4 Two different packages are provided from the TI PRU software support
7 1. The include files and rpmsg static library for the PRU are
8 installed alongside the host package for the PRU code generation
9 tools package i.e. $(TI_CGT_PRU_INSTALLDIR).
11 2. A target package for all the examples installed to
12 /usr/share/pru-software-support/. Users wanting to test a specific
13 example should copy or link it to a directory where the kernel
14 looks for firmware, e.g:
16 # cp /usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.out \
17 /lib/firmware/am335x-pru0-fw
19 To get started with the PRU, have a look at the labs [1].
21 [1] http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/PRU_Training:_Hands-on_Labs