Export_3ds: Improved distance cue node search
[blender-addons.git] / io_scene_fbx / parse_fbx.py
1 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2012 assimp team
2 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Blender Foundation
4 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
6 __all__ = (
7 "parse",
8 "data_types",
9 "parse_version",
10 "FBXElem",
13 from struct import unpack
14 import array
15 import zlib
16 from io import BytesIO
18 from . import data_types
19 from .fbx_utils_threading import MultiThreadedTaskConsumer
21 # at the end of each nested block, there is a NUL record to indicate
22 # that the sub-scope exists (i.e. to distinguish between P: and P : {})
25 read_fbx_elem_start = ...
26 _IS_BIG_ENDIAN = (__import__("sys").byteorder != 'little')
27 _HEAD_MAGIC = b'Kaydara FBX Binary\x20\x20\x00\x1a\x00'
28 from collections import namedtuple
29 FBXElem = namedtuple("FBXElem", ("id", "props", "props_type", "elems"))
30 del namedtuple
33 def read_uint(read):
34 return unpack(b'<I', read(4))[0]
37 def read_ubyte(read):
38 return unpack(b'B', read(1))[0]
41 def read_string_ubyte(read):
42 size = read_ubyte(read)
43 data = read(size)
44 return data
47 def read_array_params(read):
48 return unpack(b'<III', read(12))
51 def read_elem_start32(read):
52 end_offset, prop_count, _prop_length, elem_id_size = unpack(b'<IIIB', read(13))
53 elem_id = read(elem_id_size) if elem_id_size else b""
54 return end_offset, prop_count, elem_id
57 def read_elem_start64(read):
58 end_offset, prop_count, _prop_length, elem_id_size = unpack(b'<QQQB', read(25))
59 elem_id = read(elem_id_size) if elem_id_size else b""
60 return end_offset, prop_count, elem_id
63 def _create_array(data, length, array_type, array_stride, array_byteswap):
64 """Create an array from FBX data."""
65 # If size of the data does not match the expected size of the array, then something is wrong with the code or the
66 # FBX file.
67 assert(length * array_stride == len(data))
69 data_array = array.array(array_type, data)
70 if array_byteswap and _IS_BIG_ENDIAN:
71 data_array.byteswap()
72 return data_array
75 def _decompress_and_insert_array(elem_props_data, index_to_set, compressed_array_args):
76 """Decompress array data and insert the created array into the FBX tree being parsed.
78 This is usually called from a separate thread to the main thread."""
79 compressed_data, length, array_type, array_stride, array_byteswap = compressed_array_args
81 # zlib.decompress releases the Global Interpreter Lock, so another thread can run code while waiting for the
82 # decompression to complete.
83 data = zlib.decompress(compressed_data, bufsize=length * array_stride)
85 # Create and insert the array into the parsed FBX hierarchy.
86 elem_props_data[index_to_set] = _create_array(data, length, array_type, array_stride, array_byteswap)
89 def unpack_array(read, array_type, array_stride, array_byteswap):
90 """Unpack an array from an FBX file being parsed.
92 If the array data is compressed, the compressed data is combined with the other arguments into a tuple to prepare
93 for decompressing on a separate thread if possible.
95 If the array data is not compressed, the array is created.
97 Returns (tuple, True) or (array, False)."""
98 length, encoding, comp_len = read_array_params(read)
100 data = read(comp_len)
102 if encoding == 1:
103 # Array data requires decompression, which is done in a separate thread if possible.
104 return (data, length, array_type, array_stride, array_byteswap), True
105 else:
106 return _create_array(data, length, array_type, array_stride, array_byteswap), False
109 read_array_dict = {
110 b'b'[0]: lambda read: unpack_array(read, data_types.ARRAY_BOOL, 1, False), # bool
111 b'c'[0]: lambda read: unpack_array(read, data_types.ARRAY_BYTE, 1, False), # ubyte
112 b'i'[0]: lambda read: unpack_array(read, data_types.ARRAY_INT32, 4, True), # int
113 b'l'[0]: lambda read: unpack_array(read, data_types.ARRAY_INT64, 8, True), # long
114 b'f'[0]: lambda read: unpack_array(read, data_types.ARRAY_FLOAT32, 4, False), # float
115 b'd'[0]: lambda read: unpack_array(read, data_types.ARRAY_FLOAT64, 8, False), # double
118 read_data_dict = {
119 b'Z'[0]: lambda read: unpack(b'<b', read(1))[0], # byte
120 b'Y'[0]: lambda read: unpack(b'<h', read(2))[0], # 16 bit int
121 b'B'[0]: lambda read: unpack(b'?', read(1))[0], # 1 bit bool (yes/no)
122 b'C'[0]: lambda read: unpack(b'<c', read(1))[0], # char
123 b'I'[0]: lambda read: unpack(b'<i', read(4))[0], # 32 bit int
124 b'F'[0]: lambda read: unpack(b'<f', read(4))[0], # 32 bit float
125 b'D'[0]: lambda read: unpack(b'<d', read(8))[0], # 64 bit float
126 b'L'[0]: lambda read: unpack(b'<q', read(8))[0], # 64 bit int
127 b'R'[0]: lambda read: read(read_uint(read)), # binary data
128 b'S'[0]: lambda read: read(read_uint(read)), # string data
132 # FBX 7500 (aka FBX2016) introduces incompatible changes at binary level:
133 # * The NULL block marking end of nested stuff switches from 13 bytes long to 25 bytes long.
134 # * The FBX element metadata (end_offset, prop_count and prop_length) switch from uint32 to uint64.
135 def init_version(fbx_version):
136 global _BLOCK_SENTINEL_LENGTH, _BLOCK_SENTINEL_DATA, read_fbx_elem_start
141 if fbx_version < 7500:
143 read_fbx_elem_start = read_elem_start32
144 else:
146 read_fbx_elem_start = read_elem_start64
150 def read_elem(read, tell, use_namedtuple, decompress_array_func, tell_file_offset=0):
151 # [0] the offset at which this block ends
152 # [1] the number of properties in the scope
153 # [2] the length of the property list
154 # [3] elem name length
155 # [4] elem name of the scope/key
156 # read_fbx_elem_start does not return [2] because we don't use it and does not return [3] because it is only used to
157 # get [4].
158 end_offset, prop_count, elem_id = read_fbx_elem_start(read)
159 if end_offset == 0:
160 return None
162 elem_props_type = bytearray(prop_count) # elem property types
163 elem_props_data = [None] * prop_count # elem properties (if any)
164 elem_subtree = [] # elem children (if any)
166 for i in range(prop_count):
167 data_type = read(1)[0]
168 if data_type in read_array_dict:
169 val, needs_decompression = read_array_dict[data_type](read)
170 if needs_decompression:
171 # Array decompression releases the GIL, so can be multithreaded (if possible on the current system) for
172 # performance.
173 # After decompressing, the array is inserted into elem_props_data[i].
174 decompress_array_func(elem_props_data, i, val)
175 else:
176 elem_props_data[i] = val
177 else:
178 elem_props_data[i] = read_data_dict[data_type](read)
179 elem_props_type[i] = data_type
181 pos = tell()
182 local_end_offset = end_offset - tell_file_offset
184 if pos < local_end_offset:
185 # The default BufferedReader used when `open()`-ing files in 'rb' mode has to get the raw stream position from
186 # the OS every time its tell() function is called. This is about 10 times slower than the tell() function of
187 # BytesIO objects, so reading chunks of bytes from the file into memory at once and exposing them through
188 # BytesIO can give better performance. We know the total size of each element's subtree so can read entire
189 # subtrees into memory at a time.
190 # The "Objects" element's subtree, however, usually makes up most of the file, so we specifically avoid reading
191 # all its sub-elements into memory at once to reduce memory requirements at the cost of slightly worse
192 # performance when memory is not a concern.
193 # If we're currently reading directly from the opened file, then tell_file_offset will be zero.
194 if tell_file_offset == 0 and elem_id != b"Objects":
195 block_bytes_remaining = local_end_offset - pos
197 # Read the entire subtree
198 sub_elem_bytes = read(block_bytes_remaining)
199 num_bytes_read = len(sub_elem_bytes)
200 if num_bytes_read != block_bytes_remaining:
201 raise IOError("failed to read complete nested block, expected %i bytes, but only got %i"
202 % (block_bytes_remaining, num_bytes_read))
204 # BytesIO provides IO API for reading bytes in memory, so we can use the same code as reading bytes directly
205 # from a file.
206 f = BytesIO(sub_elem_bytes)
207 tell = f.tell
208 read = f.read
209 # The new `tell` function starts at zero and is offset by `pos` bytes from the start of the file.
210 start_sub_pos = 0
211 tell_file_offset = pos
212 sub_tree_end = block_bytes_remaining - _BLOCK_SENTINEL_LENGTH
213 else:
214 # The `tell` function is unchanged, so starts at the value returned by `tell()`, which is still `pos`
215 # because no reads have been made since then.
216 start_sub_pos = pos
217 sub_tree_end = local_end_offset - _BLOCK_SENTINEL_LENGTH
219 sub_pos = start_sub_pos
220 while sub_pos < sub_tree_end:
221 elem_subtree.append(read_elem(read, tell, use_namedtuple, decompress_array_func, tell_file_offset))
222 sub_pos = tell()
224 # At the end of each subtree there should be a sentinel (an empty element with all bytes set to zero).
226 raise IOError("failed to read nested block sentinel, "
227 "expected all bytes to be 0")
229 # Update `pos` for the number of bytes that have been read.
230 pos += (sub_pos - start_sub_pos) + _BLOCK_SENTINEL_LENGTH
232 if pos != local_end_offset:
233 raise IOError("scope length not reached, something is wrong")
235 args = (elem_id, elem_props_data, elem_props_type, elem_subtree)
236 return FBXElem(*args) if use_namedtuple else args
239 def parse_version(fn):
241 Return the FBX version,
242 if the file isn't a binary FBX return zero.
244 with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
245 read = f.read
247 if read(len(_HEAD_MAGIC)) != _HEAD_MAGIC:
248 return 0
250 return read_uint(read)
253 def parse(fn, use_namedtuple=True):
254 root_elems = []
256 multithread_decompress_array_cm = MultiThreadedTaskConsumer.new_cpu_bound_cm(_decompress_and_insert_array)
257 with open(fn, 'rb') as f, multithread_decompress_array_cm as decompress_array_func:
258 read = f.read
259 tell = f.tell
261 if read(len(_HEAD_MAGIC)) != _HEAD_MAGIC:
262 raise IOError("Invalid header")
264 fbx_version = read_uint(read)
265 init_version(fbx_version)
267 while True:
268 elem = read_elem(read, tell, use_namedtuple, decompress_array_func)
269 if elem is None:
270 break
271 root_elems.append(elem)
273 args = (b'', [], bytearray(0), root_elems)
274 return FBXElem(*args) if use_namedtuple else args, fbx_version