Add Xinha editor
[booki.git] / site_media / xinha / examples / testbed.html
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE html
3 PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
4 "">
5 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
6 <head>
8 <!--------------------------------------:noTabs=true:tabSize=2:indentSize=2:--
9 -- Xinha example usage. This file shows how a developer might make use of
10 -- Xinha, it forms the primary example file for the entire Xinha project.
11 -- This file can be copied and used as a template for development by the
12 -- end developer who should simply removed the area indicated at the bottom
13 -- of the file to remove the auto-example-generating code and allow for the
14 -- use of the file as a boilerplate.
16 -- $HeadURL: $
17 -- $LastChangedDate: 2008-10-12 19:42:42 +0200 (So, 12. Okt 2008) $
18 -- $LastChangedRevision: 1084 $
19 -- $LastChangedBy: ray $
20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------->
22 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
23 <title>Example of Xinha</title>
24 <link rel="stylesheet" href="files/full_example.css" />
26 <script type="text/javascript">
27 // You must set _editor_url to the URL (including trailing slash) where
28 // where xinha is installed, it's highly recommended to use an absolute URL
29 // eg: _editor_url = "/path/to/xinha/";
30 // You may try a relative URL if you wish]
31 // eg: _editor_url = "../";
32 // in this example we do a little regular expression to find the absolute path.
33 _editor_url = document.location.href.replace(/examples\/.*/, '')
34 _editor_lang = "en"; // And the language we need to use in the editor.
35 </script>
37 <!-- Load up the actual editor core -->
38 <script type="text/javascript" src="../XinhaCore.js"></script>
40 <script type="text/javascript">
41 xinha_editors = null;
42 xinha_init = null;
43 xinha_config = null;
44 xinha_plugins = null;
46 // This contains the names of textareas we will make into Xinha editors
47 xinha_init = xinha_init ? xinha_init : function()
49 /** STEP 1 ***************************************************************
50 * First, what are the plugins you will be using in the editors on this
51 * page. List all the plugins you will need, even if not all the editors
52 * will use all the plugins.
53 ************************************************************************/
55 xinha_plugins = xinha_plugins ? xinha_plugins :
57 'CharacterMap', 'SpellChecker', 'Linker'
60 if(!Xinha.loadPlugins(xinha_plugins, xinha_init)) return;
62 /** STEP 2 ***************************************************************
63 * Now, what are the names of the textareas you will be turning into
64 * editors?
65 ************************************************************************/
67 xinha_editors = xinha_editors ? xinha_editors :
69 'myTextArea'
72 /** STEP 3 ***************************************************************
73 * We create a default configuration to be used by all the editors.
74 * If you wish to configure some of the editors differently this will be
75 * done in step 4.
77 * If you want to modify the default config you might do something like this.
79 * xinha_config = new Xinha.Config();
80 * xinha_config.width = 640;
81 * xinha_config.height = 420;
83 *************************************************************************/
85 xinha_config = xinha_config ? xinha_config : new Xinha.Config();
86 xinha_config.fullPage = true;
87 xinha_config.CharacterMap.mode = 'panel';
89 // We can load an external stylesheet like this - NOTE : YOU MUST GIVE AN ABSOLUTE URL
90 // otherwise it won't work!
91 xinha_config.stylistLoadStylesheet(document.location.href.replace(/[^\/]*\.html/, 'files/stylist.css'));
93 // Or we can load styles directly
94 xinha_config.stylistLoadStyles('p.red_text { color:red }');
96 // If you want to provide "friendly" names you can do so like
97 // (you can do this for stylistLoadStylesheet as well)
98 xinha_config.stylistLoadStyles('p.pink_text { color:pink }', {'p.pink_text' : 'Pretty Pink'});
100 /** STEP 3 ***************************************************************
101 * We first create editors for the textareas.
103 * You can do this in two ways, either
105 * xinha_editors = Xinha.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config, xinha_plugins);
107 * if you want all the editor objects to use the same set of plugins, OR;
109 * xinha_editors = Xinha.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config);
110 * xinha_editors['myTextArea'].registerPlugins(['Stylist']);
111 * xinha_editors['anotherOne'].registerPlugins(['CSS','SuperClean']);
113 * if you want to use a different set of plugins for one or more of the
114 * editors.
115 ************************************************************************/
117 xinha_editors = Xinha.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config, xinha_plugins);
119 /** STEP 4 ***************************************************************
120 * If you want to change the configuration variables of any of the
121 * editors, this is the place to do that, for example you might want to
122 * change the width and height of one of the editors, like this...
124 * xinha_editors.myTextArea.config.width = 640;
125 * xinha_editors.myTextArea.config.height = 480;
127 ************************************************************************/
130 /** STEP 5 ***************************************************************
131 * Finally we "start" the editors, this turns the textareas into
132 * Xinha editors.
133 ************************************************************************/
135 Xinha.startEditors(xinha_editors);
136 window.onload = null;
139 window.onload = xinha_init;
140 </script>
141 </head>
143 <body>
145 <form action="javascript:void(0);" id="editors_here" onsubmit="alert(this.myTextArea.value);">
146 <div>
147 <textarea id="myTextArea" name="myTextArea" style="width:100%;height:320px;">
148 &lt;html&gt;
149 &lt;head&gt;
150 &lt;title&gt;Hello&lt;/title&gt;
151 &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
152 li { color:red; }
153 &lt;/style&gt;
154 &lt;/head&gt;
155 &lt;body&gt;&lt;span style="color:purple"&gt;
156 &lt;img src="../images/xinha_logo.gif" usemap="#m1"&gt;
157 &lt;map name="m1"&gt;
158 &lt;area shape="rect" coords="137,101,255,124" href=""&gt;
159 &lt;/map&gt;
161 &lt;p&gt;
162 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
163 Aliquam et tellus vitae justo varius placerat. Suspendisse iaculis
164 velit semper dolor. Donec gravida tincidunt mi. Curabitur tristique
165 ante elementum turpis. &lt;span style="color:green"&gt;Aliquam &lt;/span&gt; nisl. Nulla posuere neque non
166 tellus. Morbi vel nibh. &lt;font face="Arial"&gt;&lt;font color="#009933"&gt;Cum sociis natoque&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/font&gt; penatibus et magnis dis
167 parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam nec wisi. In wisi.
168 Curabitur pharetra bibendum lectus.
169 &lt;/p&gt;
171 &lt;ul&gt;
172 &lt;li style="color:green"&gt; Phasellus et massa sed diam viverra semper. &lt;/li&gt;
173 &lt;li&gt; Mauris tincidunt felis in odio. &lt;/li&gt;
174 &lt;li&gt; Nulla placerat nunc ut pede. &lt;/li&gt;
175 &lt;li&gt; Vivamus ultrices mi sit amet urna. &lt;/li&gt;
176 &lt;li&gt; Quisque sed augue quis nunc laoreet volutpat.&lt;/li&gt;
177 &lt;li&gt; Nunc sit amet metus in tortor semper mattis. &lt;/li&gt;
178 &lt;/ul&gt;
179 &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/body&gt;
180 &lt;/html&gt;
181 </textarea>
183 <input type="submit" /> <input type="reset" />
184 </div>
185 </form>
186 <script type="text/javascript">
187 document.write(document.compatMode);
188 </script>
189 <div>
190 <a href="#" onclick="xinha_editors.myTextArea.hidePanels();">Hide</a>
191 <a href="#" onclick="xinha_editors.myTextArea.showPanels();">Show</a>
192 </div>
194 </body>
195 </html>