1 Mark Pauley contributed the two launchd plist files for OS-X (10.4+) to start
2 a buildmaster or buildslave automatically at startup:
4 contrib/OS-X/net.sourceforge.buildbot.master.plist
5 contrib/OS-X/net.sourceforge.buildbot.slave.plist
7 His email message is as follows:
9 Message-Id: <C0E57556-0432-4EB6-9A6C-22CDC72208E9@apple.com>
10 From: Mark Pauley <mpauley@apple.com>
11 To: buildbot-devel <buildbot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
12 Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:05:44 -0800
13 Subject: [Buildbot-devel] Sample buildbot launchd plists for MacOS 10.4+
16 I've had these kicking around for a while and thought that maybe
17 someone would like to see them. Installing either of these two to /
18 Library/LaunchDaemons will cause the bulidbot slave or master to auto-
19 start as whatever user you like on launch. This is the "right way to
20 do this" going forward, startupitems are deprecated. Please note that
21 this means any tests that require a windowserver connection on os x