
198 col.prop(scene, "vr_actions_enable_vive_focus", text="HTC Vive Focus")
199 col.prop(scene, "vr_actions_enable_huawei", text="Huawei")
202 ### Viewport feedback.
203 class VIEW3D_PT_vr_viewport_feedback(Panel):
204 bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
205 bl_region_type = 'UI'
206 bl_category = "VR"
207 bl_label = "Viewport Feedback"
208 bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
210 def draw(self, context):
211 layout = self.layout
212 scene = context.scene
213 view3d = context.space_data
214 session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings
216 col = layout.column(align=True)
217 col.label(icon='ERROR', text="Note:")
218 col.label(text="Settings here may have a significant")
219 col.label(text="performance impact!")
221 layout.separator()
223 layout.prop(view3d.shading, "vr_show_virtual_camera")
224 layout.prop(view3d.shading, "vr_show_controllers")
225 layout.prop(view3d.shading, "vr_show_landmarks")
226 layout.prop(view3d, "mirror_xr_session")
229 ### Info.
230 class VIEW3D_PT_vr_info(bpy.types.Panel):
231 bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
232 bl_region_type = 'UI'
233 bl_category = "VR"
234 bl_label = "VR Info"
236 @classmethod
237 def poll(cls, context):
238 return not
240 def draw(self, context):
241 layout = self.layout
242 layout.label(icon='ERROR', text="Built without VR/OpenXR features")
245 classes = (
246 VIEW3D_PT_vr_session,
247 VIEW3D_PT_vr_session_view,
248 VIEW3D_PT_vr_session_view_object_type_visibility,
249 VIEW3D_PT_vr_landmarks,
250 VIEW3D_PT_vr_actionmaps,
251 VIEW3D_PT_vr_viewport_feedback,
253 VIEW3D_UL_vr_landmarks,
254 VIEW3D_MT_vr_landmark_menu,
258 def register():
259 for cls in classes:
260 bpy.utils.register_class(cls)
262 # View3DShading is the only per 3D-View struct with custom property
263 # support, so "abusing" that to get a per 3D-View option.
264 bpy.types.View3DShading.vr_show_virtual_camera = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
265 name="Show VR Camera"
267 bpy.types.View3DShading.vr_show_controllers = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
268 name="Show VR Controllers"
270 bpy.types.View3DShading.vr_show_landmarks = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
271 name="Show Landmarks"
275 def unregister():
276 for cls in classes:
277 bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)
279 del bpy.types.View3DShading.vr_show_virtual_camera
280 del bpy.types.View3DShading.vr_show_controllers
281 del bpy.types.View3DShading.vr_show_landmarks