3 * Experimental JSON Mongrel handler...
4 * Tagged as version 1.0.7
5 [2008-04-02 20:24:55 -0500]
6 * Absolute paths are availables for every link_to (uses the base_path from config)
7 * RSS feeds generate absolute paths now
9 * Sub-folders are globbed when looking for pages and/or posts
10 * Added support for fetching latest posts that include, or exclude, a specified tag
11 * Experimental embedded server
12 * Fixed verbosity to actually honor the commandline
13 * Exposed 'path_to_root' in Page rendering context
14 [2007-10-27 12:53:04 -0500]
15 * Added 'content' to variable to context for pages and posts
16 * Updated version number
17 [2007-10-27 11:39:14 -0500]
18 * Updated gem manifest and the create_manifest task
19 * Added a .gitignore file for this project
20 [2007-10-23 21:38:52 -0500]
21 * Added JS Search plugin to test.blog fixture and boilerplate code.
22 * FIX: No longer dies when the $/media folder is missing
23 * Updated version number to 1.0.4
24 [2007-10-23 21:36:42 -0500]
25 * Added JS Search plugin to test.blog fixture and boilerplate code.
26 * FIX: No longer dies when the $/media folder is missing
27 * Updated version number to 1.0.4