1 This page describe the branches of the CVS tree and what they are for.
3 The main branch begins with Kevin's 3/25/2000 snapshot. For lack of anything
4 better, this version has been named 1.0.
11 | <-- REL-bochs-2000-03-25. Also called version 1.0 or REL_1_0_BASE.
13 +----- BRANCH-smp-bochs: by Bryce, modify bochs to simulate SMP machine.
15 | | <-- REL-smpbochs-03-30-2001
17 | | <-- REL-smpbochs-04-03-2001
20 | <-- REL-bugfix-20010406-beta. Also called bugfix1, version 1.1, or
23 | <-- REL-bugfix-20010409-beta. Also called bugfix2, version 1.1.1, or
26 +----- REL_1_1: continue working on bugfix releases in this branch.
30 +----- BRANCH-io-cleanup: by Todd and Bryce to develop Todd's I/O functions
32 | | <-- io-cleanup-* are temporary tags for work-in-progress versions
35 | <-- before-io-branch-merge
37 | <-- after-io-branch-merge