Add “Ignore warning” option to cabal check
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / FetchUtils.hs
1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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3 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
8 -- |
9 -- Module : Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
10 -- Copyright : (c) David Himmelstrup 2005
11 -- Duncan Coutts 2011
12 -- License : BSD-like
14 -- Maintainer :
15 -- Stability : provisional
16 -- Portability : portable
18 -- Functions for fetching packages
19 module Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
20 ( -- * fetching packages
21 fetchPackage
22 , isFetched
23 , checkFetched
25 -- ** specifically for repo packages
26 , checkRepoTarballFetched
27 , fetchRepoTarball
28 , verifyFetchedTarball
30 -- ** fetching packages asynchronously
31 , asyncFetchPackages
32 , waitAsyncFetchPackage
33 , AsyncFetchMap
35 -- * fetching other things
36 , downloadIndex
37 ) where
39 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
40 import Prelude ()
42 import Distribution.Client.HttpUtils
43 ( DownloadResult (..)
44 , HttpTransport (..)
45 , downloadURI
46 , isOldHackageURI
47 , remoteRepoCheckHttps
48 , transportCheckHttps
50 import Distribution.Client.Types
52 import Distribution.Client.GlobalFlags
53 ( RepoContext (..)
55 import Distribution.Client.Utils
56 ( ProgressPhase (..)
57 , progressMessage
59 import Distribution.Package
60 ( PackageId
61 , packageName
62 , packageVersion
64 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
65 ( debug
66 , dieWithException
67 , info
68 , notice
69 , warn
71 import Distribution.Verbosity
72 ( verboseUnmarkOutput
75 import Control.Concurrent.Async
76 import Control.Concurrent.MVar
77 import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Safe
78 import qualified Data.Map as Map
79 import Network.URI
80 ( URI (uriPath)
82 import System.Directory
83 ( createDirectoryIfMissing
84 , doesFileExist
85 , getFileSize
86 , getTemporaryDirectory
88 import System.FilePath
89 ( (<.>)
90 , (</>)
92 import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
93 ( combine
94 , joinPath
96 import System.IO
97 ( hClose
98 , openTempFile
101 import Distribution.Client.Errors
102 import qualified Hackage.Security.Client as Sec
103 import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Checked as Sec
104 import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Path as Sec
106 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
108 -- * Actually fetch things
110 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
112 -- | Returns @True@ if the package has already been fetched
113 -- or does not need fetching.
114 isFetched :: UnresolvedPkgLoc -> IO Bool
115 isFetched loc = case loc of
116 LocalUnpackedPackage _dir -> return True
117 LocalTarballPackage _file -> return True
118 RemoteTarballPackage _uri local -> return (isJust local)
119 RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid _ -> doesFileExist (packageFile repo pkgid)
120 RemoteSourceRepoPackage _ local -> return (isJust local)
122 -- | Checks if the package has already been fetched (or does not need
123 -- fetching) and if so returns evidence in the form of a 'PackageLocation'
124 -- with a resolved local file location.
125 checkFetched
126 :: UnresolvedPkgLoc
127 -> IO (Maybe ResolvedPkgLoc)
128 checkFetched loc = case loc of
129 LocalUnpackedPackage dir ->
130 return (Just $ LocalUnpackedPackage dir)
131 LocalTarballPackage file ->
132 return (Just $ LocalTarballPackage file)
133 RemoteTarballPackage uri (Just file) ->
134 return (Just $ RemoteTarballPackage uri file)
135 RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid (Just file) ->
136 return (Just $ RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid file)
137 RemoteSourceRepoPackage repo (Just file) ->
138 return (Just $ RemoteSourceRepoPackage repo file)
139 RemoteTarballPackage _uri Nothing -> return Nothing
140 RemoteSourceRepoPackage _repo Nothing -> return Nothing
141 RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid Nothing ->
142 fmap
143 (fmap (RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid))
144 (checkRepoTarballFetched repo pkgid)
146 -- | Like 'checkFetched' but for the specific case of a 'RepoTarballPackage'.
147 checkRepoTarballFetched :: Repo -> PackageId -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
148 checkRepoTarballFetched repo pkgid = do
149 let file = packageFile repo pkgid
150 exists <- doesFileExist file
151 if exists
152 then return (Just file)
153 else return Nothing
155 verifyFetchedTarball :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Repo -> PackageId -> IO Bool
156 verifyFetchedTarball verbosity repoCtxt repo pkgid =
157 let file = packageFile repo pkgid
158 handleError :: IO Bool -> IO Bool
159 handleError act = do
160 res <- Safe.try act
161 case res of
162 Left e -> warn verbosity ("Error verifying fetched tarball " ++ file ++ ", will redownload: " ++ show (e :: SomeException)) >> pure False
163 Right b -> pure b
164 in handleError $ do
165 exists <- doesFileExist file
166 if not exists
167 then return True -- if the file does not exist, it vacuously passes validation, since it will be downloaded as necessary with what we will then check is a valid hash.
168 else case repo of
169 -- a secure repo has hashes we can compare against to confirm this is the correct file.
170 RepoSecure{} ->
171 repoContextWithSecureRepo repoCtxt repo $ \repoSecure ->
172 Sec.withIndex repoSecure $ \callbacks ->
173 let warnAndFail s = warn verbosity ("Fetched tarball " ++ file ++ " does not match server, will redownload: " ++ s) >> return False
174 in -- the do block in parens is due to dealing with the checked exceptions mechanism.
175 ( do
176 fileInfo <- Sec.indexLookupFileInfo callbacks pkgid
177 sz <- Sec.FileLength . fromInteger <$> getFileSize file
178 if sz /= Sec.fileInfoLength (Sec.trusted fileInfo)
179 then warnAndFail "file length mismatch"
180 else do
181 res <- Sec.compareTrustedFileInfo (Sec.trusted fileInfo) <$> Sec.computeFileInfo (Sec.Path file :: Sec.Path Sec.Absolute)
182 if res
183 then pure True
184 else warnAndFail "file hash mismatch"
186 `Sec.catchChecked` (\(e :: Sec.InvalidPackageException) -> warnAndFail (show e))
187 `Sec.catchChecked` (\(e :: Sec.VerificationError) -> warnAndFail (show e))
188 _ -> pure True
190 -- | Fetch a package if we don't have it already.
191 fetchPackage
192 :: Verbosity
193 -> RepoContext
194 -> UnresolvedPkgLoc
195 -> IO ResolvedPkgLoc
196 fetchPackage verbosity repoCtxt loc = case loc of
197 LocalUnpackedPackage dir ->
198 return (LocalUnpackedPackage dir)
199 LocalTarballPackage file ->
200 return (LocalTarballPackage file)
201 RemoteTarballPackage uri (Just file) ->
202 return (RemoteTarballPackage uri file)
203 RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid (Just file) ->
204 return (RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid file)
205 RemoteSourceRepoPackage repo (Just dir) ->
206 return (RemoteSourceRepoPackage repo dir)
207 RemoteTarballPackage uri Nothing -> do
208 path <- downloadTarballPackage uri
209 return (RemoteTarballPackage uri path)
210 RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid Nothing -> do
211 local <- fetchRepoTarball verbosity repoCtxt repo pkgid
212 return (RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid local)
213 RemoteSourceRepoPackage _repo Nothing ->
214 dieWithException verbosity FetchPackageErr
215 where
216 downloadTarballPackage :: URI -> IO FilePath
217 downloadTarballPackage uri = do
218 transport <- repoContextGetTransport repoCtxt
219 transportCheckHttps verbosity transport uri
220 notice verbosity ("Downloading " ++ show uri)
221 tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
222 (path, hnd) <- openTempFile tmpdir "cabal-.tar.gz"
223 hClose hnd
224 _ <- downloadURI transport verbosity uri path
225 return path
227 -- | Fetch a repo package if we don't have it already.
228 fetchRepoTarball :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Repo -> PackageId -> IO FilePath
229 fetchRepoTarball verbosity' repoCtxt repo pkgid = do
230 fetched <- doesFileExist (packageFile repo pkgid)
231 if fetched
232 then do
233 info verbosity $ prettyShow pkgid ++ " has already been downloaded."
234 return (packageFile repo pkgid)
235 else do
236 progressMessage verbosity ProgressDownloading (prettyShow pkgid)
237 res <- downloadRepoPackage
238 progressMessage verbosity ProgressDownloaded (prettyShow pkgid)
239 return res
240 where
241 -- whether we download or not is non-deterministic
242 verbosity = verboseUnmarkOutput verbosity'
244 downloadRepoPackage :: IO FilePath
245 downloadRepoPackage = case repo of
246 RepoLocalNoIndex{} -> return (packageFile repo pkgid)
247 RepoRemote{..} -> do
248 transport <- repoContextGetTransport repoCtxt
249 remoteRepoCheckHttps verbosity transport repoRemote
250 let uri = packageURI repoRemote pkgid
251 dir = packageDir repo pkgid
252 path = packageFile repo pkgid
253 createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
254 _ <- downloadURI transport verbosity uri path
255 return path
256 RepoSecure{} -> repoContextWithSecureRepo repoCtxt repo $ \rep -> do
257 let dir = packageDir repo pkgid
258 path = packageFile repo pkgid
259 createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
260 Sec.uncheckClientErrors $ do
261 info verbosity ("Writing " ++ path)
262 Sec.downloadPackage' rep pkgid path
263 return path
265 -- | Downloads an index file to [config-dir/packages/serv-id] without
266 -- hackage-security. You probably don't want to call this directly;
267 -- use 'updateRepo' instead.
268 downloadIndex :: HttpTransport -> Verbosity -> RemoteRepo -> FilePath -> IO DownloadResult
269 downloadIndex transport verbosity remoteRepo cacheDir = do
270 remoteRepoCheckHttps verbosity transport remoteRepo
271 let uri =
272 (remoteRepoURI remoteRepo)
273 { uriPath =
274 uriPath (remoteRepoURI remoteRepo)
275 `FilePath.Posix.combine` "00-index.tar.gz"
277 path = cacheDir </> "00-index" <.> "tar.gz"
278 createDirectoryIfMissing True cacheDir
279 downloadURI transport verbosity uri path
281 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
283 -- * Async fetch wrapper utilities
285 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
287 type AsyncFetchMap =
289 UnresolvedPkgLoc
290 (MVar (Either SomeException ResolvedPkgLoc))
292 -- | Fork off an async action to download the given packages (by location).
294 -- The downloads are initiated in order, so you can arrange for packages that
295 -- will likely be needed sooner to be earlier in the list.
297 -- The body action is passed a map from those packages (identified by their
298 -- location) to a completion var for that package. So the body action should
299 -- lookup the location and use 'waitAsyncFetchPackage' to get the result.
301 -- Synchronous exceptions raised by the download actions are delivered
302 -- via 'waitAsyncFetchPackage'.
303 asyncFetchPackages
304 :: Verbosity
305 -> RepoContext
306 -> [UnresolvedPkgLoc]
307 -> (AsyncFetchMap -> IO a)
308 -> IO a
309 asyncFetchPackages verbosity repoCtxt pkglocs body = do
310 -- TODO: [nice to have] use parallel downloads?
312 asyncDownloadVars <-
313 sequenceA
314 [ do
315 v <- newEmptyMVar
316 return (pkgloc, v)
317 | pkgloc <- pkglocs
320 let fetchPackages :: IO ()
321 fetchPackages =
322 for_ asyncDownloadVars $ \(pkgloc, var) -> do
323 -- Suppress marking here, because 'withAsync' means
324 -- that we get nondeterministic interleaving.
325 -- It is essential that we don't catch async exceptions here,
326 -- specifically 'AsyncCancelled' thrown at us from 'concurrently'.
327 result <-
328 Safe.try $
329 fetchPackage (verboseUnmarkOutput verbosity) repoCtxt pkgloc
330 putMVar var result
332 (_, res) <-
333 concurrently
334 fetchPackages
335 (body $ Map.fromList asyncDownloadVars)
336 pure res
338 -- | Expect to find a download in progress in the given 'AsyncFetchMap'
339 -- and wait on it to finish.
341 -- If the download failed with an exception then this will be thrown.
343 -- Note: This function is supposed to be idempotent, as our install plans
344 -- can now use the same tarball for many builds, e.g. different
345 -- components and/or qualified goals, and these all go through the
346 -- download phase so we end up using 'waitAsyncFetchPackage' twice on
347 -- the same package. C.f. #4461.
348 waitAsyncFetchPackage
349 :: Verbosity
350 -> AsyncFetchMap
351 -> UnresolvedPkgLoc
352 -> IO ResolvedPkgLoc
353 waitAsyncFetchPackage verbosity downloadMap srcloc =
354 case Map.lookup srcloc downloadMap of
355 Just hnd -> do
356 debug verbosity $ "Waiting for download of " ++ show srcloc
357 either throwIO return =<< readMVar hnd
358 Nothing -> fail "waitAsyncFetchPackage: package not being downloaded"
360 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
362 -- * Path utilities
364 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
366 -- | Generate the full path to the locally cached copy of
367 -- the tarball for a given @PackageIdentifier@.
368 packageFile :: Repo -> PackageId -> FilePath
369 packageFile repo pkgid =
370 packageDir repo pkgid
371 </> prettyShow pkgid
372 <.> "tar.gz"
374 -- | Generate the full path to the directory where the local cached copy of
375 -- the tarball for a given @PackageIdentifier@ is stored.
376 packageDir :: Repo -> PackageId -> FilePath
377 packageDir (RepoLocalNoIndex (LocalRepo _ dir _) _) _pkgid = dir
378 packageDir repo pkgid =
379 repoLocalDir repo
380 </> prettyShow (packageName pkgid)
381 </> prettyShow (packageVersion pkgid)
383 -- | Generate the URI of the tarball for a given package.
384 packageURI :: RemoteRepo -> PackageId -> URI
385 packageURI repo pkgid
386 | isOldHackageURI (remoteRepoURI repo) =
387 (remoteRepoURI repo)
388 { uriPath =
389 FilePath.Posix.joinPath
390 [ uriPath (remoteRepoURI repo)
391 , prettyShow (packageName pkgid)
392 , prettyShow (packageVersion pkgid)
393 , prettyShow pkgid <.> "tar.gz"
396 packageURI repo pkgid =
397 (remoteRepoURI repo)
398 { uriPath =
399 FilePath.Posix.joinPath
400 [ uriPath (remoteRepoURI repo)
401 , "package"
402 , prettyShow pkgid <.> "tar.gz"