Make Markdown example a code block
[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / tests / HackageTests.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 #if !MIN_VERSION_deepseq(1,4,0)
6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
7 #endif
9 module Main where
11 import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup
12 import Prelude ()
13 import Prelude.Compat
15 import Control.Applicative (many, (<**>), (<|>))
16 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..), force)
17 import Control.Exception (evaluate)
18 import Control.Monad (join, unless, when)
19 import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
20 import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
21 import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
22 import Data.Monoid (Sum (..))
23 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Check (PackageCheck (..), checkPackage)
24 import Distribution.PackageDescription.PrettyPrint (showGenericPackageDescription)
25 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Quirks (patchQuirks)
26 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (fromUTF8BS, toUTF8BS)
27 import Numeric (showFFloat)
28 import System.Directory (getXdgDirectory, XdgDirectory(XdgCache, XdgConfig), getAppUserDataDirectory, doesDirectoryExist)
29 import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
30 import System.Exit (exitFailure)
31 import System.FilePath ((</>))
33 import Data.Orphans ()
35 import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
36 import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry as Tar
37 import qualified Data.ByteString as B
38 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
39 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
40 import qualified Distribution.Fields.Parser as Parsec
41 import qualified Distribution.Fields.Pretty as PP
42 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec as Parsec
43 import qualified Distribution.Parsec as Parsec
44 import qualified Options.Applicative as O
45 import qualified System.Clock as Clock
47 import Distribution.Compat.Lens
48 import qualified Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription.Lens as L
49 import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageDescription.Lens as L
51 -- import Distribution.Types.BuildInfo (BuildInfo (cppOptions))
52 -- import qualified Distribution.Types.BuildInfo.Lens as L
54 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_tree_diff
55 import Data.TreeDiff (ediff)
56 import Data.TreeDiff.Instances.Cabal ()
57 import Data.TreeDiff.Pretty (ansiWlEditExprCompact)
58 #endif
60 import Data.Time.Clock.System
61 import Data.Time.Format
63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 -- parseIndex: Index traversal
65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 parseIndex :: (Monoid a, NFData a) => (Tar.EpochTime -> FilePath -> Bool)
68 -> (FilePath -> B.ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
69 parseIndex predicate action = do
70 configPath <- getCabalConfigPath
71 cfg <- B.readFile configPath
72 cfgFields <- either (fail . show) pure $ Parsec.readFields cfg
73 repoCache <- case lookupInConfig "remote-repo-cache" cfgFields of
74 [] -> getCacheDirPath -- Default
75 (rrc : _) -> return rrc -- User-specified
76 let repos = reposFromConfig cfgFields
77 tarName repo = repoCache </> repo </> "01-index.tar"
78 mconcat <$> traverse (parseIndex' predicate action . tarName) repos
79 where
80 getCacheDirPath =
81 getXdgDirectory XdgCache $ "cabal" </> "packages"
82 getCabalConfigPath = do
83 mx <- lookupEnv "CABAL_CONFIG"
84 case mx of
85 Just x -> return x
86 Nothing -> do
87 mDir <- maybeGetCabalDir
88 case mDir of
89 Nothing -> getXdgDirectory XdgConfig $ "cabal" </> "config"
90 Just dir -> return $ dir </> "config"
91 maybeGetCabalDir :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
92 maybeGetCabalDir = do
93 mDir <- lookupEnv "CABAL_DIR"
94 case mDir of
95 Just dir -> return $ Just dir
96 Nothing -> do
97 defaultDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal"
98 dotCabalExists <- doesDirectoryExist defaultDir
99 return $ if dotCabalExists
100 then Just defaultDir
101 else Nothing
104 parseIndex'
105 :: (Monoid a, NFData a)
106 => (Tar.EpochTime -> FilePath -> Bool)
107 -> (FilePath -> B.ByteString -> IO a) -> FilePath -> IO a
108 parseIndex' predicate action path = do
109 putStrLn $ "Reading index from: " ++ path
110 contents <- BSL.readFile path
111 let entries = contents
112 entries' = Tar.foldEntries cons [] (error . show) entries
113 foldIO f entries'
115 where
116 cons entry entries
117 | predicate (Tar.entryTime entry) (Tar.entryPath entry) = entry : entries
118 | otherwise = entries
120 f entry = case Tar.entryContent entry of
121 Tar.NormalFile contents _
122 | ".cabal" `isSuffixOf` fpath -> do
123 bs <- evaluate (BSL.toStrict contents)
124 res <- action fpath bs
125 evaluate (force res)
126 | otherwise ->
127 return mempty
128 Tar.Directory -> return mempty
129 _ -> putStrLn ("Unknown content in " ++ fpath)
130 >> return mempty
131 where
132 fpath = Tar.entryPath entry
134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 -- readFields tests: very fast test for 'readFields' - first step of parser
136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 readFieldTest :: FilePath -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
139 readFieldTest fpath bs = case Parsec.readFields bs' of
140 Right _ -> return ()
141 Left err -> do
142 putStrLn fpath
143 print err
144 exitFailure
145 where
146 (_, bs') = patchQuirks bs
148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
149 -- Parsec test: whether we can parse everything
150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 parseParsecTest :: Bool -> FilePath -> B.ByteString -> IO ParsecResult
153 parseParsecTest keepGoing fpath bs = do
154 let (warnings, result) = Parsec.runParseResult $
155 Parsec.parseGenericPackageDescription bs
157 let w | null warnings = 0
158 | otherwise = 1
160 case result of
161 Right gpd -> do
162 forEachGPD fpath bs gpd
163 return (ParsecResult 1 w 0)
165 Left (_, errors) | keepGoing -> do
166 traverse_ (putStrLn . Parsec.showPError fpath) errors
167 return (ParsecResult 1 w 1)
168 | otherwise -> do
169 traverse_ (putStrLn . Parsec.showPError fpath) errors
170 exitFailure
172 -- | A hook to make queries on Hackage
173 forEachGPD :: FilePath -> B8.ByteString -> L.GenericPackageDescription -> IO ()
174 forEachGPD _ _ _ = return ()
176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
177 -- ParsecResult
178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 data ParsecResult = ParsecResult !Int !Int !Int
181 deriving (Eq, Show)
183 instance Semigroup ParsecResult where
184 ParsecResult x y z <> ParsecResult u v w = ParsecResult (x + u) (y + v) (z + w)
186 instance Monoid ParsecResult where
187 mempty = ParsecResult 0 0 0
188 mappend = (<>)
190 instance NFData ParsecResult where
191 rnf (ParsecResult _ _ _) = ()
193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 -- Check test
195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
197 parseCheckTest :: FilePath -> B.ByteString -> IO CheckResult
198 parseCheckTest fpath bs = do
199 let (warnings, parsec) = Parsec.runParseResult $
200 Parsec.parseGenericPackageDescription bs
201 case parsec of
202 Right gpd -> do
203 let checks = checkPackage gpd
204 let w [] = 0
205 w _ = 1
207 -- Look into invalid cpp options
208 -- _ <- L.traverseBuildInfos checkCppFlags gpd
210 -- one for file, many checks
211 return (CheckResult 1 (w warnings) 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> foldMap toCheckResult checks)
212 Left (_, errors) -> do
213 traverse_ (putStrLn . Parsec.showPError fpath) errors
214 exitFailure
216 -- checkCppFlags :: BuildInfo -> IO BuildInfo
217 -- checkCppFlags bi = do
218 -- for_ (cppOptions bi) $ \opt ->
219 -- unless (any (`isPrefixOf` opt) ["-D", "-U", "-I"]) $
220 -- putStrLn opt
222 -- return bi
224 data CheckResult = CheckResult !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int
226 instance NFData CheckResult where
227 rnf !_ = ()
229 instance Semigroup CheckResult where
230 CheckResult n w a b c d e f <> CheckResult n' w' a' b' c' d' e' f' =
231 CheckResult (n + n') (w + w') (a + a') (b + b') (c + c') (d + d') (e + e') (f + f')
233 instance Monoid CheckResult where
234 mempty = CheckResult 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
235 mappend = (<>)
237 toCheckResult :: PackageCheck -> CheckResult
238 toCheckResult PackageBuildImpossible {} = CheckResult 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
239 toCheckResult PackageBuildWarning {} = CheckResult 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
240 toCheckResult PackageDistSuspicious {} = CheckResult 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
241 toCheckResult PackageDistSuspiciousWarn {} = CheckResult 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
242 toCheckResult PackageDistInexcusable {} = CheckResult 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 -- Roundtrip test
246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 roundtripTest :: Bool -> FilePath -> B.ByteString -> IO (Sum Int)
249 roundtripTest testFieldsTransform fpath bs = do
250 x0 <- parse "1st" bs
251 let bs' = showGenericPackageDescription x0
252 y0 <- parse "2nd" (toUTF8BS bs')
254 -- strip description, there are format variations
255 let y = y0 & L.packageDescription . L.description .~ mempty
256 let x = x0 & L.packageDescription . L.description .~ mempty
258 assertEqual' bs' x y
260 -- fromParsecField, "shallow" parser/pretty roundtrip
261 when testFieldsTransform $
262 if checkUTF8 patchedBs
263 then do
264 parsecFields <- assertRight $ Parsec.readFields patchedBs
265 let prettyFields = PP.fromParsecFields parsecFields
266 let bs'' = PP.showFields (return PP.NoComment) prettyFields
267 z0 <- parse "3rd" (toUTF8BS bs'')
269 -- note: we compare "raw" GPDs, on purpose; stricter equality
270 assertEqual' bs'' x0 z0
271 else
272 putStrLn $ fpath ++ " : looks like invalid UTF8"
274 return (Sum 1)
275 where
276 patchedBs = snd (patchQuirks bs)
278 checkUTF8 bs' = replacementChar `notElem` fromUTF8BS bs' where
279 replacementChar = '\xfffd'
282 assertRight (Right x) = return x
283 assertRight (Left err) = do
284 putStrLn fpath
285 print err
286 exitFailure
288 assertEqual' bs' x y = unless (x == y || fpath == "ixset/1.0.4/ixset.cabal") $ do
289 putStrLn fpath
290 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_tree_diff
291 putStrLn "====== tree-diff:"
292 print $ ansiWlEditExprCompact $ ediff x y
293 #else
294 putStrLn "<<<<<<"
295 print x
296 putStrLn "======"
297 print y
298 putStrLn ">>>>>>"
299 #endif
300 putStrLn "====== contents:"
301 putStrLn bs'
302 exitFailure
304 parse phase c = do
305 let (_, x') = Parsec.runParseResult $
306 Parsec.parseGenericPackageDescription c
307 case x' of
308 Right gpd -> pure gpd
309 Left (_, errs) -> do
310 putStrLn $ fpath ++ " " ++ phase
311 traverse_ print errs
312 B.putStr c
313 fail "parse error"
315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
316 -- Main
317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 main :: IO ()
320 main = join (O.execParser opts)
321 where
322 opts = (optsP <**> O.helper) $ mconcat
323 [ O.fullDesc
324 , O.progDesc "tests using Hackage's index"
327 indexP =
328 fmap cvt <$> O.optional (O.strOption (O.long "index-state" <> O.metavar "YYYY-MM-DD"))
329 where
330 cvt =
331 systemSeconds . utcToSystemTime .
332 parseTimeOrError False defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d"
334 optsP = subparser
335 [ command "read-fields" readFieldsP
336 "Parse outer format (to '[Field]', TODO: apply Quirks)"
337 , command "parsec" parsecP "Parse GPD with parsec"
338 , command "roundtrip" roundtripP "parse . pretty . parse = parse"
339 , command "check" checkP "Check GPD"
340 ] <|> pure defaultA
342 defaultA = do
343 putStrLn "Default action: parsec k"
344 parsecA ["k"] False Nothing
346 readFieldsP = readFieldsA <$> prefixP <*> indexP
347 readFieldsA pfx idx = parseIndex (mkPredicate pfx idx) readFieldTest
349 parsecP = parsecA <$> prefixP <*> keepGoingP <*> indexP
350 keepGoingP =
351 O.flag' True (O.long "keep-going") <|>
352 O.flag' False (O.long "no-keep-going") <|>
353 pure False
355 parsecA pfx keepGoing idx = do
356 begin <- Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic
357 ParsecResult n w f <- parseIndex (mkPredicate pfx idx) (parseParsecTest keepGoing)
358 end <- Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic
359 let diff = Clock.toNanoSecs $ Clock.diffTimeSpec end begin
361 putStrLn $ show n ++ " files processed"
362 putStrLn $ show w ++ " files contained warnings"
363 putStrLn $ show f ++ " files failed to parse"
364 putStrLn $ showFFloat (Just 6) (fromInteger diff / 1e9 :: Double) " seconds elapsed"
365 putStrLn $ showFFloat (Just 6) (fromInteger diff / 1e6 / fromIntegral n :: Double) " milliseconds per file"
367 roundtripP = roundtripA <$> prefixP <*> testFieldsP <*> indexP
368 roundtripA pfx testFieldsTransform idx = do
369 Sum n <- parseIndex (mkPredicate pfx idx) (roundtripTest testFieldsTransform)
370 putStrLn $ show n ++ " files processed"
372 checkP = checkA <$> prefixP <*> indexP
373 checkA pfx idx = do
374 CheckResult n w x a b c d e <- parseIndex (mkPredicate pfx idx) parseCheckTest
375 putStrLn $ show n ++ " files processed"
376 putStrLn $ show w ++ " files have lexer/parser warnings"
377 putStrLn $ show x ++ " files have check warnings"
378 putStrLn $ show a ++ " build impossible"
379 putStrLn $ show b ++ " build warning"
380 putStrLn $ show c ++ " build dist suspicious"
381 putStrLn $ show d ++ " build dist suspicious warning"
382 putStrLn $ show e ++ " build dist inexcusable"
384 prefixP = many $ O.strArgument $ mconcat
385 [ O.metavar "PREFIX"
386 , "Check only files starting with a prefix"
389 testFieldsP = O.switch $ mconcat
390 [ O.long "fields-transform"
391 , "Test also 'showFields . fromParsecFields . readFields' transform"
394 indexPredicate :: Maybe Tar.EpochTime -> (k -> Bool) -> (Tar.EpochTime -> k -> Bool)
395 indexPredicate Nothing k = const k
396 indexPredicate (Just indexDate) k =
397 \e -> if (e <= indexDate) then k else const False
399 mkPredicate :: [String] -> Maybe Tar.EpochTime -> (Tar.EpochTime -> FilePath -> Bool)
400 mkPredicate [] idx = indexPredicate idx (const True)
401 mkPredicate pfxs idx = indexPredicate idx (\n -> any (`isPrefixOf` n) pfxs)
403 command name p desc = O.command name
404 ( (p <**> O.helper) (O.progDesc desc))
405 subparser = O.subparser . mconcat
407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
408 -- Index shuffling
409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
411 -- TODO: Use 'Cabal' for this?
412 reposFromConfig :: [Parsec.Field ann] -> [String]
413 reposFromConfig fields = takeWhile (/= ':') <$> mapMaybe f fields
414 where
415 f (Parsec.Field (Parsec.Name _ name) fieldLines)
416 | B8.unpack name == "remote-repo" =
417 Just $ fieldLinesToString fieldLines
418 f (Parsec.Section (Parsec.Name _ name)
419 [Parsec.SecArgName _ secName] _fieldLines)
420 | B8.unpack name == "repository" =
421 Just $ B8.unpack secName
422 f _ = Nothing
424 -- | Looks up the given key in the cabal configuration file
425 lookupInConfig :: String -> [Parsec.Field ann] -> [String]
426 lookupInConfig key = mapMaybe f
427 where
428 f (Parsec.Field (Parsec.Name _ name) fieldLines)
429 | B8.unpack name == key =
430 Just $ fieldLinesToString fieldLines
431 f _ = Nothing
433 fieldLinesToString :: [Parsec.FieldLine ann] -> String
434 fieldLinesToString fieldLines =
435 B8.unpack $ B.concat $ bsFromFieldLine <$> fieldLines
436 where
437 bsFromFieldLine (Parsec.FieldLine _ bs) = bs
439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
440 -- Utilities
441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
443 -- | We assume that monoid is commutative.
445 -- First we chunk input (as single cabal file is little work)
446 foldIO :: forall a m. (Monoid m, NFData m) => (a -> IO m) -> [a] -> IO m
447 foldIO f = go mempty where
448 go !acc [] = acc
449 go !acc (x:xs) = go (mappend acc (f x)) xs
451 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
452 -- Orphans
453 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
455 #if !MIN_VERSION_deepseq(1,4,0)
456 instance NFData a => NFData (Sum a) where
457 rnf (Sum a) = rnf a
458 #endif