Export_3ds: Added distance cue chunk export
[blender-addons.git] / render_povray / nodes_gui.py
1 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Blender Foundation
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 """"Nodes based User interface for shaders exported to POV textures."""
6 import bpy
8 from bpy.utils import register_class, unregister_class
9 from bpy.types import Menu, Operator
10 from bpy.props import (
11 StringProperty,
14 # def find_node_input(node, name):
15 # for input in node.inputs:
16 # if input.name == name:
17 # return input
19 # def panel_node_draw(layout, id_data, output_type, input_name):
20 # if not id_data.use_nodes:
21 # #layout.operator("pov.material_use_nodes", icon='SOUND')#'NODETREE')
22 # #layout.operator("pov.use_shading_nodes", icon='NODETREE')
23 # layout.operator("WM_OT_context_toggle", icon='NODETREE').data_path = \
24 # "material.pov.material_use_nodes"
25 # return False
27 # ntree = id_data.node_tree
29 # node = find_node(id_data, output_type)
30 # if not node:
31 # layout.label(text="No output node")
32 # else:
33 # input = find_node_input(node, input_name)
34 # layout.template_node_view(ntree, node, input)
36 # return True
39 class NODE_MT_POV_map_create(Menu):
40 """Create maps"""
42 bl_idname = "POVRAY_MT_node_map_create"
43 bl_label = "Create map"
45 def draw(self, context):
46 layout = self.layout
47 layout.operator("node.map_create")
50 def menu_func_nodes(self, context):
51 ob = context.object
52 if hasattr(ob, "active_material"):
53 mat = context.object.active_material
54 if mat and context.space_data.tree_type == "ObjectNodeTree":
55 self.layout.prop(mat.pov, "material_use_nodes")
56 self.layout.menu(NODE_MT_POV_map_create.bl_idname)
57 self.layout.operator("wm.updatepreviewkey")
58 if hasattr(mat, "active_texture") and context.scene.render.engine == "POVRAY_RENDER":
59 tex = mat.active_texture
60 if tex and context.space_data.tree_type == "TextureNodeTree":
61 self.layout.prop(tex.pov, "texture_use_nodes")
64 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
65 # --------------------------------- Operators ---------------------------------- #
66 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
69 class NODE_OT_iso_add(Operator):
70 bl_idname = "pov.nodeisoadd"
71 bl_label = "Create iso props"
73 def execute(self, context):
74 ob = bpy.context.object
75 if not bpy.context.scene.use_nodes:
76 bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True
77 tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree
78 for node in tree.nodes:
79 if node.bl_idname == "IsoPropsNode" and node.label == ob.name:
80 tree.nodes.remove(node)
81 isonode = tree.nodes.new("IsoPropsNode")
82 isonode.location = (0, 0)
83 isonode.label = ob.name
84 return {"FINISHED"}
87 class NODE_OT_map_create(Operator):
88 bl_idname = "node.map_create"
89 bl_label = "Create map"
91 def execute(self, context):
92 x = y = 0
93 space = context.space_data
94 tree = space.edit_tree
95 for node in tree.nodes:
96 if node.select:
97 x, y = node.location
98 node.select = False
99 tmap = tree.nodes.new("ShaderTextureMapNode")
100 tmap.location = (x - 200, y)
101 return {"FINISHED"}
103 def invoke(self, context, event):
104 wm = context.window_manager
105 return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)
107 def draw(self, context):
108 layout = self.layout
109 mat = context.object.active_material
110 layout.prop(mat.pov, "inputs_number")
113 class NODE_OT_povray_node_texture_map_add(Operator):
114 bl_idname = "pov.nodetexmapadd"
115 bl_label = "Texture map"
117 def execute(self, context):
118 tree = bpy.context.object.active_material.node_tree
119 tmap = tree.nodes.active
120 mtl = context.object.active_material
121 mtl.node_tree.nodes.active = tmap
122 el = tmap.color_ramp.elements.new(0.5)
123 for el in tmap.color_ramp.elements:
124 el.color = (0, 0, 0, 1)
125 for inp in tmap.inputs:
126 tmap.inputs.remove(inp)
127 for outp in tmap.outputs:
128 tmap.outputs.remove(outp)
129 pattern = tmap.inputs.new("NodeSocketVector", "Pattern")
130 pattern.hide_value = True
131 for i in range(3):
132 tmap.inputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Shader")
133 tmap.outputs.new("NodeSocketShader", "BSDF")
134 tmap.label = "Texture Map"
135 return {"FINISHED"}
138 class NODE_OT_povray_node_output_add(Operator):
139 bl_idname = "pov.nodeoutputadd"
140 bl_label = "Output"
142 def execute(self, context):
143 tree = bpy.context.object.active_material.node_tree
144 tmap = tree.nodes.new("ShaderNodeOutputMaterial")
145 mtl = context.object.active_material
146 mtl.node_tree.nodes.active = tmap
147 for inp in tmap.inputs:
148 tmap.inputs.remove(inp)
149 tmap.inputs.new("NodeSocketShader", "Surface")
150 tmap.label = "Output"
151 return {"FINISHED"}
154 class NODE_OT_povray_node_layered_add(Operator):
155 bl_idname = "pov.nodelayeredadd"
156 bl_label = "Layered material"
158 def execute(self, context):
159 tree = bpy.context.object.active_material.node_tree
160 tmap = tree.nodes.new("ShaderNodeAddShader")
161 mtl = context.object.active_material
162 mtl.node_tree.nodes.active = tmap
163 tmap.label = "Layered material"
164 return {"FINISHED"}
167 class NODE_OT_povray_input_add(Operator):
168 bl_idname = "pov.nodeinputadd"
169 bl_label = "Add entry"
171 def execute(self, context):
172 mtl = context.object.active_material
173 node = mtl.node_tree.nodes.active
174 if node.type == "VALTORGB":
175 number = 1
176 for inp in node.inputs:
177 if inp.type == "SHADER":
178 number += 1
179 node.inputs.new("NodeSocketShader", "%s" % number)
180 els = node.color_ramp.elements
181 pos1 = els[len(els) - 1].position
182 pos2 = els[len(els) - 2].position
183 pos = (pos1 - pos2) / 2 + pos2
184 el = els.new(pos)
186 if node.bl_idname == "PovraySlopeNode":
187 number = len(node.inputs)
188 node.inputs.new("PovraySocketSlope", "%s" % number)
190 return {"FINISHED"}
193 class NODE_OT_povray_input_remove(Operator):
194 bl_idname = "pov.nodeinputremove"
195 bl_label = "Remove input"
197 def execute(self, context):
198 mtl = context.object.active_material
199 node = mtl.node_tree.nodes.active
200 if node.type in {"VALTORGB", "ADD_SHADER"}:
201 number = len(node.inputs) - 1
202 if number > 5:
203 inp = node.inputs[number]
204 node.inputs.remove(inp)
205 if node.type == "VALTORGB":
206 els = node.color_ramp.elements
207 number = len(els) - 2
208 el = els[number]
209 els.remove(el)
210 return {"FINISHED"}
213 class NODE_OT_povray_image_open(Operator):
214 bl_idname = "pov.imageopen"
215 bl_label = "Open"
217 filepath: StringProperty(
218 name="File Path", description="Open image", maxlen=1024, subtype="FILE_PATH"
221 def invoke(self, context, event):
222 context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self)
223 return {"RUNNING_MODAL"}
225 def execute(self, context):
226 im = bpy.data.images.load(self.filepath)
227 mtl = context.object.active_material
228 node = mtl.node_tree.nodes.active
229 node.image = im.name
230 return {"FINISHED"}
233 # class TEXTURE_OT_povray_open_image(Operator):
234 # bl_idname = "pov.openimage"
235 # bl_label = "Open Image"
237 # filepath = StringProperty(
238 # name="File Path",
239 # description="Open image",
240 # maxlen=1024,
241 # subtype='FILE_PATH',
244 # def invoke(self, context, event):
245 # context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self)
246 # return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
248 # def execute(self, context):
249 # im=bpy.data.images.load(self.filepath)
250 # tex = context.texture
251 # tex.pov.image = im.name
252 # view_layer = context.view_layer
253 # view_layer.update()
254 # return {'FINISHED'}
257 classes = (
258 NODE_MT_POV_map_create,
259 NODE_OT_iso_add,
260 NODE_OT_map_create,
261 NODE_OT_povray_node_texture_map_add,
262 NODE_OT_povray_node_output_add,
263 NODE_OT_povray_node_layered_add,
264 NODE_OT_povray_input_add,
265 NODE_OT_povray_input_remove,
266 NODE_OT_povray_image_open,
270 def register():
271 bpy.types.NODE_HT_header.append(menu_func_nodes)
272 for cls in classes:
273 register_class(cls)
276 def unregister():
277 for cls in reversed(classes):
278 unregister_class(cls)
279 bpy.types.NODE_HT_header.remove(menu_func_nodes)