nfs_utils: Fix for read-only rootfs
[buildroot-gz.git] / support / scripts / scancpan
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 # This chunk of stuff was generated by App::FatPacker. To find the original
4 # file's code, look for the end of this BEGIN block or the string 'FATPACK'
6 my %fatpacked;
8 $fatpacked{"MetaCPAN/API/"} = <<'METACPAN_API_TINY';
9 package MetaCPAN::API::Tiny;
11 $MetaCPAN::API::Tiny::VERSION = '1.131730';
13 use strict;
14 use warnings;
15 # ABSTRACT: A Tiny API client for MetaCPAN
17 use Carp;
18 use JSON::PP 'encode_json', 'decode_json';
19 use HTTP::Tiny;
22 sub new {
23 my ($class, @args) = @_;
25 $#_ % 2 == 0
26 or croak 'Arguments must be provided as name/value pairs';
28 my %params = @args;
30 die 'ua_args must be an array reference'
31 if $params{ua_args} && ref($params{ua_args}) ne 'ARRAY';
33 my $self = +{
34 base_url => $params{base_url} || '',
35 ua => $params{ua} || HTTP::Tiny->new(
36 $params{ua_args}
37 ? @{$params{ua_args}}
38 : (agent => 'MetaCPAN::API::Tiny/'
39 . ($MetaCPAN::API::VERSION || 'xx'))),
42 return bless($self, $class);
45 sub _build_extra_params {
46 my $self = shift;
48 @_ % 2 == 0
49 or croak 'Incorrect number of params, must be key/value';
51 my %extra = @_;
52 my $ua = $self->{ua};
54 foreach my $key (keys %extra)
56 # The implementation in HTTP::Tiny uses + instead of %20, fix that
57 $extra{$key} = $ua->_uri_escape($extra{$key});
58 $extra{$key} =~ s/\+/%20/g;
61 my $params = join '&', map { "$_=" . $extra{$_} } sort keys %extra;
63 return $params;
67 # /source/{author}/{release}/{path}
68 sub source {
69 my $self = shift;
70 my %opts = @_ ? @_ : ();
71 my $url = '';
72 my $error = "Provide 'author' and 'release' and 'path'";
74 %opts or croak $error;
76 if (
77 defined ( my $author = $opts{'author'} ) &&
78 defined ( my $release = $opts{'release'} ) &&
79 defined ( my $path = $opts{'path'} )
80 ) {
81 $url = "source/$author/$release/$path";
82 } else {
83 croak $error;
86 $url = $self->{base_url} . "/$url";
88 my $result = $self->{ua}->get($url);
89 $result->{'success'}
90 or croak "Failed to fetch '$url': " . $result->{'reason'};
92 return $result->{'content'};
96 # /release/{distribution}
97 # /release/{author}/{release}
98 sub release {
99 my $self = shift;
100 my %opts = @_ ? @_ : ();
101 my $url = '';
102 my $error = "Either provide 'distribution', or 'author' and 'release', " .
103 "or 'search'";
105 %opts or croak $error;
107 my %extra_opts = ();
109 if ( defined ( my $dist = $opts{'distribution'} ) ) {
110 $url = "release/$dist";
111 } elsif (
112 defined ( my $author = $opts{'author'} ) &&
113 defined ( my $release = $opts{'release'} )
115 $url = "release/$author/$release";
116 } elsif ( defined ( my $search_opts = $opts{'search'} ) ) {
117 ref $search_opts && ref $search_opts eq 'HASH'
118 or croak $error;
120 %extra_opts = %{$search_opts};
121 $url = 'release/_search';
122 } else {
123 croak $error;
126 return $self->fetch( $url, %extra_opts );
130 # /pod/{module}
131 # /pod/{author}/{release}/{path}
132 sub pod {
133 my $self = shift;
134 my %opts = @_ ? @_ : ();
135 my $url = '';
136 my $error = "Either provide 'module' or 'author and 'release' and 'path'";
138 %opts or croak $error;
140 if ( defined ( my $module = $opts{'module'} ) ) {
141 $url = "pod/$module";
142 } elsif (
143 defined ( my $author = $opts{'author'} ) &&
144 defined ( my $release = $opts{'release'} ) &&
145 defined ( my $path = $opts{'path'} )
147 $url = "pod/$author/$release/$path";
148 } else {
149 croak $error;
152 # check content-type
153 my %extra = ();
154 if ( defined ( my $type = $opts{'content-type'} ) ) {
155 $type =~ m{^ text/ (?: html|plain|x-pod|x-markdown ) $}x
156 or croak 'Incorrect content-type provided';
158 $extra{headers}{'content-type'} = $type;
161 $url = $self->{base_url}. "/$url";
163 my $result = $self->{ua}->get( $url, \%extra );
164 $result->{'success'}
165 or croak "Failed to fetch '$url': " . $result->{'reason'};
167 return $result->{'content'};
171 # /module/{module}
172 sub module {
173 my $self = shift;
174 my $name = shift;
176 $name or croak 'Please provide a module name';
178 return $self->fetch("module/$name");
182 # file() is a synonym of module
183 sub file { goto &module }
186 # /author/{author}
187 sub author {
188 my $self = shift;
189 my ( $pause_id, $url, %extra_opts );
191 if ( @_ == 1 ) {
192 $url = 'author/' . shift;
193 } elsif ( @_ == 2 ) {
194 my %opts = @_;
196 if ( defined $opts{'pauseid'} ) {
197 $url = "author/" . $opts{'pauseid'};
198 } elsif ( defined $opts{'search'} ) {
199 my $search_opts = $opts{'search'};
201 ref $search_opts && ref $search_opts eq 'HASH'
202 or croak "'search' key must be hashref";
204 %extra_opts = %{$search_opts};
205 $url = 'author/_search';
206 } else {
207 croak 'Unknown option given';
209 } else {
210 croak 'Please provide an author PAUSEID or a "search"';
213 return $self->fetch( $url, %extra_opts );
218 sub fetch {
219 my $self = shift;
220 my $url = shift;
221 my $extra = $self->_build_extra_params(@_);
222 my $base = $self->{base_url};
223 my $req_url = $extra ? "$base/$url?$extra" : "$base/$url";
225 my $result = $self->{ua}->get($req_url);
226 return $self->_decode_result( $result, $req_url );
230 sub post {
231 my $self = shift;
232 my $url = shift;
233 my $query = shift;
234 my $base = $self->{base_url};
236 defined $url
237 or croak 'First argument of URL must be provided';
239 ref $query and ref $query eq 'HASH'
240 or croak 'Second argument of query hashref must be provided';
242 my $query_json = encode_json( $query );
243 my $result = $self->{ua}->request(
244 'POST',
245 "$base/$url",
247 headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' },
248 content => $query_json,
252 return $self->_decode_result( $result, $url, $query_json );
255 sub _decode_result {
256 my $self = shift;
257 my ( $result, $url, $original ) = @_;
258 my $decoded_result;
260 ref $result and ref $result eq 'HASH'
261 or croak 'First argument must be hashref';
263 defined $url
264 or croak 'Second argument of a URL must be provided';
266 if ( defined ( my $success = $result->{'success'} ) ) {
267 my $reason = $result->{'reason'} || '';
268 $reason .= ( defined $original ? " (request: $original)" : '' );
270 $success or croak "Failed to fetch '$url': $reason";
271 } else {
272 croak 'Missing success in return value';
275 defined ( my $content = $result->{'content'} )
276 or croak 'Missing content in return value';
278 eval { $decoded_result = decode_json $content; 1 }
279 or do { croak "Couldn't decode '$content': $@" };
281 return $decoded_result;
286 __END__
288 =pod
290 =head1 NAME
292 MetaCPAN::API::Tiny - A Tiny API client for MetaCPAN
294 =head1 VERSION
296 version 1.131730
298 =head1 DESCRIPTION
300 This is the Tiny version of L<MetaCPAN::API>. It implements a compatible API
301 with a few notable exceptions:
303 =over 4
305 =item Attributes are direct hash access
307 The attributes defined using Mo(o|u)se are now accessed via the blessed hash
308 directly. There are no accessors defined to access this elements.
310 =item Exception handling
312 Instead of using Try::Tiny, raw evals are used. This could potentially cause
313 issues, so just be aware.
315 =item Testing
317 Test::Fatal was replaced with an eval implementation of exception().
318 Test::TinyMocker usage is retained, but may be absorbed since it is pure perl
320 =back
322 =head1 CLASS_METHODS
324 =head2 new
326 new is the constructor for MetaCPAN::API::Tiny. In the non-tiny version of this
327 module, this is provided via Any::Moose built from the attributes defined. In
328 the tiny version, we define our own constructor. It takes the same arguments
329 and provides similar checks to MetaCPAN::API with regards to arguments passed.
333 =head2 source
335 my $source = $mcpan->source(
336 author => 'DOY',
337 release => 'Moose-2.0201',
338 path => 'lib/',
341 Searches MetaCPAN for a module or a specific release and returns the plain source.
343 =head2 release
345 my $result = $mcpan->release( distribution => 'Moose' );
347 # or
348 my $result = $mcpan->release( author => 'DOY', release => 'Moose-2.0001' );
350 Searches MetaCPAN for a dist.
352 You can do complex searches using 'search' parameter:
354 # example lifted from MetaCPAN docs
355 my $result = $mcpan->release(
356 search => {
357 author => "OALDERS AND ",
358 filter => "status:latest",
359 fields => "name",
360 size => 1,
364 =head2 pod
366 my $result = $mcpan->pod( module => 'Moose' );
368 # or
369 my $result = $mcpan->pod(
370 author => 'DOY',
371 release => 'Moose-2.0201',
372 path => 'lib/',
375 Searches MetaCPAN for a module or a specific release and returns the POD.
377 =head2 module
379 my $result = $mcpan->module('MetaCPAN::API');
381 Searches MetaCPAN and returns a module's ".pm" file.
383 =head2 file
385 A synonym of L</module>
387 =head2 author
389 my $result1 = $mcpan->author('XSAWYERX');
390 my $result2 = $mcpan->author( pauseid => 'XSAWYERX' );
392 Searches MetaCPAN for a specific author.
394 You can do complex searches using 'search' parameter:
396 # example lifted from MetaCPAN docs
397 my $result = $mcpan->author(
398 search => {
399 q => '',
400 size => 1,
404 =head2 fetch
406 my $result = $mcpan->fetch('/release/distribution/Moose');
408 # with parameters
409 my $more = $mcpan->fetch(
410 '/release/distribution/Moose',
411 param => 'value',
414 This is a helper method for API implementations. It fetches a path from MetaCPAN, decodes the JSON from the content variable and returns it.
416 You don't really need to use it, but you can in case you want to write your own extension implementation to MetaCPAN::API.
418 It accepts an additional hash as "GET" parameters.
420 =head2 post
422 # /release&content={"query":{"match_all":{}},"filter":{"prefix":{"archive":"Cache-Cache-1.06"}}}
423 my $result = $mcpan->post(
424 'release',
426 query => { match_all => {} },
427 filter => { prefix => { archive => 'Cache-Cache-1.06' } },
431 The POST equivalent of the "fetch()" method. It gets the path and JSON request.
433 =head1 THANKS
435 Overall the tests and code were ripped directly from MetaCPAN::API and
436 tiny-fied. A big thanks to Sawyer X for writing the original module.
438 =head1 AUTHOR
440 Nicholas R. Perez <>
444 This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Nicholas R. Perez <>.
446 This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
447 the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
449 =cut
452 s/^ //mg for values %fatpacked;
454 unshift @INC, sub {
455 if (my $fat = $fatpacked{$_[1]}) {
456 if ($] < 5.008) {
457 return sub {
458 return 0 unless length $fat;
459 $fat =~ s/^([^\n]*\n?)//;
460 $_ = $1;
461 return 1;
464 open my $fh, '<', \$fat
465 or die "FatPacker error loading $_[1] (could be a perl installation issue?)";
466 return $fh;
468 return
474 use 5.020; # same major version as target perl
475 use strict;
476 use warnings;
477 use Fatal qw(open close);
479 use Getopt::Long;
480 use Pod::Usage;
481 use File::Basename;
482 use Module::CoreList;
483 use HTTP::Tiny;
484 use Safe;
485 use MetaCPAN::API::Tiny;
487 my ($help, $man, $quiet, $force, $recommend, $test, $host);
488 my $target = 1;
489 GetOptions( 'help|?' => \$help,
490 'man' => \$man,
491 'quiet|q' => \$quiet,
492 'force|f' => \$force,
493 'host!' => \$host,
494 'target!' => \$target,
495 'recommend' => \$recommend,
496 'test' => \$test
497 ) or pod2usage(-exitval => 1);
498 pod2usage(-exitval => 0) if $help;
499 pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
500 pod2usage(-exitval => 1) if scalar @ARGV == 0;
502 my %dist; # name -> metacpan data
503 my %need_target; # name -> 1 if target package is needed
504 my %need_host; # name -> 1 if host package is needed
505 my %need_dlopen; # name -> 1 if requires dynamic library
506 my %deps_build; # name -> list of host dependencies
507 my %deps_runtime; # name -> list of target dependencies
508 my %license_files; # name -> list of license files
509 my %checksum; # author -> list of checksum
510 my $mcpan = MetaCPAN::API::Tiny->new();
511 my $ua = HTTP::Tiny->new();
513 sub get_checksum {
514 my ($url) = @_;
515 my($path) = $url =~ m|^[^:/?#]+://[^/?#]*([^?#]*)|;
516 my($basename, $dirname) = fileparse( $path );
517 unless ($checksum{$dirname}) {
518 my $response = $ua->get(qq{${dirname}CHECKSUMS});
519 $checksum{$dirname} = $response->{content};
521 my $chksum = Safe->new->reval($checksum{$dirname});
522 return $chksum->{$basename}, $basename;
525 sub get_manifest {
526 my ($author, $distname, $version) = @_;
527 my $url = qq{${author}/${distname}-${version}/MANIFEST};
528 my $response = $ua->get($url);
529 return $response->{content};
532 sub is_xs {
533 my ($manifest) = @_;
534 # This heuristic determines if a module is a native extension, by searching
535 # some file extension types in the MANIFEST of the distribution.
536 # It was inspired by
537 return $manifest =~ m/\.(swg|xs|c|h|i)\n/;
540 sub find_license_files {
541 my ($manifest) = @_;
542 my @license_files;
543 foreach (split /\n/, $manifest) {
544 next if m|/|;
545 push @license_files, $_ if m/(ARTISTIC|COPYING|COPYRIGHT|LICENSE)/i;
547 return \@license_files;
550 sub fetch {
551 my ($name, $need_target, $need_host) = @_;
552 $need_target{$name} = $need_target if $need_target;
553 $need_host{$name} = $need_host if $need_host;
554 unless ($dist{$name}) {
555 say qq{fetch ${name}} unless $quiet;
556 my $result = $mcpan->release( distribution => $name );
557 $dist{$name} = $result;
558 my $manifest = get_manifest( $result->{author}, $name, $result->{version} );
559 $need_dlopen{$name} = is_xs( $manifest );
560 $license_files{$name} = find_license_files( $manifest );
561 my %build = ();
562 my %runtime = ();
563 my $mb;
564 foreach my $dep (@{$result->{dependency}}) {
565 my $modname = ${$dep}{module};
566 $mb = 1 if $modname eq q{Module::Build};
567 # Module::Build has a special treatment, because it is a core module,
568 # but some module require a very recent version of it
569 next if $modname eq q{perl};
570 next if $modname =~ m|^Alien|;
571 next if $modname =~ m|^Win32|;
572 next if !$test && $modname =~ m|^Test|;
573 next if Module::CoreList::is_core( $modname, undef, $] );
574 # we could use the host Module::CoreList data, because host perl and
575 # target perl have the same major version
576 next if ${$dep}{phase} eq q{develop};
577 next if !$test && ${$dep}{phase} eq q{test};
578 next if !$recommend && ${$dep}{relationship} ne q{requires};
579 my $distname = $mcpan->module( $modname )->{distribution};
580 if (${$dep}{phase} eq q{runtime}) {
581 $runtime{$distname} = 1;
583 else { # configure, build
584 $build{$distname} = 1;
587 $build{q{Module-Build}} = 1 if $mb;
588 $deps_build{$name} = [keys %build];
589 $deps_runtime{$name} = [keys %runtime];
590 foreach my $distname (@{$deps_build{$name}}) {
591 fetch( $distname, 0, 1 );
593 foreach my $distname (@{$deps_runtime{$name}}) {
594 fetch( $distname, $need_target, $need_host );
595 $need_dlopen{$name} ||= $need_dlopen{$distname};
598 return;
601 foreach my $distname (@ARGV) {
602 # Command-line's distributions
603 fetch( $distname, !!$target, !!$host );
605 say scalar keys %dist, q{ packages fetched.} unless $quiet;
607 # Buildroot package name: lowercase
608 sub fsname {
609 my $name = shift;
610 return q{perl-} . lc $name;
613 # Buildroot variable name: uppercase
614 sub brname {
615 my $name = shift;
616 $name =~ s|-|_|g;
617 return uc $name;
620 while (my ($distname, $dist) = each %dist) {
621 my $fsname = fsname( $distname );
622 my $dirname = q{package/} . $fsname;
623 my $cfgname = $dirname . q{/};
624 my $mkname = $dirname . q{/} . $fsname . q{.mk};
625 my $hashname = $dirname . q{/} . $fsname . q{.hash};
626 my $brname = brname( $fsname );
627 mkdir $dirname unless -d $dirname;
628 if ($need_target{$distname} && ($force || !-f $cfgname)) {
629 my $abstract = $dist->{abstract};
630 my $homepage = $dist->{resources}->{homepage} || qq{${distname}};
631 say qq{write ${cfgname}} unless $quiet;
632 open my $fh, q{>}, $cfgname;
633 say {$fh} qq{config BR2_PACKAGE_${brname}};
634 say {$fh} qq{\tbool "${fsname}"};
635 say {$fh} qq{\tdepends on !BR2_STATIC_LIBS} if $need_dlopen{$distname};
636 foreach my $dep (sort @{$deps_runtime{$distname}}) {
637 my $brdep = brname( fsname( $dep ) );
638 say {$fh} qq{\tselect BR2_PACKAGE_${brdep}};
640 say {$fh} qq{\thelp};
641 say {$fh} qq{\t ${abstract}\n} if $abstract;
642 say {$fh} qq{\t ${homepage}};
643 if ($need_dlopen{$distname}) {
644 say {$fh} qq{\ncomment "${fsname} needs a toolchain w/ dynamic library"};
645 say {$fh} qq{\tdepends on BR2_STATIC_LIBS};
647 close $fh;
649 if ($force || !-f $mkname) {
650 my $version = $dist->{version};
651 my($path) = $dist->{download_url} =~ m|^[^:/?#]+://[^/?#]*([^?#]*)|;
652 # this URL contains only the scheme, auth and path parts (but no query and fragment parts)
653 # the scheme is not used, because the job is done by the BR download infrastructure
654 # the auth part is not used, because we use $(BR2_CPAN_MIRROR)
655 my($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse( $path, q{tar.gz}, q{tgz} );
656 $directories =~ s|/$||;
657 my $dependencies = join q{ }, qw( = perl ),
658 map( { q{host-} . fsname( $_ ); } sort @{$deps_build{$distname}} ),
659 map( { fsname( $_ ); } sort @{$deps_runtime{$distname}} );
660 my $host_dependencies = join q{ }, qw( = ),
661 map { q{host-} . fsname( $_ ); } sort( @{$deps_build{$distname}},
662 @{$deps_runtime{$distname}} );
663 my $license = ref $dist->{license} eq 'ARRAY'
664 ? join q{ or }, @{$dist->{license}}
665 : $dist->{license};
666 # BR requires license name as in
667 $license =~ s|apache_2_0|Apache-2.0|;
668 $license =~ s|artistic_2|Artistic-2.0|;
669 $license =~ s|mit|MIT|;
670 $license =~ s|openssl|OpenSSL|;
671 $license =~ s|perl_5|Artistic or GPLv1+|;
672 my $license_files = join q{ }, @{$license_files{$distname}};
673 say qq{write ${mkname}} unless $quiet;
674 open my $fh, q{>}, $mkname;
675 say {$fh} qq{################################################################################};
676 say {$fh} qq{#};
677 say {$fh} qq{# ${fsname}};
678 say {$fh} qq{#};
679 say {$fh} qq{################################################################################};
680 say {$fh} qq{};
681 say {$fh} qq{${brname}_VERSION = ${version}};
682 say {$fh} qq{${brname}_SOURCE = ${distname}-\$(${brname}_VERSION).${suffix}};
683 say {$fh} qq{${brname}_SITE = \$(BR2_CPAN_MIRROR)${directories}};
684 say {$fh} qq{${brname}_DEPENDENCIES ${dependencies}} if $need_target{$distname};
685 say {$fh} qq{HOST_${brname}_DEPENDENCIES ${host_dependencies}} if $need_host{$distname};
686 say {$fh} qq{${brname}_LICENSE = ${license}} if $license && $license ne q{unknown};
687 say {$fh} qq{${brname}_LICENSE_FILES = ${license_files}} if $license_files;
688 say {$fh} qq{};
689 say {$fh} qq{\$(eval \$(perl-package))} if $need_target{$distname};
690 say {$fh} qq{\$(eval \$(host-perl-package))} if $need_host{$distname};
691 close $fh;
693 if ($force || !-f $hashname) {
694 my($checksum, $filename) = get_checksum($dist->{download_url});
695 my $md5 = $checksum->{md5};
696 my $sha256 = $checksum->{sha256};
697 say qq{write ${hashname}} unless $quiet;
698 open my $fh, q{>}, $hashname;
699 say {$fh} qq{# retrieved by scancpan from};
700 say {$fh} qq{md5 ${md5} ${filename}};
701 say {$fh} qq{sha256 ${sha256} ${filename}};
702 close $fh;
706 my %pkg;
707 my $cfgname = q{package/};
708 if (-f $cfgname) {
709 open my $fh, q{<}, $cfgname;
710 while (<$fh>) {
711 chomp;
712 $pkg{$_} = 1 if m|package/perl-|;
714 close $fh;
717 foreach my $distname (keys %need_target) {
718 my $fsname = fsname( $distname );
719 $pkg{qq{\tsource "package/${fsname}/"}} = 1;
722 say qq{${cfgname} must contain the following lines:};
723 say join qq{\n}, sort keys %pkg;
725 __END__
727 =head1 NAME
729 support/scripts/scancpan Try-Tiny Moo
731 =head1 SYNOPSIS
733 curl -kL | bash
735 perlbrew install perl-5.18.2
737 supports/scripts/scancpan [options] [distname ...]
739 Options:
740 -help
741 -man
742 -quiet
743 -force
744 -target/-notarget
745 -host/-nohost
746 -recommend
747 -test
749 =head1 OPTIONS
751 =over 8
753 =item B<-help>
755 Prints a brief help message and exits.
757 =item B<-man>
759 Prints the manual page and exits.
761 =item B<-quiet>
763 Executes without output
765 =item B<-force>
767 Forces the overwriting of existing files.
769 =item B<-target/-notarget>
771 Switches package generation for the target variant (the default is C<-target>).
773 =item B<-host/-nohost>
775 Switches package generation for the host variant (the default is C<-nohost>).
777 =item B<-recommend>
779 Adds I<recommended> dependencies.
781 =item B<-test>
783 Adds dependencies for test.
785 =back
787 =head1 DESCRIPTION
789 This script creates templates of the Buildroot package files for all the
790 Perl/CPAN distributions required by the specified distnames. The
791 dependencies and metadata are fetched from
793 After running this script, it is necessary to check the generated files.
794 You have to manually add the license files (PERL_FOO_LICENSE_FILES variable).
795 For distributions that link against a target library, you have to add the
796 buildroot package name for that library to the DEPENDENCIES variable.
798 See the Buildroot documentation for details on the usage of the Perl
799 infrastructure.
801 The major version of the host perl must be aligned on the target one,
802 in order to work with the right CoreList data.
804 =head1 LICENSE
806 Copyright (C) 2013-2014 by Francois Perrad <>
808 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
809 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
810 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
811 (at your option) any later version.
813 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
814 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
816 General Public License for more details.
818 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
819 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
820 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
822 This script is a part of Buildroot.
824 This script requires the module C<MetaCPAN::API::Tiny> (version 1.131730)
825 which was included at the beginning of this file by the tool C<fatpack>.
827 See L<>.
829 See L<>.
831 These both libraries are free software and may be distributed under the same
832 terms as perl itself.
834 And perl may be distributed under the terms of Artistic v1 or GPL v1 license.
836 =cut