1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
5 <flag name='contrib'>Enables installation additional contrib components ('contrib' dir), don't confuse with tkabber-contrib repo name for third party plugins</flag>
6 <flag name='examples'>Enables installation examples of configs, tools, xrdb, etc ('examples' dir)</flag>
7 <flag name='gpg'>Enables GnuPG support with dev-tcltk/tclgpg</flag>
8 <flag name='plugins'>Enables installation the extra plugins</flag>
9 <flag name='3rd-party-plugins'>Enables installation the extra third party plugins</flag>
10 <flag name='remote-controlling'>Enables potentially insecure XEP-0146 support</flag>
11 <flag name='sound'>Enables sound event support with dev-tcltk/snack</flag>
12 <flag name='ssl'>Enables SSL/TLS support with dev-tcltk/tls</flag>
13 <flag name='tkimg'>Enables image support with dev-tcltk/tkimg</flag>
14 <flag name='trayicon'>Enables support for tray icon with dev-tcltk/tktray</flag>
15 <flag name='udp'>Enables support for DNS resolving over UDP.</flag>
16 <flag name='vanilla'>Skips any kind of source patching (and epatch_user too).</flag>
17 <flag name='fix-site-plugins-path'>Patches sources with path to installed external plugins. Likely will be useful when 'plugins' or '3rd-party-plugins' USE flags are enabled.</flag>