Export_3ds: Improved distance cue node search
[blender-addons.git] / render_povray / model_primitives.py
1 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Blender Foundation
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 """ Get POV-Ray specific objects In and Out of Blender """
6 from math import pi, cos, sin
7 import os.path
8 import bpy
9 from bpy_extras.object_utils import object_data_add
10 from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper
11 from bpy.utils import register_class, unregister_class
12 from bpy.types import Operator
14 from bpy.props import (
15 StringProperty,
16 BoolProperty,
17 IntProperty,
18 FloatProperty,
19 FloatVectorProperty,
20 EnumProperty,
23 from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
26 # import collections
29 def write_object_modifiers(ob, File):
30 """Translate some object level POV statements from Blender UI
31 to POV syntax and write to exported file"""
33 # Maybe return that string to be added instead of directly written.
35 """XXX WIP
36 # import .model_all.write_object_csg_inside_vector
37 write_object_csg_inside_vector(ob, file)
38 """
40 if ob.pov.hollow:
41 File.write("\thollow\n")
42 if ob.pov.double_illuminate:
43 File.write("\tdouble_illuminate\n")
44 if ob.pov.sturm:
45 File.write("\tsturm\n")
46 if ob.pov.no_shadow:
47 File.write("\tno_shadow\n")
48 if ob.pov.no_image:
49 File.write("\tno_image\n")
50 if ob.pov.no_reflection:
51 File.write("\tno_reflection\n")
52 if ob.pov.no_radiosity:
53 File.write("\tno_radiosity\n")
54 if ob.pov.inverse:
55 File.write("\tinverse\n")
56 if ob.pov.hierarchy:
57 File.write("\thierarchy\n")
59 # XXX, Commented definitions
60 """
61 if scene.pov.photon_enable:
62 File.write("photons {\n")
63 if ob.pov.target:
64 File.write("target %.4g\n"%ob.pov.target_value)
65 if ob.pov.refraction:
66 File.write("refraction on\n")
67 if ob.pov.reflection:
68 File.write("reflection on\n")
69 if ob.pov.pass_through:
70 File.write("pass_through\n")
71 File.write("}\n")
72 if ob.pov.object_ior > 1:
73 File.write("interior {\n")
74 File.write("ior %.4g\n"%ob.pov.object_ior)
75 if scene.pov.photon_enable and ob.pov.target and ob.pov.refraction and ob.pov.dispersion:
76 File.write("ior %.4g\n"%ob.pov.dispersion_value)
77 File.write("ior %s\n"%ob.pov.dispersion_samples)
78 if scene.pov.photon_enable == False:
79 File.write("caustics %.4g\n"%ob.pov.fake_caustics_power)
80 """
83 def pov_define_mesh(mesh, verts, edges, faces, name, hide_geometry=True):
84 """Generate proxy mesh."""
85 if mesh is None:
86 mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name)
87 mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)
88 # Function Arguments change : now bpy.types.Mesh.update (calc_edges, calc_edges_loose,
89 # calc_loop_triangles), was (calc_edges, calc_tessface)
92 mesh.update()
93 mesh.validate(
94 verbose=False
95 ) # Set it to True to see debug messages (helps ensure you generate valid geometry).
96 if hide_geometry:
97 mesh.vertices.foreach_set("hide", [True] * len(mesh.vertices))
98 mesh.edges.foreach_set("hide", [True] * len(mesh.edges))
99 mesh.polygons.foreach_set("hide", [True] * len(mesh.polygons))
100 return mesh
103 class POV_OT_plane_add(Operator):
104 """Add the representation of POV infinite plane using just a very big Blender Plane.
106 Flag its primitive type with a specific pov.object_as attribute and lock edit mode
107 to keep proxy consistency by hiding edit geometry."""
109 bl_idname = "pov.addplane"
110 bl_label = "Plane"
111 bl_description = "Add Plane"
112 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
115 def execute(self, context):
116 # layers = 20*[False]
117 # layers[0] = True
118 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(size=10000)
119 ob = context.object
120 ob.name = ob.data.name = "PovInfinitePlane"
121 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
122 self.report(
123 {"INFO"}, "This native POV-Ray primitive " "won't have any vertex to show in edit mode"
125 bpy.ops.mesh.hide(unselected=False)
126 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
127 bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth()
128 ob.pov.object_as = "PLANE"
129 ob.update_tag() # as prop set via python not updated in depsgraph
130 return {"FINISHED"}
133 class POV_OT_box_add(Operator):
134 """Add the representation of POV box using a simple Blender mesh cube.
136 Flag its primitive type with a specific pov.object_as attribute and lock edit mode
137 to keep proxy consistency by hiding edit geometry."""
139 bl_idname = "pov.addbox"
140 bl_label = "Box"
141 bl_description = "Add Box"
142 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
145 def execute(self, context):
146 # layers = 20*[False]
147 # layers[0] = True
148 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add()
149 ob = context.object
150 ob.name = ob.data.name = "PovBox"
151 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
152 self.report(
153 {"INFO"}, "This native POV-Ray primitive " "won't have any vertex to show in edit mode"
155 bpy.ops.mesh.hide(unselected=False)
156 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
157 ob.pov.object_as = "BOX"
158 ob.update_tag() # as prop set via python not updated in depsgraph
159 return {"FINISHED"}
162 def pov_cylinder_define(context, op, ob, radius, loc, loc_cap):
163 """Pick POV cylinder properties either from creation operator, import, or data update"""
164 if op:
165 cy_rad = op.cy_rad
166 loc = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
167 loc_cap[0] = loc[0]
168 loc_cap[1] = loc[1]
169 loc_cap[2] = loc[2] + 2
170 vec = Vector(loc_cap) - Vector(loc)
171 depth = vec.length
172 rot = Vector((0, 0, 1)).rotation_difference(vec) # Rotation from Z axis.
173 trans = rot @ Vector(
174 (0, 0, depth / 2)
175 ) # Such that origin is at center of the base of the cylinder.
176 roteuler = rot.to_euler()
177 if not ob:
178 bpy.ops.object.add(type="MESH", location=loc)
179 ob = context.object
180 ob.name = ob.data.name = "PovCylinder"
181 ob.pov.cylinder_radius = radius
182 ob.pov.cylinder_location_cap = vec
183 ob.pov.object_as = "CYLINDER"
184 ob.update_tag() # as prop set via python not updated in depsgraph
186 else:
187 ob.location = loc
189 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
190 bpy.ops.mesh.reveal()
191 bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
192 bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="VERT")
193 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(
194 radius=radius, depth=depth, location=loc, rotation=roteuler, end_fill_type="NGON"
195 ) # 'NOTHING'
196 bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=trans)
198 bpy.ops.mesh.hide(unselected=False)
199 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
200 bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth()
203 class POV_OT_cylinder_add(Operator):
204 """Add the representation of POV cylinder using pov_cylinder_define() function.
206 Use imported_cyl_loc when this operator is run by POV importer."""
207 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
208 bl_idname = "pov.addcylinder"
209 bl_label = "Cylinder"
210 bl_description = "Add Cylinder"
214 # Keep in sync within model_properties.py section Cylinder
215 # as this allows interactive update
216 cy_rad: FloatProperty(name="Cylinder radius", min=0.00, max=10.0, default=1.0)
218 imported_cyl_loc: FloatVectorProperty(
219 name="Imported Pov base location", precision=6, default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
222 imported_cyl_loc_cap: FloatVectorProperty(
223 name="Imported Pov cap location", precision=6, default=(0.0, 0.0, 2.0)
226 def execute(self, context):
227 props = self.properties
228 cy_rad = props.cy_rad
229 if ob := context.object:
230 if ob.pov.imported_cyl_loc:
231 LOC = ob.pov.imported_cyl_loc
232 if ob.pov.imported_cyl_loc_cap:
233 LOC_CAP = ob.pov.imported_cyl_loc_cap
234 elif not props.imported_cyl_loc:
235 LOC_CAP = LOC = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
236 LOC_CAP[2] += 2.0
237 else:
238 LOC = props.imported_cyl_loc
239 LOC_CAP = props.imported_cyl_loc_cap
240 self.report(
241 {"INFO"},
242 "This native POV-Ray primitive " "won't have any vertex to show in edit mode",
245 pov_cylinder_define(context, self, None, self.cy_rad, LOC, LOC_CAP)
247 return {"FINISHED"}
250 class POV_OT_cylinder_update(Operator):
251 """Update the POV cylinder.
253 Delete its previous proxy geometry and rerun pov_cylinder_define() function
254 with the new parameters"""
256 bl_idname = "pov.cylinder_update"
257 bl_label = "Update"
258 bl_description = "Update Cylinder"
259 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
262 @classmethod
263 def poll(cls, context):
264 engine = context.scene.render.engine
265 ob = context.object
266 return (
268 and ob.data
269 and ob.type == "MESH"
270 and ob.pov.object_as == "CYLINDER"
271 and engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES
274 def execute(self, context):
275 ob = context.object
276 radius = ob.pov.cylinder_radius
277 loc = ob.location
278 loc_cap = loc + ob.pov.cylinder_location_cap
280 pov_cylinder_define(context, None, ob, radius, loc, loc_cap)
282 return {"FINISHED"}
285 # ----------------------------------- SPHERE---------------------------------- #
286 def pov_sphere_define(context, op, ob, loc):
287 """create the representation of POV sphere using a Blender icosphere.
289 Its nice platonic solid curvature better represents pov rendertime
290 tessellation than a UV sphere"""
292 if op:
293 sphe_rad = op.sphe_rad
294 loc = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
295 else:
296 assert ob
297 sphe_rad = ob.pov.sphere_radius
299 # keep object rotation and location for the add object operator
300 obrot = ob.rotation_euler
301 # obloc = ob.location
302 obscale = ob.scale
304 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
305 bpy.ops.mesh.reveal()
306 bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
307 bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="VERT")
308 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(
309 subdivisions=4, radius=ob.pov.sphere_radius, location=loc, rotation=obrot
311 # bpy.ops.transform.rotate(axis=obrot,orient_type='GLOBAL')
312 bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=obscale)
313 # bpy.ops.transform.rotate(axis=obrot, proportional_size=1)
315 bpy.ops.mesh.hide(unselected=False)
316 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
318 # bpy.ops.transform.rotate(axis=obrot,orient_type='GLOBAL')
320 if not ob:
321 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(subdivisions=4, radius=sphe_rad, location=loc)
322 ob = context.object
323 ob.name = ob.data.name = "PovSphere"
324 ob.pov.sphere_radius = sphe_rad
325 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
326 bpy.ops.mesh.hide(unselected=False)
327 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
328 bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth()
329 ob.pov.object_as = "SPHERE"
330 ob.update_tag() # as prop set via python not updated in depsgraph
333 class POV_OT_sphere_add(Operator):
334 """Add the representation of POV sphere using pov_sphere_define() function.
336 Use imported_loc when this operator is run by POV importer."""
338 bl_idname = "pov.addsphere"
339 bl_label = "Sphere"
340 bl_description = "Add Sphere Shape"
341 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
344 # Keep in sync within model_properties.py section Sphere
345 # as this allows interactive update
346 sphe_rad: FloatProperty(name="Sphere radius", min=0.00, max=10.0, default=0.5)
348 imported_loc: FloatVectorProperty(
349 name="Imported Pov location", precision=6, default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
352 def execute(self, context):
353 props = self.properties
354 sphe_rad = props.sphe_rad
355 if ob := context.object:
356 if ob.pov.imported_loc:
357 LOC = ob.pov.imported_loc
358 elif not props.imported_loc:
359 LOC = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
361 else:
362 LOC = props.imported_loc
363 self.report(
364 {"INFO"},
365 "This native POV-Ray primitive " "won't have any vertex to show in edit mode",
367 pov_sphere_define(context, self, None, LOC)
369 return {"FINISHED"}
371 # def execute(self,context):
372 # layers = 20*[False]
373 # layers[0] = True
375 # bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add(subdivisions=4, radius=ob.pov.sphere_radius)
376 # ob = context.object
377 # bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
378 # self.report({'INFO'}, "This native POV-Ray primitive "
379 # "won't have any vertex to show in edit mode")
380 # bpy.ops.mesh.hide(unselected=False)
381 # bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
382 # bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth()
383 # ob.pov.object_as = "SPHERE"
384 # ob.update_tag() # as prop set via python not updated in depsgraph
385 # ob.name = ob.data.name = 'PovSphere'
386 # return {'FINISHED'}
389 class POV_OT_sphere_update(Operator):
390 """Update the POV sphere.
392 Delete its previous proxy geometry and rerun pov_sphere_define() function
393 with the new parameters"""
395 bl_idname = "pov.sphere_update"
396 bl_label = "Update"
397 bl_description = "Update Sphere"
398 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
401 @classmethod
402 def poll(cls, context):
403 engine = context.scene.render.engine
404 ob = context.object
405 return (
407 and ob.data
408 and ob.type == "MESH"
409 and ob.pov.object_as == "SPHERE"
410 and engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES
412 def execute(self, context):
414 pov_sphere_define(context, None, context.object, context.object.location)
416 return {"FINISHED"}
419 # ----------------------------------- CONE ---------------------------------- #
420 def pov_cone_define(context, op, ob):
421 """Add the representation of POV cone using pov_define_mesh() function.
423 Blender cone does not offer the same features such as a second radius."""
424 verts = []
425 faces = []
426 if op:
427 mesh = None
428 base = op.base
429 cap = op.cap
430 seg = op.seg
431 height = op.height
432 else:
433 assert ob
434 mesh = ob.data
435 base = ob.pov.cone_base_radius
436 cap = ob.pov.cone_cap_radius
437 seg = ob.pov.cone_segments
438 height = ob.pov.cone_height
440 zc = height / 2
441 zb = -zc
442 angle = 2 * pi / seg
443 t = 0
444 for i in range(seg):
445 xb = base * cos(t)
446 yb = base * sin(t)
447 xc = cap * cos(t)
448 yc = cap * sin(t)
449 verts.extend([(xb, yb, zb), (xc, yc, zc)])
450 t += angle
451 for i in range(seg):
452 f = i * 2
453 if i == seg - 1:
454 faces.append([0, 1, f + 1, f])
455 else:
456 faces.append([f + 2, f + 3, f + 1, f])
457 if base != 0:
458 base_face = [i * 2 for i in range(seg - 1, -1, -1)]
459 faces.append(base_face)
460 if cap != 0:
461 cap_face = [i * 2 + 1 for i in range(seg)]
462 faces.append(cap_face)
464 mesh = pov_define_mesh(mesh, verts, [], faces, "PovCone", True)
465 if not ob:
466 ob = object_data_add(context, mesh, operator=None)
467 ob.pov.cone_base_radius = base
468 ob.pov.cone_cap_radius = cap
469 ob.pov.cone_height = height
470 ob.pov.cone_base_z = zb
471 ob.pov.cone_cap_z = zc
472 bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth()
473 ob.pov.object_as = "CONE"
474 ob.update_tag() # as prop set via python not updated in depsgraph
476 class POV_OT_cone_add(Operator):
477 """Add the representation of POV cone using pov_cone_define() function."""
479 bl_idname = "pov.addcone"
480 bl_label = "Cone"
481 bl_description = "Add Cone"
482 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
485 # Keep in sync within model_properties.py section Cone
486 # If someone knows how to define operators' props from a func, I'd be delighted to learn it!
487 base: FloatProperty(
488 name="Base radius",
489 description="The first radius of the cone",
490 default=1.0,
491 min=0.01,
492 max=100.0,
494 cap: FloatProperty(
495 name="Cap radius",
496 description="The second radius of the cone",
497 default=0.3,
498 min=0.0,
499 max=100.0,
501 seg: IntProperty(
502 name="Segments",
503 description="Radial segmentation of the proxy mesh",
504 default=16,
505 min=3,
506 max=265,
508 height: FloatProperty(
509 name="Height", description="Height of the cone", default=2.0, min=0.01, max=100.0
512 @classmethod
513 def poll(cls, context):
514 engine = context.scene.render.engine
515 return engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES
517 def execute(self, context):
518 pov_cone_define(context, self, None)
520 self.report(
521 {"INFO"}, "This native POV-Ray primitive" "won't have any vertex to show in edit mode"
523 return {"FINISHED"}
526 class POV_OT_cone_update(Operator):
527 """Update the POV cone.
529 Delete its previous proxy geometry and rerun pov_cone_define() function
530 with the new parameters"""
532 bl_idname = "pov.cone_update"
533 bl_label = "Update"
534 bl_description = "Update Cone"
535 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
538 @classmethod
539 def poll(cls, context):
540 engine = context.scene.render.engine
541 ob = context.object
543 return (
545 and ob.data
546 and ob.type == "MESH"
547 and ob.pov.object_as == "CONE"
548 and engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES
550 def execute(self, context):
551 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
552 bpy.ops.mesh.reveal()
553 bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
554 bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="VERT")
555 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
557 pov_cone_define(context, None, context.object)
559 return {"FINISHED"}
562 class POV_OT_rainbow_add(Operator):
563 """Add the representation of POV rainbow using a Blender spot light.
565 Rainbows indeed propagate along a visibility cone.
566 Flag its primitive type with a specific ob.pov.object_as attribute
567 and leave access to edit mode to keep user editable handles.
568 Add a constraint to orient it towards camera because POV Rainbows
569 are view dependant and having it always initially visible is less
570 confusing"""
572 bl_idname = "pov.addrainbow"
573 bl_label = "Rainbow"
574 bl_description = "Add Rainbow"
575 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
578 def execute(self, context):
579 cam = context.scene.camera
580 bpy.ops.object.light_add(type="SPOT", radius=1)
581 ob = context.object
582 ob.data.show_cone = False
583 ob.data.spot_blend = 0.5
584 # ob.data.shadow_buffer_clip_end = 0 # deprecated in 2.8
585 ob.data.shadow_buffer_clip_start = 4 * cam.location.length
586 ob.data.distance = cam.location.length
587 ob.data.energy = 0
588 ob.name = ob.data.name = "PovRainbow"
589 ob.pov.object_as = "RAINBOW"
590 ob.update_tag() # as prop set via python not updated in depsgraph
592 # obj = context.object
593 bpy.ops.object.constraint_add(type="DAMPED_TRACK")
595 ob.constraints["Damped Track"].target = cam
596 ob.constraints["Damped Track"].track_axis = "TRACK_NEGATIVE_Z"
597 ob.location = -cam.location
599 # refocus on the actual rainbow
600 bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = ob
601 ob.select_set(True)
603 return {"FINISHED"}
606 # ----------------------------------- TORUS ----------------------------------- #
607 def pov_torus_define(context, op, ob):
608 """Add the representation of POV torus using just a Blender torus.
610 Picking properties either from creation operator, import, or data update.
611 But flag its primitive type with a specific pov.object_as attribute and lock edit mode
612 to keep proxy consistency by hiding edit geometry."""
614 if op:
615 mas = op.mas
616 mis = op.mis
617 mar = op.mar
618 mir = op.mir
619 else:
620 assert ob
621 mas = ob.pov.torus_major_segments
622 mis = ob.pov.torus_minor_segments
623 mar = ob.pov.torus_major_radius
624 mir = ob.pov.torus_minor_radius
626 # keep object rotation and location for the add object operator
627 obrot = ob.rotation_euler
628 obloc = ob.location
630 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
631 bpy.ops.mesh.reveal()
632 bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="SELECT")
633 bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type="VERT")
634 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add(
635 rotation=obrot,
636 location=obloc,
637 major_segments=mas,
638 minor_segments=mis,
639 major_radius=mar,
640 minor_radius=mir,
643 bpy.ops.mesh.hide(unselected=False)
644 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
646 if not ob:
647 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add(
648 major_segments=mas, minor_segments=mis, major_radius=mar, minor_radius=mir
650 ob = context.object
651 ob.name = ob.data.name = "PovTorus"
652 ob.pov.torus_major_segments = mas
653 ob.pov.torus_minor_segments = mis
654 ob.pov.torus_major_radius = mar
655 ob.pov.torus_minor_radius = mir
656 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")
657 bpy.ops.mesh.hide(unselected=False)
658 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
659 ob.data.set_sharp_from_angle(angle=0.6)
660 ob.pov.object_as = "TORUS"
661 ob.update_tag() # as prop set via python not updated in depsgraph
663 class POV_OT_torus_add(Operator):
664 """Add the representation of POV torus using using pov_torus_define() function."""
666 bl_idname = "pov.addtorus"
667 bl_label = "Torus"
668 bl_description = "Add Torus"
669 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
672 # Keep in sync within model_properties.py section Torus
673 # as this allows interactive update
674 mas: IntProperty(name="Major Segments", description="", default=48, min=3, max=720)
675 mis: IntProperty(name="Minor Segments", description="", default=12, min=3, max=720)
676 mar: FloatProperty(name="Major Radius", description="", default=1.0)
677 mir: FloatProperty(name="Minor Radius", description="", default=0.25)
679 def execute(self, context):
680 props = self.properties
681 mar = props.mar
682 mir = props.mir
683 mas = props.mas
684 mis = props.mis
685 pov_torus_define(context, self, None)
686 self.report(
687 {"INFO"}, "This native POV-Ray primitive " "won't have any vertex to show in edit mode"
689 return {"FINISHED"}
692 class POV_OT_torus_update(Operator):
693 """Update the POV torus.
695 Delete its previous proxy geometry and rerun pov_torus_define() function
696 with the new parameters"""
698 bl_idname = "pov.torus_update"
699 bl_label = "Update"
700 bl_description = "Update Torus"
701 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
704 @classmethod
705 def poll(cls, context):
706 engine = context.scene.render.engine
707 ob = context.object
708 return (
710 and ob.data
711 and ob.type == "MESH"
712 and ob.pov.object_as == "TORUS"
713 and engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES
716 def execute(self, context):
718 pov_torus_define(context, None, context.object)
720 return {"FINISHED"}
723 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
726 class POV_OT_prism_add(Operator):
727 """Add the representation of POV prism using using an extruded curve."""
729 bl_idname = "pov.addprism"
730 bl_label = "Prism"
731 bl_description = "Create Prism"
732 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
735 prism_n: IntProperty(name="Sides", description="Number of sides", default=5, min=3, max=720)
736 prism_r: FloatProperty(name="Radius", description="Radius", default=1.0)
738 def execute(self, context):
740 props = self.properties
741 loft_data = bpy.data.curves.new("Prism", type="CURVE")
742 loft_data.dimensions = "2D"
743 loft_data.resolution_u = 2
744 # loft_data.show_normal_face = False
745 loft_data.extrude = 2
746 n = props.prism_n
747 r = props.prism_r
748 coords = []
749 z = 0
750 angle = 0
751 for p in range(n):
752 x = r * cos(angle)
753 y = r * sin(angle)
754 coords.append((x, y, z))
755 angle += pi * 2 / n
756 poly = loft_data.splines.new("POLY")
757 poly.points.add(len(coords) - 1)
758 for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
759 x, y, z = coord
760 poly.points[i].co = (x, y, z, 1)
761 poly.use_cyclic_u = True
763 ob = bpy.data.objects.new("Prism_shape", loft_data)
764 scn = bpy.context.scene
765 scn.collection.objects.link(ob)
766 context.view_layer.objects.active = ob
767 ob.select_set(True)
768 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
769 bpy.ops.object.shade_flat()
770 ob.data.fill_mode = 'BOTH'
771 ob.pov.curveshape = "prism"
772 ob.name = ob.data.name = "Prism"
773 return {"FINISHED"}
776 classes = (
777 POV_OT_plane_add,
778 POV_OT_box_add,
779 POV_OT_cylinder_add,
780 POV_OT_cylinder_update,
781 POV_OT_sphere_add,
782 POV_OT_sphere_update,
783 POV_OT_cone_add,
784 POV_OT_cone_update,
785 POV_OT_rainbow_add,
786 POV_OT_torus_add,
787 POV_OT_torus_update,
788 POV_OT_prism_add,
792 def register():
793 for cls in classes:
794 register_class(cls)
797 def unregister():
798 for cls in reversed(classes):
799 unregister_class(cls)