Add logging and assertions on output to cyclical test
[cabal.git] / cabal-testsuite / main / cabal-tests.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6 import Test.Cabal.Workdir
7 import Test.Cabal.Script
8 import Test.Cabal.Server
9 import Test.Cabal.Monad
10 import Test.Cabal.TestCode
12 import Distribution.Verbosity (normal, verbose, Verbosity)
13 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (getDirectoryContentsRecursive)
15 import Options.Applicative
16 import Control.Concurrent.MVar
17 import Control.Concurrent
18 import Control.Concurrent.Async
19 import Control.Exception
20 import Control.Monad
21 import GHC.Conc (numCapabilities)
22 import Data.List
23 import Text.Printf
24 import qualified System.Clock as Clock
25 import System.IO
26 import System.FilePath
27 import System.Exit
28 import System.Process (callProcess, showCommandForUser)
30 #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,12,0)
31 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
32 #endif
33 #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
34 import Data.Monoid (mempty)
35 #endif
37 -- | Record for arguments that can be passed to @cabal-tests@ executable.
38 data MainArgs = MainArgs {
39 mainArgThreads :: Int,
40 mainArgTestPaths :: [String],
41 mainArgHideSuccesses :: Bool,
42 mainArgVerbose :: Bool,
43 mainArgQuiet :: Bool,
44 mainArgDistDir :: Maybe FilePath,
45 mainCommonArgs :: CommonArgs
48 -- | optparse-applicative parser for 'MainArgs'
49 mainArgParser :: Parser MainArgs
50 mainArgParser = MainArgs
51 <$> option auto
52 ( help "Number of threads to run"
53 <> short 'j'
54 <> showDefault
55 <> value numCapabilities
56 <> metavar "INT")
57 <*> many (argument str (metavar "FILE"))
58 <*> switch
59 ( long "hide-successes"
60 <> help "Do not print test cases as they are being run"
62 <*> switch
63 ( long "verbose"
64 <> short 'v'
65 <> help "Be verbose"
67 <*> switch
68 ( long "quiet"
69 <> short 'q'
70 <> help "Only output stderr on failure"
72 <*> optional (option str
73 ( help "Dist directory we were built with"
74 <> long "builddir"
75 <> metavar "DIR"))
76 <*> commonArgParser
78 main :: IO ()
79 main = do
80 -- By default, stderr is not buffered. This isn't really necessary
81 -- for us, and it causes problems on Windows, see:
82 --
83 hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering
85 -- Parse arguments. N.B. 'helper' adds the option `--help`.
86 args <- execParser $ info (mainArgParser <**> helper) mempty
87 let verbosity = if mainArgVerbose args then verbose else normal
89 -- To run our test scripts, we need to be able to run Haskell code
90 -- linked against the Cabal library under test. The most efficient
91 -- way to get this information is by querying the *host* build
92 -- system about the information.
94 -- Fortunately, because we are using a Custom setup, our Setup
95 -- script is bootstrapped against the Cabal library we're testing
96 -- against, so can use our dependency on Cabal to read out the build
97 -- info *for this package*.
99 -- NB: Currently assumes that per-component build is NOT turned on
100 -- for Custom.
101 dist_dir <- case mainArgDistDir args of
102 Just dist_dir -> return dist_dir
103 Nothing -> guessDistDir
104 when (verbosity >= verbose) $
105 hPutStrLn stderr $ "Using dist dir: " ++ dist_dir
106 -- Get ready to go!
107 senv <- mkScriptEnv verbosity
109 let runTest :: (Maybe cwd -> [unusedEnv] -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO result)
110 -> FilePath
111 -> IO result
112 runTest runner path
113 = runner Nothing [] path $
114 ["--builddir", dist_dir, path] ++ renderCommonArgs (mainCommonArgs args)
116 case mainArgTestPaths args of
117 [path] -> do
118 -- Simple runner
119 (real_path, real_args) <- runTest (runnerCommand senv) path
120 hPutStrLn stderr $ showCommandForUser real_path real_args
121 callProcess real_path real_args
122 hPutStrLn stderr "OK"
123 user_paths -> do
124 -- Read out tests from filesystem
125 hPutStrLn stderr $ "threads: " ++ show (mainArgThreads args)
127 test_scripts <- if null user_paths
128 then findTests
129 else return user_paths
130 -- NB: getDirectoryContentsRecursive is lazy IO, but it
131 -- doesn't handle directories disappearing gracefully. Fix
132 -- this!
133 (single_tests, multi_tests) <- evaluate (partitionTests test_scripts)
134 let all_tests = multi_tests ++ single_tests
135 margin = maximum (map length all_tests) + 2
136 hPutStrLn stderr $ "tests to run: " ++ show (length all_tests)
138 -- TODO: Get parallelization out of multitests by querying
139 -- them for their modes and then making a separate worker
140 -- for each. But for now, just run them earlier to avoid
141 -- them straggling at the end
142 work_queue <- newMVar all_tests
143 unexpected_fails_var <- newMVar []
144 unexpected_passes_var <- newMVar []
145 skipped_var <- newMVar []
147 chan <- newChan
148 let logAll msg = writeChan chan (ServerLogMsg AllServers msg)
149 logEnd = writeChan chan ServerLogEnd
150 -- NB: don't use withAsync as we do NOT want to cancel this
151 -- on an exception
152 async_logger <- async (withFile "cabal-tests.log" WriteMode $ outputThread verbosity chan)
154 -- Make sure we pump out all the logs before quitting
155 (\m -> finally m (logEnd >> wait async_logger)) $ do
157 -- NB: Need to use withAsync so that if the main thread dies
158 -- (due to ctrl-c) we tear down all of the worker threads.
159 let go server = do
160 let split [] = return ([], Nothing)
161 split (y:ys) = return (ys, Just y)
162 logMeta msg = writeChan chan
163 $ ServerLogMsg
164 (ServerMeta (serverProcessId server))
166 mb_work <- modifyMVar work_queue split
167 case mb_work of
168 Nothing -> return ()
169 Just path -> do
170 when (verbosity >= verbose) $
171 logMeta $ "Running " ++ path
172 start <- getTime
173 r <- runTest (runOnServer server) path
174 end <- getTime
175 let time = end - start
176 code = serverResultTestCode r
178 unless (mainArgHideSuccesses args && code == TestCodeOk) $ do
179 logMeta $
180 path ++ replicate (margin - length path) ' ' ++ displayTestCode code ++
181 if time >= 0.01
182 then printf " (%.2fs)" time
183 else ""
185 when (code == TestCodeFail) $ do
186 let description
187 | mainArgQuiet args = serverResultStderr r
188 | otherwise =
189 "$ " ++ serverResultCommand r ++ "\n" ++
190 "stdout:\n" ++ serverResultStdout r ++ "\n" ++
191 "stderr:\n" ++ serverResultStderr r ++ "\n"
192 logMeta $
193 description
194 ++ "*** unexpected failure for " ++ path ++ "\n\n"
195 modifyMVar_ unexpected_fails_var $ \paths ->
196 return (path:paths)
198 when (code == TestCodeUnexpectedOk) $
199 modifyMVar_ unexpected_passes_var $ \paths ->
200 return (path:paths)
202 when (isTestCodeSkip code) $
203 modifyMVar_ skipped_var $ \paths ->
204 return (path:paths)
206 go server
208 -- Start as many threads as requested by -j to spawn
209 -- GHCi servers and start running tests off of the
210 -- run queue.
211 replicateConcurrently_ (mainArgThreads args) (withNewServer chan senv go)
213 unexpected_fails <- takeMVar unexpected_fails_var
214 unexpected_passes <- takeMVar unexpected_passes_var
215 skipped <- takeMVar skipped_var
217 -- print summary
218 let sl = show . length
219 testSummary =
220 sl all_tests ++ " tests, " ++ sl skipped ++ " skipped, "
221 ++ sl unexpected_passes ++ " unexpected passes, "
222 ++ sl unexpected_fails ++ " unexpected fails."
223 logAll testSummary
225 -- print failed or unexpected ok
226 if null (unexpected_fails ++ unexpected_passes)
227 then logAll "OK"
228 else do
229 unless (null unexpected_passes) . logAll $
230 "UNEXPECTED OK: " ++ intercalate " " unexpected_passes
231 unless (null unexpected_fails) . logAll $
232 "UNEXPECTED FAIL: " ++ intercalate " " unexpected_fails
233 exitFailure
235 findTests :: IO [FilePath]
236 findTests = getDirectoryContentsRecursive "."
238 partitionTests :: [FilePath] -> ([FilePath], [FilePath])
239 partitionTests = go [] []
240 where
241 go ts ms [] = (ts, ms)
242 go ts ms (f:fs) =
243 -- NB: Keep this synchronized with isTestFile
244 case takeExtensions f of
245 ".test.hs" -> go (f:ts) ms fs
246 ".multitest.hs" -> go ts (f:ms) fs
247 _ -> go ts ms fs
249 outputThread :: Verbosity -> Chan ServerLogMsg -> Handle -> IO ()
250 outputThread verbosity chan log_handle = go ""
251 where
252 go prev_hdr = do
253 v <- readChan chan
254 case v of
255 ServerLogEnd -> return ()
256 ServerLogMsg t msg -> do
257 let ls = lines msg
258 pre s c
259 | verbosity >= verbose
260 -- Didn't use printf as GHC 7.4
261 -- doesn't understand % 7s.
262 = replicate (7 - length s) ' ' ++ s ++ " " ++ c : " "
263 | otherwise = ""
264 hdr = case t of
265 AllServers -> ""
266 ServerMeta s -> pre s ' '
267 ServerIn s -> pre s '<'
268 ServerOut s -> pre s '>'
269 ServerErr s -> pre s '!'
270 ws = replicate (length hdr) ' '
271 mb_hdr l | hdr == prev_hdr = ws ++ l
272 | otherwise = hdr ++ l
273 ls' = case ls of
274 [] -> []
275 r:rs ->
276 mb_hdr r : map (ws ++) rs
277 logmsg = unlines ls'
278 hPutStr stderr logmsg
279 hPutStr log_handle logmsg
280 go hdr
282 -- Cribbed from tasty
283 type Time = Double
285 getTime :: IO Time
286 getTime = do
287 t <- Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic
288 let ns = realToFrac $ Clock.toNanoSecs t
289 return $ ns / 10 ^ (9 :: Int)