15 require 'zip/zipfilesystem'
21 @address = "www.rubyquiz.com"
24 first = ARGV[0].to_i if ARGV.size > 1
25 last = ARGV[1].to_i if ARGV.size > 2
30 # Download a binary file from the rubyquiz url
32 def download(file, todir = '.')
34 puts "Downloading file #{file} from #{@address}"
35 c = open("http://#{@address}/#{file}").read
36 Dir.mkdir(todir) if not File.directory?(todir)
37 f = open("#{todir}/#{file}", 'wb')
41 if not File.exists?(fullfile)
42 $stderr.puts "Could not download file #{file} form #{@address}."
50 # Unzip the file using GNU's stand-alone unzip utility.
53 puts `unzip -o #{file}`
58 # Unzip the file using rubyzip library.
61 outdir = x.sub(/.*\//, '')
62 outdir = '.' if outdir == ""
63 Zip::ZipFile::open(x) { |zf|
65 fpath = File.join(outdir, e.name)
66 FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(fpath))
67 zf.extract(e, fpath)
75 c = open("http://#{@address}/").read
76 quizzes = c.scan /quiz(\d+).html/
77 return [ quizzes[0][0], quizzes[-1][0] ]
80 if not first or not last
82 last = l unless last
83 first = f unless first
90 puts "Downloading quizzess #{first} to #{last}"
91 quizzes = (first..last)
95 #### Download HTML description
96 file = "quiz#{q}.html"
97 fullfile = "#{dir}/#{file}"
98 if not File.exists?(fullfile)
99 download( file, dir )
102 #### Download zip file
103 file = "quiz#{q}_sols.zip"
104 fullfile = "#{dir}/#{file}"
106 if not File.exists?(fullfile)
107 download( file, dir )
110 # Unzip and remove .zip file