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[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Simple / Utils.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
2 module UnitTests.Distribution.Simple.Utils
3 ( tests
4 ) where
6 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths ( exeExtension )
7 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
8 import Distribution.System ( buildPlatform )
9 import Distribution.Verbosity
11 import Data.IORef
12 import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist
13 , getTemporaryDirectory
14 , removeDirectoryRecursive, removeFile )
15 import System.FilePath ( (<.>) )
16 import System.IO (hClose, localeEncoding, hPutStrLn)
17 import System.IO.Error
18 import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
20 import Test.Tasty
21 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
23 withTempFileTest :: Assertion
24 withTempFileTest = do
25 fileName <- newIORef ""
26 tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
27 withTempFile tempDir ".foo" $ \fileName' _handle -> do
28 writeIORef fileName fileName'
29 fileExists <- readIORef fileName >>= doesFileExist
30 assertBool "Temporary file not deleted by 'withTempFile'!" (not fileExists)
32 withTempFileRemovedTest :: Assertion
33 withTempFileRemovedTest = do
34 tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
35 withTempFile tempDir ".foo" $ \fileName handle -> do
36 hClose handle
37 removeFile fileName
39 withTempDirTest :: Assertion
40 withTempDirTest = do
41 dirName <- newIORef ""
42 tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
43 withTempDirectory normal tempDir "foo" $ \dirName' -> do
44 writeIORef dirName dirName'
45 dirExists <- readIORef dirName >>= doesDirectoryExist
46 assertBool "Temporary directory not deleted by 'withTempDirectory'!"
47 (not dirExists)
49 withTempDirRemovedTest :: Assertion
50 withTempDirRemovedTest = do
51 tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
52 withTempDirectory normal tempDir "foo" $ \dirPath -> do
53 removeDirectoryRecursive dirPath
55 rawSystemStdInOutTextDecodingTest :: FilePath -> Assertion
56 rawSystemStdInOutTextDecodingTest ghcPath
57 -- We can only get this exception when the locale encoding is UTF-8
58 -- so skip the test if it's not.
59 | show localeEncoding /= "UTF-8" = return ()
60 | otherwise = do
61 tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
62 res <- withTempFile tempDir ".hs" $ \filenameHs handleHs -> do
63 withTempFile tempDir ".exe" $ \filenameExe handleExe -> do
64 -- Small program printing not utf8
65 hPutStrLn handleHs "import Data.ByteString"
66 hPutStrLn handleHs "main = Data.ByteString.putStr (Data.ByteString.pack [32, 32, 255])"
67 hClose handleHs
69 -- We need to close exe handle as well, otherwise compilation (writing) may fail
70 hClose handleExe
72 -- Compile
73 (resOutput, resErrors, resExitCode) <- rawSystemStdInOut normal
74 ghcPath ["-o", filenameExe, filenameHs]
75 Nothing Nothing Nothing
76 IODataModeText
77 print (resOutput, resErrors, resExitCode)
79 -- Execute
80 Exception.try $ do
81 rawSystemStdInOut normal
82 filenameExe []
83 Nothing Nothing Nothing
84 IODataModeText -- not binary mode output, ie utf8 text mode so try to decode
85 case res of
86 Right (x1, x2, x3) -> assertFailure $ "expected IO decoding exception: " ++ show (x1,x2,x3)
87 Left err | isDoesNotExistError err -> Exception.throwIO err -- no ghc!
88 | otherwise -> return ()
90 dropExeExtensionTest :: Assertion
91 dropExeExtensionTest =
92 assertBool "dropExeExtension didn't drop exeExtension!" $
93 dropExeExtension ("foo" <.> exeExtension buildPlatform) == "foo"
96 tests :: FilePath -> [TestTree]
97 tests ghcPath =
98 [ testCase "withTempFile works as expected" $
99 withTempFileTest
100 , testCase "withTempFile can handle removed files" $
101 withTempFileRemovedTest
102 , testCase "withTempDirectory works as expected" $
103 withTempDirTest
104 , testCase "withTempDirectory can handle removed directories" $
105 withTempDirRemovedTest
106 , testCase "rawSystemStdInOut reports text decoding errors" $
107 rawSystemStdInOutTextDecodingTest ghcPath
108 , testCase "dropExeExtension drops exe extension" $
109 dropExeExtensionTest