BOO-996, BOO-995: Added "then" keyword to replace "else" semantic in looping construc...
[boo.git] / tests / testcases / integration / statements /
1 """
2 Good
3 System.Exception: This is the message
4 """
5 def RetVal():
6 return 5
8 try:
9 raise System.Exception("This is the message")
10 except ex as System.Exception if RetVal() >= 4 and ex.Message != "This is the message":
11 print "What?"
12 print ex.GetType() + ": " + ex.Message
13 except ex as System.Exception unless RetVal().ToString() == "4":
14 print "Good"
15 print ex.GetType() + ": " + ex.Message
16 except ex as System.Exception:
17 print "NO!"
18 print ex.GetType() + ": " + ex.Message