Export_3ds: Added distance cue chunk export
[blender-addons.git] / render_povray / templates_pov / diffract.pov
1 // This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
2 // To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a
3 // letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
5 // Persistence Of Vision raytracer sample file.
6 //
7 // -w320 -h240
8 // -w800 -h600 +a0.3
10 #version 3.6;
11 global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 max_trace_level 5 }
13 #include "colors.inc"
14 #include "woods.inc"
17 #declare IOR = 1.45;
18 #declare Fade_Distance = 2;
19 #declare Fade_Power = 3;
21 #declare Texture01 = texture {
22 pigment {
23 color rgbf <1, 1, 1, 1>
25 finish {
26 diffuse 0.000001
27 metallic on
28 ambient 0
29 reflection 0.05
30 specular 1
31 roughness 0.001
32 irid {
33 0.65 // contribution to overall color
34 thickness 0.8 // affects frequency, or "busy-ness"
35 turbulence 0.1 // Variance in film thickness
40 #declare Interior01 =
41 interior {
42 fade_distance Fade_Distance
43 fade_power Fade_Power
44 ior IOR
45 caustics 1.0
49 #declare Texture02a = texture {
50 T_Wood1
51 scale 2
52 rotate x*90
53 translate x*5
54 finish {
55 ambient 0.4
58 #declare Texture02 = texture {
59 pigment {
60 color rgb<0.800, 0.800, 0.800>
62 finish {
63 brilliance 0.5
64 metallic on
65 diffuse 0.200
66 ambient 0.000
67 specular 0.300
68 roughness 0.02
73 #declare Texture03 = texture { Texture01 }
75 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
76 // This scene uses a non-standard camera set-up.
77 // (See CAMERA in the included documentation for details.)
78 // If you are new to POV-Ray, you might want to try a different demo scene.
79 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
80 camera { // Camera StdCam
81 angle 45
82 location <3.50, -15.00, 3.00>
83 direction <0.0, 0.0, 1.6542>
84 sky <0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Use right handed-system!
85 up <0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up
86 right x*image_width/image_height // keep proportions with any aspect ratio
87 look_at <0.000, 0.000, -2.7500>
90 #declare Intensity = 20;
91 #declare L_Fade_Distance = 20;
92 #declare L_Fade_Power = 2;
93 #declare ALL = 8;
94 #declare ALW = 8;
95 #declare ALR = 6;
97 #declare Area_Light=off;
99 light_source { // Light1
100 <-0.2, 100, 65>
101 color Cyan * Intensity
102 #if(Area_Light)
103 area_light x*ALL, z*ALW, ALR, ALR
104 adaptive 1
105 jitter
106 #end
107 fade_distance L_Fade_Distance
108 fade_power L_Fade_Power
111 light_source { // Light1
112 <0, 95, 65>
113 color Yellow * Intensity
114 #if(Area_Light)
115 area_light x*ALL, z*ALW, ALR, ALR
116 adaptive 1
117 jitter
118 #end
119 fade_distance L_Fade_Distance
120 fade_power L_Fade_Power
123 light_source { // Light1
124 <0.2, 90, 65>
125 color Magenta * Intensity
126 #if(Area_Light)
127 area_light x*ALL, z*ALW, ALR, ALR
128 adaptive 1
129 #end
130 jitter
131 fade_distance L_Fade_Distance
132 fade_power L_Fade_Power
135 sky_sphere {
136 pigment {
137 gradient y
138 color_map {
139 [0.0 color Gray10]
140 [1.0 color Gray30]
145 union {
146 cylinder { <-3,0,0>, <3,0,0>, 0.3 }
147 torus { 1.0, 0.25
148 rotate z*90
150 texture {Texture01}
151 interior {Interior01}
152 translate <0.0, -4.0, -0.5>
155 box { <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1>
156 texture {Texture01}
157 interior {Interior01}
159 scale <3.0, 0.5, 0.5>
160 translate -1.75*z
161 rotate x*45
162 translate -1.5*y
165 sphere { <0,0,0>,1
166 texture {Texture03}
167 interior {Interior01}
168 translate <3, 3, -1>
170 sphere { <0,0,0>,1
171 texture {Texture03}
172 interior {Interior01}
174 translate <0,3.0, -0.5>
176 sphere { <0,0,0>,1
177 texture {Texture03}
178 interior {Interior01}
179 translate <-3.0, 3.0, -1>
181 cone { 0, 1, -2*z, 0
182 texture {Texture03}
183 interior {Interior01}
184 translate <-4.0, 0.3, 0>
186 cone { 0, 1, -2*z, 0
187 texture {Texture03}
188 interior {Interior01}
189 translate <4.0, 0.3, 0>
192 plane { z, -2
193 hollow on
194 pigment { Gray60 }