1 Please refer to our issue tracker at
3 http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/BrowseProject.jspa?id=10671
7 Those with patches are also listed here:
8 http://boo.codehaus.org/Open+Issues+With+Patches
11 def logHistoryFile(to: [required] fname, since: startDate as date):
14 logHistoryFile(to: "foo.txt", since: date.Now - 10s)
16 All the issues on this file will be eventually moved there.
18 * optimize InitializeNameResolution step and NameResolutionService
19 * NamespaceEntity.IsModule(Type)
20 * NamespaceEntity.Add(Type)
21 * NamespaceEntity.GetChildNamespace(string)
22 * OrganizeAssemblyTypes(Assembly)
24 * split RuntimeServices
27 * simplificar EmitAssembly
29 * ProcessMethodBodies.LeaveConstructor deve inserir a chamado ao constructor
30 super APÓS qualquer validação:
31 * criar um StatementGroup com uma propriedade Priority
32 * Body.InsertIntoGroup(groupPriority, index, Statement)
33 * Body.AddToGroup(groupPriority, Statement)
34 * sentenças normais são consideradas com prioridade 10
35 * validação de parâmetros pode ser inserida com prioridade 0
36 * chamada ao constructor super com prioriedade 1
38 * cache da resolução de nomes entre compilações
40 * nomes de tipo primitivo podem ser utilizados em conversões:
42 int(Enum.Value), int("foo"), int(3.0)
44 * ITypeBinding.GetDefaultMember() as IBinding => ITypeBinding.GetDefaultMembers() as (IBinding)
46 * macros para o SharpDevelop em boo
48 * StatementGroup para permitir o agrupamento de statements com mesmo propósito
49 * binary literals: 0b001
50 * WARNING: property getter should return a value
51 * CompilerParameters.Properties (passed in the command line as -D:name=value just like nant)
53 * statically typed IEnumerator pattern
54 * patterns ((in|is|isa) (not)?) (value1, value2), em outras palavras:
56 BinaryOperatorType.*,
57 ReferenceExpression,
58 TupleLiteralExpression)
59 devem ser transformados em:
61 ((reference == value1) or (reference == value2))
62 ((reference is value1) or (reference is value2))
64 * operadores de conversão (operator bool, operator string, etc)
68 def fatorial(n as int):
69 return n*fatorial(n-1) if n > 1
74 * otimização para chamadas a array.Length
75 * tail call prefix para funçoes recursivas com a ScanDirectories do rgrep.boo
76 * const expression unfolding
77 * proper tail recursion (fatorial)